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Does semen ever hurt your vagina?


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So this is what happened tonight. For the first time ever, I ejaculated inside of my girlfriend. We've both had a lot of sex before but this is the first time we were having unprotected sex. We were both tested six months after our last sexual relationships so we're fine. I'm getting off topic.


After I came inside her she felt an intense stinging and tingling sensation inside her vagina. It really bothered her so we had to stop having sex. It went away after half an hour but she really didn't feel like having sex again tonight. We each like to reach orgasm twice during a session so I was ready to go.


This is kind of scaring us. There could be a couple things going on here.


1. It could be a bacterial or yeast infection, but her vagina shows no signs of redness, swelling, or burning. It went away after half an hour.


2. We had a pretty intense 69 session beforehand so maybe something in our saliva set her off. We both brushed our teeth before having sex so maybe we got toothpaste on each other. I don't really see how that can happen.


3. We didn't use lube. We always use lube but we were in such a hurry and we thought we had enough from our saliva. Next time we have sex we'll use a lot of lube.


4. There is a remote possibility that she could be allergic to my semen, which is almost rediculous.


Has this ever happened to anyone else and if it did, what did you do about it?


And we're not giving up. We'll try again on Sunday and see what happens.

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I hope you are using another method of birth control and are prepared in case it does fail? Make sure she also goes for regular paps due to risks HPV, which would not be detectable in you, but can still be passed on to her and cause cervical cancer & dysplasia.


Some women are allergic to semen actually, so it is possible. IF she has never had ejaculate inside her it may be a first time reaction, and it may disappear, or it may be something she is just allergic to and has to accommodate for; you will know if it occurs again, etc.


Not using lube will be a factor too, saliva is not long lasting or lubricative enough. It dries up quickly so she may have been chafed and torn a bit, and when you ejaulated that would of burned those chafed/sore areas.


It is not likely a yeast infection if it JUST showed up suddenly and went away; never know but if it bothers her again she should go to doctor.


Try lube, if it happens again, she should see a doctor. If she is allergic, you may have to take measures to not cum inside her and use condoms and so on as you can cause infections if her reactions are bad enough. Plus it would be unpleasant to feel that burning/pain everytime you had sex!

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The SAME exact thing happened to my girlfriend when we first had unprotected sex. Lube is super important, and this will occationally happen to us anytime we don't use enough lube, or sometimes when we haven't had sex in awhile.

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My partner and I have unprotected sex and we dont need lube at all... all the lube in the world wont help if she isnt turned on...


do you know if she is allergic to any foods you may eat? garlic or anything?


That is really interesting. She always tells me when she's ready so we never jump the gun about it. We always give each other enough oral to get each other turned on. Her vagina is kind of small so she has to use the smallest size diaphragm. We ate the same dinner before we had sex, so I don't think it's an allergy but we'll try again and see what happens.

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It sounds like she may have gotten a small cut up inside her vagina. If you've ever got cum in a cut on your finger or in your eye (don't ask ), it REALLY stings! I would assume it would be the same anywhere. I'd still go to the doctor if it keeps happening though!

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It sounds like she may have gotten a small cut up inside her vagina. If you've ever got cum in a cut on your finger or in your eye (don't ask ), it REALLY stings!!


LOL, No kidding... in some cases your eye swells shut!!

But yeah, that makes sense, if she had some grazing or somthing?

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