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porn: a question for men


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How much porn do you download, men? I'm mostly curious about videos. If, for example, you had a program such as Bit Torrent with a fast broadband connection, would you be downloading porn regularly (as in, downloading 7-10 different files at any given time, constantly)? How much porn do you have on your computer, in megabytes/gigabytes, roughly?


I'm just trying to get a feel for what is "normal", although I know this would vary widely. Also, does anyone think having a huge collection of porn (say, a gig or two) is indicative of porn addiction?

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i dont download any porn at all...there are a lot of sites that have pictures and short videos. i dont know how old you are but i'm lucky that i'm young enough to not have to have the 45 minute constant porno video. but i'd say i look it up quite regularly, i just dont actually download anything to my computer.

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Personally, when I was in college and using Bit Torrent and others, I used it primarily for music. I can say though that once I realized it had porn, I occasionally d/l'ed somethin. I currently (and that is remnants of my college days) have less than a gig of porn on my computer....WAY less. Probably less than 250 MB to be honest.


I would say that a gig or two of porn is quite a bit. But it would depend more on how long it took him to acquire that much. If he has had the computer for years and just has forgotten some stuff it would be one thing. But a couple gigs of porn, 7-10 d/l's at a time...hmmm, that is starting to at least sound a bit obsessive.


What is the situation/reason you ask?

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I have over a gig of porn... aquired when my ex and I used to use it a lot...

I wouldnt say its heaps, a lot of it isnt my thing and I never watch it.... although the stuff I DO like I watch a lot.


the novelty wears off a bit after a while... and people go through phases, he MAY spend a lot of time downloading things, but then get bored and not download anything for months... once he has enough to satisfy what he might feel like at different times...

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I personally don't like porn, but I know my friends can have anywhere from one to twenty gigs on their drive at once. I have dual hundred gigabyte drives on my computer so sometimes I get stuff for them because I have fast internet. I probably have about twenty gigs on my drive. It's pretty gross and I'm probably too nice to my friends but as long as it's not illegal or anything I'll do it for them.


And no, I don't think that quantity is any indication of addiction. It's all how you use it.

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Gee, I dont download porn. I may just glance at a few porn sites and view a few minutes of softcore porn - a few minutes mind you, or I'd get too excited and want to view until release. I still consider it a 'taboo' activity that I have to hide from my parent's view and am still enticed to view it because of the privacy involved with feelings of expressing my own sexuality. The use if porn is under very, very strict control - but for the record, I see it as something that doesn't belong in my life and antithetical to spritual growth.

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I have less than 10 gigs. Given a min of 160 gig HD space, that isn't much. I don't have any videos over about 10-20 minutes in length and many of them are under 5 minutes.


If you know where to look, you can download a pretty massive number of videos in a short timeframe. I wouldn't doubt it if I could download at least 50 videos in an hour just casually browsing....I'd end up keeping maybe 10-20 % of them long term.


I haven't looked at videos regularly for the last month or more. Nothing addictive about it for me personally.

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A conservative estimate for me would be 80gb.


As far as downloading capability with a program such as bit torrent and a fast connection I would have as much as I wanted. When you get into porn you start finding series you like, girls you like, or production companies you like and then it just expands from there. Mainly I would say I pick my titles by girl, then by series. I would say that I have a diverse collection.

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About 19 GB i think? This is over a long time though. I rarely watch some it. I don't believe in porn addiction unless you like don't go out because you want to watch porn, then it's addiction lol. Mine is basically just to do the deed. I don't watch for the fun of it. I DO however watch cheesy Cinemax soft core stuff once in a while to laugh at the bad acting.


You have to be inspector closeau to find it on my computer LOL. I'm sure my g/f has tried to but she'll never find it.

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Thank you for all of the replies, gents. I'm comforted, and I think the point a lot of you made, that it's not how much you have but how often you watch it, is a good one. And, as I suspected, there's a huge range, but it seems those in the "computer native" generation have generous amounts. I suppose having a computer with 100+GB means you can store lots and then have whatever you're in the mood for when you're in the mood.


I ask because I don't understand the obsession. I've got a fairly "non-sexual" guy who openly admits to masturbating maybe once a week, probably less, and yet he's got a huge, constantly expanding porn collection. For me, as a girl who looks at some porn, I don't understand why one would collect a huge catalogue - what I have, which is quite a small, stable collection, does me just fine.


But it's obviously a general male/female difference, and having external references (I've never known the downloading habits/size of previous partners' collections) helps me see what's normal and reasonable.

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I have had 30 or 40 gigs once.. now im at about 10.. I watch it often every second day.. My GF and I are close almost every day but still I watch it.. And sometimes I even prefer it over my GF.. not often but I have been holding back till she left, a few times so I could get off at porn heh.. I may be an addict but I could easily stop watcing it, just dont see any reason why.. I enjoy it and I dont see it any reason to stop. And I think my GF can survive those few times I have held back

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For me, as a girl who looks at some porn, I don't understand why one would collect a huge catalogue - what I have, which is quite a small, stable collection, does me just fine.


Some people are just collectors, they have the hard drive space to spare and it is something that they like. The size of the collection does not determine how active the persons masturbatory life is, it is more a sample of the kind of porn that they like.

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Cuz it's mine. But I wouldn't want anyone finding it either.


Just like you don't put your vibrator out in front of everyone either. It's usually hidden in some drawer.


its not like my porn is on my desktop, but its not hidden

and my vibrator is next to my bed, actually from the other night (with my bf and I)


if she WANTS to see it, I dont know why you are ashamed of it.


If you have fetish porn, dont you think your gf has a right to know? She might even be into it!

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its not like my porn is on my desktop, but its not hidden

and my vibrator is next to my bed, actually from the other night (with my bf and I)


if she WANTS to see it, I dont know why you are ashamed of it.


If you have fetish porn, dont you think your gf has a right to know? She might even be into it!


Who said I am?


I guess people don't read what i wrote where I said I don't want anyone finding it. My g/f knows I have it.

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