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Well I found out today that my ex has met a new guy and is seeing him.


It only took her 3 weeks to meet this guy after our Break-up of a seven year relationship.


Isnt this a little soon.


He does know about me and her situation (He was there when I talked to her on the phone and she said we just were not workin and that our relationship is over)





SO......NC and than LATER?



Advice please?


Is this just a rebound?

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Yes no contact.


She said it - "we just were not workin and that our relationship is over"


She did not say to what extent this new guy is working.


Looking back did she have problems with the relationship she communicated and the two of you were not able to work out? Or did she seem to just change all at once?


3 weeks would be quite soon if she were to find a serious partner. I mean I am sure it happens all the time - seems a bit unlikely to me, 'though.


If she was dating this guy before you broke up - then you are lucky to not be with her.


I am just guessing here - think it possible that she got out of your relationship just because she was curious about not being so serious - now she is dating people that may not be the serious and committed type as you are?


If so, there is definitely nothing you could have done about that.

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Oh ugh, something similar happened to me. Don't worry - you'll get through this, I promise. I sure did. As for her - well, hello, REBOUND?


In retrospect, my ex dating someone so soon after we broke up was a blessing. It allowed me to sever my connection with him way sooner than had he not dated anybody. I KNOW how awful it feels - I'm not diminishing that. I have the gift of hindsight, though.


I'm so, so so sorry you're going through this. It's like a knife in the gut. It's totally disorienting! Please PM me if you want to talk about it. As I said, I went through it. It hurt almost as bad as when we broke up. But I'm here, intact, several months later.


I think it's best NOT to dwell on what your ex may be thinking. Just think of her with him. When you're wondering what she's up to, just assume they're together. This will cure you of any urge to get back together with her! It's painful, but it's medicine.

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No no....she ended it before xmas in person.


Today I was talking to her about some things...and called her on a she told to my face.


Thats when she started to say the Its over.....and told me her new guy was sittin right beside her so she has to go.

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