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Question for Men: Women's Breasts during Sex


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I know what you mean by "bananas" I dont know if I would dislike that... but each to their own


It's not about size with me, it's about shape. I've seen a few in this shape and it's never turned me on.


I guess it's the same for me if the area lower has hair on it (a lot of hair is totally NOT for me).

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My boyfriend is a big fan of small breasts. I know that many men are. I think it has to do with the guy's individual tastes - if he's really a "breast man", then it might be difficult for him to be attracted to a flat-chested, otherwise gorgeous girl. If he's a fan of small breasts or some other body part(s), I wouldn't think it would be a problem at all.


I know that breasts are one of the main turn-ons for men about a woman's body. So I'm wondering, would men have trouble being turned on during sex if a woman is very flat-chested (like if she has A-cup size breasts or even smaller)? How important are (women's) breasts for men during sex?


Would it make a difference if she has a very pretty face and is generally very attractive, or if you're in love with her personality?


Would the man's age and/or experience make a difference?


I hope this question isn't too confusing.

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I have D boobs and I think they get in the way, even laying back they're too up front. I'd rather be closer to my guy than squashing the girls.


Yep, I know several women who have had reductions, and many more who would like them. I sympathize with them because it just can't be easy when they're quite large. Contrary to the male popular opinion, they're not just there for us to admire! Even A cup ladies have no apparent issue breast feeding as my partner can atest to.

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they're not just there for us to admire!


Well, I beg to differ. If you look at every other species of primate, none of the females have breasts that remain enlarged when they not pregnant or nursing. Few other animals maintain any breast size when not pregnant or nursing. Except for cows, which might have developed udders with domestication, and human women, I can think of no other animal that keeps a breast of any size when neither pregnant or nursing. So that being the case, why did human women develop breasts that remain larger than every other similar species? Simple, because they attracted men. So, they are there for men to admire and to attract men.


Men, don't be attracted to only them.

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Yep, I know several women who have had reductions, and many more who would like them. I sympathize with them because it just can't be easy when they're quite large. Contrary to the male popular opinion, they're not just there for us to admire! Even A cup ladies have no apparent issue breast feeding as my partner can atest to.


A redux wouldn't be bad, I wouldn't have to wear sports bras that feel like corsets (corsets are for fun time not yoga).

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I know that breasts are one of the main turn-ons for men about a woman's body. So I'm wondering, would men have trouble being turned on during sex if a woman is very flat-chested (like if she has A-cup size breasts or even smaller)? How important are (women's) breasts for men during sex?


Would it make a difference if she has a very pretty face and is generally very attractive, or if you're in love with her personality?


Would the man's age and/or experience make a difference?


I hope this question isn't too confusing.


Like previous posters have said, what men desire differs greatly from man to man. For some, the bigger the breasts the better, then there are those for whom it is all about proportion and shape, while for others the smaller or flatter the breasts are the more attractive they find them. So really it doesn't matter what size they are, as long as you are happy, because there are always some men who will be sexually attracted to them whether they are huge, or medium, or right the way down to completely flat-chested.


Of course having a pretty face and being generally attractive will increase a woman's desirability on a purely physical level.


Once a man gets to know a woman, then her personality will either increase or decrease the physical desires he might have for her. Though in my experience this has a far more pronounced effect when working negatively, rather than positively. That is, if I am at first physically attracted to a woman, but on getting to know her I find she has a personality I just can't click with, then that can be a total turn off and kill it. Where as if I really don't fancy someone at all in the first place, then however well we eventually get on, the relationship will only ever remain that of friends and will not develop sexually.


I don't think age has anything to do with it. My physical desires have remained constant throughout my adult life. I have always been turned on by flat-chestedness, (for me the flatter the better), and guys I know who love medium or huge breasts don't change their views either. Whatever desires a man has are his for life and I don't think he is suddenly going to radically change his sexuality.

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I don't think age has anything to do with it. My physical desires have remained constant throughout my adult life. I have always been turned on by flat-chestedness, (for me the flatter the better), and guys I know who love medium or huge breasts don't change their views either. Whatever desires a man has are his for life and I don't think he is suddenly going to radically change his sexuality.


Ah, where can I find more guys like you? Would you admit, though, that with your taste for very flat-chested women you belong to a very small minority?


And I also wonder whether it is possible to tell what type of women a guy prefers just judging from the kind of person he is. Like, for instance, would athletic men tend to prefer a certain feminine body type, and intellectual men prefer another type? Of course, I already know without anyone telling me that the answer can never be as clear-cut as that. But I do wonder if there is a very slight trend or pattern.


I generally feel quite secure about my appearance. I've always been told how pretty I am, and I've actually learned to look on the bright side of being flat-chested (I don't get any back pains, for one, LOL). I will never consider increasing my breast size through surgery, for instance. But a part of me is always wondering how the man I'm with would react as soon as I take off my clothes. (I confess that I wear slightly padded bras, not for any insecure reasons, but only to fill out my clothes better.)


I know, I know -- if he loves me then it shouldn't matter. People tell me that. But I don't know if I can believe it. It's possible to love someone without being sexually attracted to her -- isn't it?

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For me I know that breast size isn't all that important unless the girl is so flat that I can't even grab anything. For me anything more than a handful is too much whereas if I have nothing to cup it turns me off a bit. Still it depends on the girl because I care more about who she is than what she looks like. The only absolute for me is that the girl not be grossly large as that's my preference for attraction, especially when it comes to sex. Other than that, the size of a girls breasts isn't all that important to me.

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Ah, where can I find more guys like you? Would you admit, though, that with your taste for very flat-chested women you belong to a very small minority?

There is no one just like me, lol. Actually, I can't claim to be unique reagarding this matter, but flatsy-lovers are indeed a small minority. But then who wants to be part of the herd anyway?


And I also wonder whether it is possible to tell what type of women a guy prefers just judging from the kind of person he is. Like, for instance, would athletic men tend to prefer a certain feminine body type, and intellectual men prefer another type? Of course, I already know without anyone telling me that the answer can never be as clear-cut as that. But I do wonder if there is a very slight trend or pattern.

My guess would be that there is absolutely no connection between, or pattern to sexual desire and personality types.


I generally feel quite secure about my appearance. I've always been told how pretty I am, and I've actually learned to look on the bright side of being flat-chested (I don't get any back pains, for one, LOL)..

That's good, a vital ingredient of attractiveness is having self confidence.


I will never consider increasing my breast size through surgery, for instance. But a part of me is always wondering how the man I'm with would react as soon as I take off my clothes. (I confess that I wear slightly padded bras, not for any insecure reasons, but only to fill out my clothes better.)


I know, I know -- if he loves me then it shouldn't matter. People tell me that. But I don't know if I can believe it. It's possible to love someone without being sexually attracted to her -- isn't it?

Firstly, by wearing padded bras you are not exhibiting your true self, but a form you seem to believe others would prefer. It might be better to say this is actually how I am, who finds my true self attractive?


And secondly, by doing that you are likely/certain to attract men who are sexually turned on by flat-chestedness, which would negate your question about whether someone could love you without being sexually attracted to you. The answer to that is a big NO, (unless they are your parents or a close girlfriend). A man/woman relationship needs to be based securely on sexual desire if all the other emotional factors are not just to crumble into dust. My advice would be to reject any man who is at all concerned about your flat-chested physique and look for a flatsy-lover who is going to be driven absolutely wild with desire by it!!!

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This is a little depressing for me because I am top heavy and I have been reading more often that my breast size is a turn off to a lot of guys...seriously, TiredMan, how can you expect that large breasts can be truly perky? If they're natural?


I wonder if I would be perceived as GROTESQUE to some guys? I've lived with these hooters for years and you just can't know what a burden they are. When I tell other women my problems about clothes fitting properly, vigorous sports activities being out of the question, guys looking at my funbags and not my face, etc, I often get..."Oh, you're so lucky! People pay good money to have their breasts enlarged to your size". It's really not that cool to not have seen your feet for years, as well as all the other probs.


I'm just sayin'.

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This is a little depressing for me because I am top heavy and I have been reading more often that my breast size is a turn off to a lot of guys...seriously, TiredMan, how can you expect that large breasts can be truly perky? If they're natural?


I wonder if I would be perceived as GROTESQUE to some guys? I've lived with these hooters for years and you just can't know what a burden they are. When I tell other women my problems about clothes fitting properly, vigorous sports activities being out of the question, guys looking at my funbags and not my face, etc, I often get..."Oh, you're so lucky! People pay good money to have their breasts enlarged to your size". It's really not that cool to not have seen your feet for years, as well as all the other probs.


I'm just sayin'.

I don't understand the women that buy the water balloons or let someone talk them into getting them. Its just laughable to me.

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I don't understand the women that buy the water balloons or let someone talk them into getting them. Its just laughable to me.


I think it is to many 25 year olds. After a couple of kids and cruising through the mid 30s you can begin to understand it more.


I have friends who want/have them them, so they can fill out their clothes rather than for a sexual function.

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I think it is to many 25 year olds. After a couple of kids and cruising through the mid 30s you can begin to understand it more.


I have friends who want/have them them, so they can fill out their clothes rather than for a sexual function.

But as you get older the risk of breast cancer is greater and implants make it much much harder to read mammograms. The complications of the surgery are pretty nasty too, I frankly don't want to worry if my nipples will ever regain feeling or if I'll get an infection that eats a hole in my chest.

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But as you get older the risk of breast cancer is greater and implants make it much much harder to read mammograms. The complications of the surgery are pretty nasty too, I frankly don't want to worry if my nipples will ever regain feeling or if I'll get an infection that eats a hole in my chest.


Sure. All surgery comes with risks and anything elective could be a risk not taken. But I can understand why many women want the surgery.

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I've know a few women that get them totally removed for mastectomies and want no reconstruction. One in particular is a seamstress, so clothing is easy to come by, but she is very happy not to have them.

They really do effect movement and the balance. Mine are in the way and with age I can only see them being more so.

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This is a little depressing for me because I am top heavy and I have been reading more often that my breast size is a turn off to a lot of guys...seriously, TiredMan, how can you expect that large breasts can be truly perky? If they're natural?


I wonder if I would be perceived as GROTESQUE to some guys? I've lived with these hooters for years and you just can't know what a burden they are. When I tell other women my problems about clothes fitting properly, vigorous sports activities being out of the question, guys looking at my funbags and not my face, etc, I often get..."Oh, you're so lucky! People pay good money to have their breasts enlarged to your size". It's really not that cool to not have seen your feet for years, as well as all the other probs.


I'm just sayin'.


Some people are into really large. Some into small. Some don't care. Some are like me and into only perky. It's all about what you like. I have been with a few who were very large on top. And you are right, they weren't perky so while I didn't leave because of it, it wasnt as much my "thing" as usual.

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I consider myself to be somewhat overly comfortable with sex, and my body....except of course when dealing with my self-perceived large breasts during sex.


To be candid, I've always been a bit insecure about them, especially when in motion, i.e. while running, during intercourse.


The fact that men find it arousing when they are flopping about, truly and sincerely, boggles my mind.

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I consider myself to be somewhat overly comfortable with sex, and my body....except of course when dealing with my self-perceived large breasts during sex.


To be candid, I've always been a bit insecure about them, especially when in motion, i.e. while running, during intercourse.


The fact that men find it arousing when they are flopping about, truly and sincerely, boggles my mind.


Could be worse though.


I can imagine running with boobs must be tough (hence sports bras). But I don't know how much worse it can be than being active as a guy with the stuff down there flopping around. The worst for me is sitting on those spinning bicycle seats. OMG they kill the twins down there. I have to usually sit on a folded towel but even that hurts.

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Could be worse though.


I can imagine running with boobs must be tough (hence sports bras). But I don't know how much worse it can be than being active as a guy with the stuff down there flopping around. The worst for me is sitting on those spinning bicycle seats. OMG they kill the twins down there. I have to usually sit on a folded towel but even that hurts.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I think that it is pretty safe to assume that my breasts are a lot larger than your, um, testicles.

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Perhaps I am wrong, but I think that it is pretty safe to assume that my breasts are a lot larger than your, um, testicles.


Never said they weren't. But are they as senstive? I'm pretty positive that they aren't lol. A simple flick to the testes and many guys are on the floor gasping for air.

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The fact that men find it arousing when they are flopping about, truly and sincerely, boggles my mind.


Well if you think about it men are into movement, no matter what body part a guy is into movement is often associated with it. Im sure that it is different for each man it is the little things such as "movement" that we enjoy. It is nothing complicated but if you want to think about it in scientific terms then any kind of movement is fascinating to us because it is physics, plain and simple.

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Well if you think about it men are into movement, no matter what body part a guy is into movement is often associated with it. Im sure that it is different for each man it is the little things such as "movement" that we enjoy. It is nothing complicated but if you want to think about it in scientific terms then any kind of movement is fascinating to us because it is physics, plain and simple.

Very interesting. A couple of months ago, my SO pointed out to me, that when I walk, my breasts tend to (er... this is awful) "jiggle" with the cadence of my step. I didn't believe him until he had me walk in front of a mirror, and with my own eyes I saw what he, (and very most likely, other guys) observe when I walk, that is to say........


*my relatively large breasts in motion*


Though I myself found it embarrassing and disturbing, he tried to convince me that that was what made larger breasts so appealing, as well as eye-catching to men, "the physics" of them in motion.


Go figure.

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