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Best friend stole from me.


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I've found out that my friend has taken money from me. That my friend, who takes care of the bills, took an extra $100 from me for what he claimed as my share of the rent to pay his own bills. This guy is my best friend. ... My best friend.


I feel hurt and used.... and I'm feel so betrayed and I can't confront him about it because I found out by looking through is MSN chat history which is a violation of his privacy. I don't know what to do. I.. I feel so shut down.

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Do you give him a set amount each month for rent? If so, what did he do, take $100 from the set amount and use it to pay HIS bills, or did he ask you for an extra $100 this month?


I would ask him how he divvies up the rent money, like if you guys split half the rent and the rent is $1000/mo, then each of you should be paying $500.

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Ach. Sorry to hear that ...

Betrayal, esp from someone you trust, well ... blows, big time!


I am guessing you guys are roommates as well?


Did you suspect this was the case and check his MSN chat history?

In any event, I see there are two ways to address this (perhaps others can come up with other options?):


a) You forgive and forget BUT make certain that this does NOT happen again in the future by addressing common living costs together every month. When I lived with a roommate, I took care of the bills too and I handed my roommate an itemized list of common costs (like utilities and groceries, rent) so that there was NO gray area whatsoever.


b) You confront him but have to be prepared, perhaps, to lose a friend (and possibly, a roommate).


This must be difficult decision for you; sorry


Take care,


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