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vaginal discharge is it serious?


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hi friends... this is kind of awkward bacause i feel really uncomfortable thinking abt it so writing would be difficult.... anyways from past couple of days i m facing this problem of a whitesh creamish discharge from my vagina and it leaves a stain on my panty and i feel very uncomfortable so i change my panty atleast 3 times a day the discharge is now very heavy its little only but the thing is... the next morning my panty begins to stink!!!!! i m really worried as to wht this might me does anyone have an idea as to why this is happening and wht to do abt it????? i m 23 yrs old... havent had sex from a long time too...

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Well, it could be a number of things...

I get discharge every now and then when Im 100% healthy..

It could also be a yeast infection... this is gross and graphic, but what does it smell like? Does it smell like bread? Do you itch at all? Does it burn to pee?

Definitely go to the doctor though just to be sure it's nothing more serious

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Me being male, I know nothing about stuff like this from experience (obviously), but all I can tell you, is go to a gyno to get it checked out ASAP. Better safe than sorry. There's nothing to be embarrassed about; you'll realize this more than ever if you've caught something potentially serious before it becomes too late. You'll be glad you got it over with.


And by the way, any mature adult will not laugh or be disgusted by what you just said! So please, do not worry about what others might think when you talk to them about it. I wasn't disgusted at all, but actually worried for you, if it's something not good for you.

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all women have discharge of some sort, its to clean you out

if its white, and dries white or pale yellow, its ok

if it smells (a sort of infection smell, like how earrings smell if they are dirty) then its not ok. if it smells after the end of a long day, I wouldnt worry about it, vaginal discharge is full of bacteria.


discharge can be affected by heat, humidity, stress, diet, toxins, stress, illness, medication etc etc...

go to the doctor, but dont freak out about it

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If you have never experienced this before, (i.e. this is abnormal for you ) then you should tell your doctor about this.


It could be a bacterial infection. If it was a yeast infection, you would be itchy and there would not be an odor.




Yeast infections can smell.

They dont always itch, either, sometimes they just make everything a bit... gooier... and they can make penetration uncomfortable.

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yes i was on antibiotics sometime back for some sinus problem... is it because of tht.. but tht was some time back... anyways will go see a doctor... thank u all of u... it makes me feel much better... will keep posting for further help....thanks so much!!!!!

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It depends on how long ago you were taking the antibiotics. Depending on which antibiotic you were on, and the dosage, etc... the half-life of it varies. If it's been a while, it's out of your system.

Regardless, you should see a doctor if it's something you haven't seen before.

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