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Found out that my friend is a hooker


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Why? I can't concive of anyone getting an education and then running the chance of illness, violence, public exposure and humiliation, maybe even death. And I wouldn't like to hear anything about the glass ceiling and women not being able to succed. I've never known a motivated college woman who couldn't succed at overcoming any task laid before her, including becoming a success at work.

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I've never known a motivated college woman who couldn't succed at overcoming any task laid before her, including becoming a success at work.


I've never known a truly motivated person who couldn't succeed at acheiving their goals, regardless of their level of education. However, universities are packed full of stupid people, and full of unmotivated people.

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Ok....I have to agree there. I've met more than my fair share of Liberal Art majors who see themselves as the CEO's of major companies, never seeming to realize that philosophy and crocheting 101 won't get them there, Business Management and Advance Human Resources will.


But have you ever met a WELL-EDUCATED college person turn to hooking? By well-educated I mean an intelligent person with a real-world useable degree such as HR mangement or Info/Tech.

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But have you ever met a WELL-EDUCATED college person turn to hooking? By well-educated I mean an intelligent person with a real-world useable degree such as HR mangement or Info/Tech.



I know some very smart people who trained in HEALTH who worked as and now work with hookers its all just personal preference.


OP, you COULD talk to her about it, but "confrontation" isnt the right way to think about it. You could tell her you know, that you dont judge her and that if she is ever in trouble she can come to you. DONT mention her lying to you or anything, she is probably feeling guilty enough for that as it is.

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I know some very smart people who trained in HEALTH who worked as and now work with hookers its all just personal preference."



Thats horrifying to me. While taking care of someone using a health-care degree is laudable, taking such an education and throwing out the window is.....I'm sorry, I just don't have the words....I always have the words to describe my feelings, but this...


I had several good lady friends in college...I had hoped one could be more than a friend, but the timing was against us....everytime I view this thread, I imagine them forced into this life and I honestly feel sick to my stomach.


I'm one of those people whom others often call stoic or stone-faced. But underneath it all is a highly complex set of emotions. When I imagine my friends in such a position I honestly feel like crying.

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I know some very smart people who trained in HEALTH who worked as and now work with hookers its all just personal preference."



Thats horrifying to me. While taking care of someone using a health-care degree is laudable, taking such an education and throwing out the window is.....I'm sorry, I just don't have the words....I always have the words to describe my feelings, but this...


I had several good lady friends in college...I had hoped one could be more than a friend, but the timing was against us....everytime I view this thread, I imagine them forced into this life and I honestly feel sick to my stomach.


I'm one of those people whom others often call stoic or stone-faced. But underneath it all is a highly complex set of emotions. When I imagine my friends in such a position I honestly feel like crying.



But then, who are you to say that they are throwing their education out of the window?

Some people dont enjoy the rat race.


Would you say the same to someone who "threw in " a law degree to do somthing less corporate?

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I know what you are saying. But all it really boils down to is that everyone is different and as we all have our right to choose. As long as our choices dont hurt anyone else (although some ppl choose to be hurt out of self-importance, which doesnt count) then no one can tell you what to do.


Its wrong to judge people on things like this.

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Eva, I would die before I let one of my friends lead that life....I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry if that offends anyone's right to choose, but thats that plain and simple truth. When you have me for a friend, you don't really know what your getting till life is at its worst. For my lady friends, I cannot concive of much worse than that.


I can't say it any plainer than that. I would give them my bed, my food, any money they required...anything.

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^^ Fair enough, I am there for my friends as well. But what if they dont WANT your "help"... what if they dont feel like they are in trouble?


If they did feel they wanted "out", then kudos for you for being so giving, but if htey dont want your input, and you just force it on them, your not being a friend, your being a dictator.

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I think you should let her know and accept it or else just don't mention it.


Sure she is lying but I'm sure it isn't anything personal. Perhaps she thinks you wouldn't understand. Seems she is right.


Personally it wouldn't disgust me. How does working as a prostitute make her less of a person or change your friendship?

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You are being VERY unfair to your friend.


First of all, if prostitution in your area is so legal that income is taxable, then society has decided to allow it -- even if its because its easier to allow than prevent. She has a job, plain and simple.


Second, The money is GOOD, bar none.


Finally, this is the first time I have EVER said this, but if the situation was reversed (if it was a male friend, and he was a gigolo) we'd probably be telling him how awesome that is.


Depending on what she charges, she could probably only work a few nights a week, and make way more money than answering phones for $8.50/hour.

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Finally, this is the first time I have EVER said this, but if the situation was reversed (if it was a male friend, and he was a gigolo) we'd probably be telling him how awesome that is.


Are you sure? Male prostitutes are hardly praised where I come from.

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i dont think your friend is doing this becuase its the hottest new trend, there must be a really good reason for doing something so shallow. Its not like she lied to you, she just probably knows the type of person you are, she knew that you may disown her as a friend and a person. We have no right to judge people and honestly i dont think that its right what she's doing either but she could be in more trouble than anything else, try talking about it without acting disgusted.

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"and a small percentage do it for the money, because they are too lazy to get the training etc. for a good job..."


Too lazy? She is still making a living and providing a service. I have more respect for a prostitute then I do for my co-worker who quite her job and went on welfare so taxpayers could support her.

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"and a small percentage do it for the money, because they are too lazy to get the training etc. for a good job..."


Too lazy? She is still making a living and providing a service. I have more respect for a prostitute then I do for my co-worker who quite her job and went on welfare so taxpayers could support her.


WELL said!!

lazy isnt really what its about, some people never get the CHANCE to get training to get into a profession.


It would definitely be harder than being a waitress... but no one calls waitresses lazy, do they?

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WELL said!!

lazy isnt really what its about, some people never get the CHANCE to get training to get into a profession.


It would definitely be harder than being a waitress... but no one calls waitresses lazy, do they?


Pretty much, being a prostitute is NOT an easy job. These women put themselves at risk everyday.

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