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I'm sick again

muffin cakes

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Poor you! My sister had sickness for nearly her whole pregnancy as well. Though it can be a sign of a very healthy baby - it has been for a lot of people I know - my mum was very ill with me my brother and sister - the one pregnancy she wasn't ill with miscarried. Same with my brother-in-law's sister (sister in law in law?) She's had two miscarriages and one successful pregnancy, she wasn't ill with the miscarriages and very ill with her little boy! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! Is this your first?

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Sorry you are so sick Hun, IWas sick terribly throughout my entire pregnancy and was hospitilized for it 4 times. As PP said being sick during your pregnancy is actually a good thing as miserable as it may be it more often than not means you have a very healthy baby as the result of high level of the HcG Hormone.

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I am still completley dependant on my anit-nauseants to prevent me from vomitting. If I forget to take one before bed, I am GUARENTEED to wake up hailing the porcelin throne.


Don't want to discourage you! I'm just empathizing, I feel your pain sista!

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