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women, what country are you from?


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I know a lot of ena'ers are from various places. Just for fun and with no scientific basis, I was wondering what you all thought might be some significant cultural differences between countries/cultures. For example, if you've been to America and are from the UK...are the men very different? You can also do subgroups within the US...for example, do mexican men have noticeable distinctions with their women that could be compared with american men?

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You're going to get some shocking stererotypes here and perhaps some mighty flames .


I am Australian and have been to a range of places in the UK and US as well as outside these regions.


I have tended to find that the differences are more related to socio-economic standards and city/regional living than anything else. So the guy I was dating in the capital city of Namibia who was high up the food chain still had much more in common with me than some people from Australia from remote regions and from different socio-economic groups.


All the regional differences in men I noted that could be brought back to countries will probably upset people if I state them here. I also found the women to have the same issues too...

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I'm from Australia too. I'm currently living overseas, but I don't think it's possible for me to talk about cultural differences without this turning nasty.


Gosh, what are these differences? I have a feeling that this thread is going to die if everyone is afraid to talk about things. Speculation is speculation and if anything is untrue/unfair, I think most of us are mature enough to point that out. Not to mention that we'd all be operating under the assumption that this isn't scientifically or factually based but rather experience/assumption based.

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Gosh, what are these differences? I have a feeling that this thread is going to die if everyone is afraid to talk about things. Speculation is speculation and if anything is untrue/unfair, I think most of us are mature enough to point that out. Not to mention that we'd all be operating under the assumption that this isn't scientifically or factually based but rather experience/assumption based.


Hey, blame the PC movement for that. Everything is so damned taboo that no one can say boo anymore without incurring someone's wrath. Kind of silly, if you ask me.

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Well I'm Canadian, but have lived in Japan, England, Israel, Japan and Australia.. have dated guys in each of those countries and of more nationalities... had things in common with all of them.. I can't really say "swiss guys are like this, French guys are like that.


i found in Japan.. it was almost like a trophy or that it was daring to be dating a whitey... in my situation...I never had a serious serious relationship there...


but I know Canadian lasses who have married Japanese guys...


sorry.. can't generalise about any one culture!

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Gosh, what are these differences? I have a feeling that this thread is going to die if everyone is afraid to talk about things. Speculation is speculation and if anything is untrue/unfair, I think most of us are mature enough to point that out. Not to mention that we'd all be operating under the assumption that this isn't scientifically or factually based but rather experience/assumption based.


Tell that to the moderators. I've been banned once. I don't want it to happen again.

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I'm Canadian.


Men? Okay, well, I tend to prefer dating men from cultures/families where there is not a history of patriarch. hehee. I know that is vague.


So, you prefer dating men from other planets, huh? (Culturally speaking, anyway.)

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So you come from the land down under?


I still haven't tried the world famous Australian national food "the Vegemite spread" yet.




Vegemite will make your cheeks rosey!


I eat it every single morning on toast for breakfast. Can't start the day without it.

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So you come from the land down under?


I still haven't tried the world famous Australian national food "the Vegemite spread" yet.


haha, yes the land down under.


I've never met anyone who wasn't brought up on vegemite that actually likes it. It's worth a try though. The world's richest known source of vitamin B!!

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Lover 1 - Midwestern my first loved to give good oral sex not so hot in bed sex painful

Lover 2 - Mexican The best sex I ever had

Lover 3 - Jewish The second best sex I ever had

Lover 4 - American From Texas - Worst Sex I ever had

Lover 5 - Mexican - Second worst sex I ever had

Lover 6 - Armenian/German - Good sex Kinky

Lover 7 - British - Biggest D I have ever seen in my life!

Lover 8 - British - Kind of boring in bed

Lover 9 - American Midwestern Ohio - Married him


Im Persian. Lived In america all my life. I don't think cultural background makes a difference It's all about sexual chemistry.

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Yeah, I hear you have to spread it really think, and add a base like margerine or butter to buffer it as it has a salty 'beef buellon (sp?)' type of taste. I could probably get my hands on Marmite (British imitation Vegimite, but more readily available), but Vegemite is a bit more tricky. Up here in Canada I hear only Loblaws may sell it, or I have to go to a specialty food store. Sounds like a hunt for a product that would take some special time to find.

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Yeah, I hear you have to spread it really think, and add a base like margerine or butter to buffer it as it has a salty 'beef buellon (sp?)' type of taste. I could probably get my hands on Marmite (British imitation Vegimite, but more readily available), but Vegemite is a bit more tricky. Up here in Canada I hear only Loblaws may sell it, or I have to go to a specialty food store. Sounds like a hunt for a product that would take some special time to find.


Ugh, Marmite=;


Honestly, most Aussies like it spread thick with butter/margarine but I think it would be far too strong for a first timer. You are better off having a small amount first. It's great on toast.

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You want me to give you some of my experiences? They are totally subjective and insanely general. They also implicitly relate more to social systems I think than the culture as a whole.


US: A culture of politeness. A bit of a lack of awareness from many people about anything not local, a bit unquestioning. (The Americans I know here are not like that at all, but then again, they chose to come here in the first place.) I found it interesting when in the US last year that many people I came into contact with could not understand a word I said and they just didn't know what to make of me.


UK: A weaker work ethic (compared to Australians), a strong pub culture with the associated bad behaviour. Good sense of humour. Sometimes a sense of superiority from the upper classes, but that may just be directed at Australians, who are still seen by some as convict colonials.


Australia: I struggle to stereotype my own country because I'm too close. I think we Australians can get a bit intellectually lazy sometimes, a bit too accepting of other people's standards. We are somewhat lacking in culture and trying to find our way, like a teenage country.


NZ: Much the same as Australia in general (not necessarily the above characterisation though) but more focussed on UK culture. This varied between places though. Much more accepting of the indigenous culture than we are in Australia, more open minded.


Africa: I was in Namibia, where the women there still expect men to pay for them under all circumstances. The men are men and the women are women. But otherwise they were the same as most people I meet anywhere. But it depends on race issues there more than anything.


These are my impressions of both men and women. I have been able to make friends and relate to great people from everywhere - always depends on the individual. But these are the broader cultural traits I think I noticed. These, for me, have outweighed any more general men/women issues. Note though that I have chosen mostly 1st World anglo places, so that would make sense.


Hope I did not offend anyone.


I think that travellers from any country are perhaps more likely to be boorish by the way, it's not limited to any one country. If they are young and having fun, they are perhaps more likely to let loose and act like they want because the usual cultural/parental influences are not there.

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So, you prefer dating men from other planets, huh? (Culturally speaking, anyway.)


Not really. Women rule the roost in my background, generally speaking. There are a lot of stereotypical jokes about it, too.


I've done some travelling, though not nearly as much as I'd like. But, really, there are so many types of Canadian men that who needs to go elsewhere for great men. So many different cultural upbringings right in my own backyard.

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That does it. I'm going out to buy the "Vegemite" spread, by next week, and will update this thread to explain how it tastes.


Then there is this fictinal product my childhood best friend made up when we were in grade school called "Roo Smoo" which is Kangaroo manure. I wonder if it's actually sold there.


I've read an article on the news recently in the Toronto Star that there is a drought in Austrialia right now, and they are thinking of changing from well-water and desalination processes to recycled sewagage (as it is done in most industrialised countries such as North America), but that change has kept up with lots or resistance.


When I think about Austrialia, the first thing that comes to mind is that song from "Men at Work" (where I first learned about 'Vegemite' through the lyrics), "Crocadile Dundee" movies with that accent, "No more Mr. Nice Guy" with Jackie Chan. Of course we all know about the Kangaroos, Sloths and Quala bears.


It's on the back of my mind to visit this far side of the world at some point in the future.

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Not really. Women rule the roost in my background, generally speaking. There are a lot of stereotypical jokes about it, too.


I've done some travelling, though not nearly as much as I'd like. But, really, there are so many types of Canadian men that who needs to go elsewhere for great men. So many different cultural upbringings right in my own backyard.


I see.


But no culture has been run by a matriarchy, my point.


Anyway, sounds a lot like my uncle and his wife. She runs the whole show, giving him an allowance, not letting him drive, bossing him around 24/7. I feel sorry for the poor old fool, but it's his own fault for letting her push him around like that.


As for me, I'd have to run the other way from any woman who tries to control me. (No offense, of course. Just a general statement about how I feel.)

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Ok... I have mine on toast with butter.


I wait for the toast to cool first because I don't like my butter melting... however some people like it melted. And then on goes the Vegemite. I nice layer. I don't like mine very thick... just like twice the thickness of the butter.


That with a nice cup of hot tea or glass of OJ... HEAVEN.


ps. Marmite is a cheap imitation. Totally disgusting and does Vegemite absolutely no justice.


Luke Skywalker- You should definitely visit. It's very beautiful. And it's really not like Crocodile Dundee. It's built up to just the right amount... Sydney (capital) is just the right size. Beaches absolutely everywhere. And very very safe. I wouldn't live anywhere else.

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