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No fights are scaring me


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Ok, so my boyfriend and I have been together for about 6 months or so, and it has been wonderful. We get along great, agree about everything, have a good time, all that gushy stuff. Its been the best 6 months of my life, I love the kid.

Here's the problem: We NEVER fight, not even a little. It freaks me out just cuz I have never had a relationship like this where everything is so perfect, and I am scared it is too good to be true. I think I am just looking for reassurance that I am just being paranoid about the whole thing, but would not having a fight (or barely any disagreement for that matter ) cause concern for anyone? The thing that scares me the most is when we do have our first fight, is it going to be really bad? Or am I just looking too deep into this? Help Please!!!

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My b/f and I have also never really had a fight. We've been together for 9.5 months. Though I've had some "issues" with some of his habits (IE: always late, crazy ex...) we've never had an actual argument.


At first I was sceptical like you, but I soon realized that maybe we're some of the lucky people, who don't have to argue to make it work. We talk about things, and how we feel. We don't keep things bottled in. We respect each other.


When I'm with my girlfriends and they're nagging about their men, I just sit back and listen, I don't have anything to add.


I know there will come a time when we do fight, but I'm definitely not scared of it.


Just enjoy your relationship.

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Are there things you think he should be fighting about? I don't really get why you think it's a bad thing you never fight! Me and my gf have been together just over 6 months and we haven't fought either...


Maybe he's a totally reasonable person and you've learned (from your previous relationships) how to solve things without fighting...

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I purposely triggered a fight a month into my relationship to see how we could handle it. It was a test, albiet a cruel one, but we passed with flying colors. We intentionally do things to piss each other off to test the relationship. If you two are good with resolving conflict, then your first fight will strengthen the relationship. Look forward to it.

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good grief.. looks like you are looking for the negative side to things.

"when is the downhill going to start?"


My advice is to bring this up as a conversation and then have a 'mock' up fight just for the laugh of it. Reason?? so you can say you fought and you can move on with things. Just to add, you can then have good afterfight sex.

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