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Why do they want SSN for submitting a resume????


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Hey guys!!


I am doing job search right now, as I am trying to relocate to another town. But I had atleast 2 recruiters ask me for my SSN even for submitting my resume to prospective clients!!!! This is ridiculous!!! Before this, I have never had to give out my SSN until after an offer has been made or is in the making.

But apparently, they need the SSN as a way of tracking candidates!!!


I told these recruiters that I am not comfortable giving it out for something like submitting a resume!!! But wanted to check with u guys if u have faced similar situations..I can understand if they want it for running a background check when they offer the job, but for submitting resumes? Come on!! Its sad if I cant apply to these great jobs bcoz I want to play safe...

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I am not sure about the laws, but if they just need it for "tracking", then you can give them a random number, like 123456789. that should work for them. I know when I took classes at a college and I couldn't remember my number (I have a bad memory), they assigned me a random student ID number and then told me I could change it later.

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I'm running into that as well. Online applications usually accept the form without it, and on paper, you can write "Will supply " or somesuch phrase.

They only need it when you're hired.


I recently took a class in jobhunting, and this was considered the norm.

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