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help interpret his email message!


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hi thanks for anyone in advance that helps me out.


I got in a fight with my guy and well things didn't look so good. So I wrote him an e-mail and he replies with this


Just relax. Email is the best form of communication for now. No phone calls until then. I need some time to breathe.


do i have hope with this guy????? or should I just ignore him and move on.


I am confused and feeling desperate to call him or even email him like crazy since by birthday is coming up. what should I do people to stop this desperation?

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You didn't specify what the fight was about, but he obviously wants space. so give it to him. give him ALL the space he needs. Doesn't sound like you need to freak out, at all.


Go out and have fun with your girlfriends.

Don't call him. Don't write him another email, either. Don't contact him at all.

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Have you tried emailing him at all, perhaps to apologize for the fight? If he asks for space, it's best to let him have it, but he should also know that you feel bad for having gotten in the fight, and you'd really like to work things out with him.

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What your guy is trying to tell you is to calm down...he's a little upset with you right now and he just needs some time to calm down.... and he will give you a call when he's ready to talk.


you just have to relax... ( i know its hard) but do things you enjoy ..get your mind off it ...i dont think all hope is lost ..i think he's just angry.

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Make that 3.5 to 1 gfein . I am half with you here. I do think that more information would be helpful, it may be that an email that was brief and apologetic would help defuse things a little as long as it didn't try to force anything. Depends what has gone before.


Howver I do think that space is probably the priority for a little while anyway. When someone says they need space they probably mean it. Contacting them in that situation is a short term bandaid for one's own insecurity and it rarely reaps reward.


zissouaquaticgirl, the challenge here is to deal with the uncertainty and stick it out a little while in order to best get the outcome you're after. Forcing a confrontation (which is what a phonecall would be) would seem a recipe for disaster.

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hi thanks for anyone in advance that helps me out.


I got in a fight with my guy and well things didn't look so good. So I wrote him an e-mail and he replies with this


Just relax. Email is the best form of communication for now. No phone calls until then. I need some time to breathe.


do i have hope with this guy????? or should I just ignore him and move on.


I am confused and feeling desperate to call him or even email him like crazy since by birthday is coming up. what should I do people to stop this desperation?


It seems as if he doesn't want to talk on the phone because he doesn't want the conversation to become heated to where you start yelling at each other; yelling most of the time makes it hard to get your whole point accross. Email is more of a calm and controlled arena to discuss things, and to fully explain your points of view on issues.


I've had debates with some people (my brother, specifically) to where it started getting heated, and I was in no mood to yell and scream my point of view, so I said "I'll email you what I mean, and I want you to do the same in return." And it got settled that way, nice and calm.


I'd say that's a pretty good decision on his part, try and stick with it if you can.

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That's not as bad as " don't bother ever in texting me or calling me again. When I wanna talk to you I'll hit you up" I got a text a like 2hours later, then we talked about what happened and worked it out. I don't know what went on. But, if you feel you owe him an apology, or should apologize or you haven't do it by e-mail would the best way to communicate. Then just back off a little, when he's ready to talk to you he will =)

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if a guy tells you to relax and that he needs space, he is saying (in that annoying way men do, with not enough clarity)


"dont worry, I still want to be with you, I just need a bit of time to myself to sort out my priorities and issues... I will get in touch with you, I know its hard but please wait till then. I need you to give me space"


if you bug him he WILL feel that you dont respect his wishes and he will resent you, whether or not he breaks up with you

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