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Girls, do you like it when a guy approaches you?


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If it's someone I'm interested,then I like it. If it's not someone I'm interested, then I feel bad about brushing him off. But I never think any less of the guy, or think that I'm better than him, or laugh at him, or any of that other stuff alot of guys are afraid of. At the very worst, I'll just think that he's a cool guy with the guts to approach a stranger and I'll respect that.

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I think you are asking a fairly obvious question. The most you approach girls the easier it is going to be to do in the future. You need to get over this fear, just be nice, introduce yourself and have a quick conversation with her. It is not rocket science so do not make it harder than it is.

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I think you are asking a fairly obvious question. The most you approach girls the easier it is going to be to do in the future. You need to get over this fear, just be nice, introduce yourself and have a quick conversation with her. It is not rocket science so do not make it harder than it is.


I totally agree with you.

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No definite answer to that question, I'm afraid. Everybody always says that all people are different, and that's true here as well. Some women will be thrilled to be approached by a guy and spend the entire conversation going "Are you SURE you want to be talking to me?" Some women will think he's lower than pond scum for having the nerve to approach their royal highnesses and think that even though he's friendly, he's only after a one-night stand. Some will think that's it's how things should be because "the guy should initiate everything." Some women will be cold. Some will be friendly, some mean... And so on.


You have nothing to lose by approaching a girl that you're interested in...If you wait for her to approach you, that coversation that you're hoping for may never happen.

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I'm too ugly and don't have the confidence anyway. What the heck was I thinking...


Yeah, don't think that way about yourself!! I'm sure you're not ugly and I'll bet you're a real sweetheart too. Personally, I like to be approached by guys, but not in a creepy, sleazy kind of way. Give it a try the next time you see a girl who catches your fancy, but be a gentleman about it. And don't be offended if she says no. It's probably nothing personal. I've said no to a couple of perfectly decent, respectable, very sweet guys, and it was only because of my personal life at the time, nothing at all to do with them. If it had been six months earlier or six months later I might've said yes. So don't take it personally if a woman says no. She may respect you for having the courage to approach her, I know I wouldn't be able to approach a guy!

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Yeah, don't think that way about yourself!! I'm sure you're not ugly and I'll bet you're a real sweetheart too. Personally, I like to be approached by guys, but not in a creepy, sleazy kind of way. Give it a try the next time you see a girl who catches your fancy, but be a gentleman about it. And don't be offended if she says no. It's probably nothing personal. I've said no to a couple of perfectly decent, respectable, very sweet guys, and it was only because of my personal life at the time, nothing at all to do with them. If it had been six months earlier or six months later I might've said yes. So don't take it personally if a woman says no. She may respect you for having the courage to approach her, I know I wouldn't be able to approach a guy!


What about nervous guys?


I sent a kiss on Lavalife to someone, and no reply so far. I don't mention anything about being shy or whatever in my profile.


I used the same pic that I have on here as my profile.

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With online dating, you probably have to send out a lot of kisses/winks to get responses. She could be busy with someone else already, she could not be online lately, she might not be interested. Don't just send one out and hope, send out plenty to those you are interested in. Don't put all your winks in one basket!


(PS - I'm a woman, and I must have sent out hundreds of winks and only got about a half-dozen responses)

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erm that's the problem... all the decent (average - good looking) educated girls get taken right away.


I take offense to that. I'm good looking and educated and didn't get my first boyfriend until I was 24.


Of course, I'm quite neurotic. But still...

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He was probably talking about where he lives. 'All the girls who are average looking and educated are taken in his area.' I can certainly understand where he's coming from on that one.


Unless of course, you both live in the same area, that being said, I apologize for being overly presumptuous.

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Heh, I thought the same thing hazey... I was dating online too and only ever had two boyfriends (current guy is number 2!)


Anyways, a bit of shyness/nervousness is attractive. What isn't is putting yourself down! Try watch what you're saying there, because when you tell yourself that you're no good, you believe it and the people who hear it believe it too. Tell yourself that you're good, and you'll believe it and carry yourself with far more confidence.


Confidence is very attractive. I've gotten far more admiring looks these days even though I am on the heavy side now. But the difference is that I am confident, and walk like it, instead of being slim, hunched over and sad.

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I agree with applepie! I sometimes get the same guy approaching me aa few times that gets creepy. But yes i do like guys approaching if i'm interested that is. Maybe check out the signs first before approaching the ladies ;-)


Good luck and i hope you get what you want x

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