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Question for women: Which type of male physique do you prefer?


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Would you say that women who pump iron are wasting their time and energy? I love going to the gym and lifting weights and forever increasing my goals.. and I'm not big and bulky contrary to popular beleif that people who lift weights will get massive.


its my favourite thing to do after work


What if they love it? or its their favourite sport? I know plenty of guys at the gym I go to really ejoy it?

just like some people love soccer, or skating, or running or whatever.


Strengh training is a very good way to keep fit

Its a waste of energy because it does nothing for the greater good. You may stay fit, but what have you accomplished? There is nothing done by it beyond the sphere of you.


If I'm going to use my energy to do something its going to be effecting the world outside of me. Thats my point. The use of the energy.

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Its a waste of energy because it does nothing for the greater good. You may stay fit, but what have you accomplished? There is nothing done by it beyond the sphere of you.


If I'm going to use my energy to do something its going to be effecting the world outside of me. Thats my point. The use of the energy.


I'm not sure I understand what you're saying...


You are saying what have olympic athletes accomplished? WHat has the man who has been training for the London marathon accomplished.. or what has the woman done who swam accross the Channel accomplished?


so do you mean all sports are a waste of time? keeping oneself strong and fit and healthy so we don't burden society's taxpayers, with unneccesary heart attacks and diabetes?


Most people in north america are unhealthy and overweight


Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy for yourself.. like meeting up with friends for coffee, painting, snowshoeing whatever?

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Its a waste of energy because it does nothing for the greater good. You may stay fit, but what have you accomplished? There is nothing done by it beyond the sphere of you.


If I'm going to use my energy to do something its going to be effecting the world outside of me. Thats my point. The use of the energy.


But how does working out preclude you from doing other things? How does it mean that you are NOT allowing it to translate to other things?


It also allows for a longer, more energetic life, to allow you to do more of those "other things".


The fact I work out energizes me, gives me stamina and endurance for "other things".


I also use my athleticism and strength to do fundraising for example by running in runs that raise funds for research (mostly breast cancer as it is near & dear to my heart) and so on. My strenght helps me when I need to help out at home with my mum when she is suffering ill effects and cannot do for herself (such as help lift her, etc).


Most athletes I know are quite dedicated to certain philanthropic pursuits. Look at Lance Armstrong and what he has done for cancer research and awareness for example. I know other disabled athletes whom have made tremendous strides to advance research in their disabilities and needs - advances in technology and understanding. My cousin has Down's and advances recognition of special needs persons and athletes by participating in the Special Olympics every time.


It also benefits my health, so that I can minimize my own risks and be around longer to help out others, including my family when they are ill.

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I'm not sure I understand what you're saying...


You are saying what have olympic athletes accomplished? WHat has the man who has been training for the London marathon accomplished.. or what has the woman done who swam accross the Channel accomplished?


so do you mean all sports are a waste of time? keeping oneself strong and fit and healthy so we don't burden society's taxpayers, with unneccesary heart attacks and diabetes?


Most people in north america are unhealthy and overweight


Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy for yourself.. like meeting up with friends for coffee, painting, snowshoeing whatever?

I have nothing against being fit. I just don't see sports as a useful means of energy expenditures.


When you exercise you burn calories, what calories you intake will determine if you get fat, so you need to sustain a balance of the energy in and the energy out, this will keep you fit. Beyond that, when people expend massive amounts of calories for nothing more than moving weights around in a gym they are burning energy that some starving person could have utilized to maintain a healthy state. Staying fit is one thing, but obsessive amounts of time wasted for nothing is using viable energy that could have gone to something else. Its a basic thermodynamic system.

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I'm between a c and a b. The reason I made this thread is I have some muscle head friends who think that all women want them because they have huge 30 inch python arms. I keep telling them that most women don't want a guy that big, but they don't want a beer gut either. I tell them it would be better if they didn't work out so much at the gym and used the extra time to work on other aspects of their lives, like their career and hobbies.


I agree with you. That's how I am.


I like it when a guy is in shape, but beyond a certain point of looking generally healthy and like he cares about his body not deteriorating into a pile of goo, it doesn't matter.

Any size and shape within what I consider a 'reasonable' range is fine. And by reasonable I mean - his body is not going to be consuming vast amounts of life , either because he is so gooey and unathetlic that huge amounts of activities are out of the question or a serious challenge, or he is so consumed with fitness or his body that there is time not for me or other aspects of life.


Ideally, my favorite body shape in a man is fit and shapely. Big small - I don't care.

I do have a preference for no love handles though, and I don't find beer guts attractive. But that doesn't mean I couldn't love and adore and find a man with those things sexy as all get go - my ex had some chubb, no problem.


A fit, balanced man is best. In all aspects. Definetly for me a man must have both an active mind, heart and body. Perfection is not the goal though nor necessary.


I wanted to add though: If the pursuit of atheticism is a personal passion for somebody, that can be attractive because passion and the pursuit of excellence is sexy.

But compatibility may be an issue with any lifestyle choice with various people....serious athletes and bodybuilders dedicate so much time and energy to that, that it really is a no brainer that they end up with like-minded partners. Otherwise you'd rarely see each other and wouldn't be able to share that bond of similiar passion.



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I have nothing against being fit. I just don't see sports as a useful means of energy expenditures.


When you exercise you burn calories, what calories you intake will determine if you get fat, so you need to sustain a balance of the energy in and the energy out, this will keep you fit. Beyond that, when people expend massive amounts of calories for nothing more than moving weights around in a gym they are burning energy that some starving person could have utilized to maintain a healthy state. Staying fit is one thing, but obsessive amounts of time wasted for nothing is using viable energy that could have gone to something else. Its a basic thermodynamic system.


I find that the fitter I am.. the more energy and 'alertness' I have to do other pursuits.


As a GENERAL statement, I find the fitter the people are, the more 'varied' their lives are.


What has a starving person got to do with me lifting weights.. if I stop lifting weights that starving person isn't going to have any more energy.


I think its just that you don't particularly like doing weights or lots of sports... and some people (like me) absolutely love it... and by keeping fit I have much more energy to spend tutoring immigrants ESL, or on my photography classes, or at my job, or at my part time study or a million other things

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As a GENERAL statement, I find the fitter the people are, the more 'varied' their lives are.

I'm not talking about just fitness, I'm talking about gross over use of gyms. The people that pay to have their house work done and then pay to go to a gym. The get fit paying to run in place when they could use the same amount of energy cleaning their house.


Being fit is good. It does keep you healthy and better equipped for the world, but how do over sized muscles benefit any one?

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Mine varies with the mood. I quite like tall skinny, but not actually skinny guys. If you get me? They look skinny compared to most people, but they actually aren't. Lol. My first boyfriend was this type.


But then sometimes I *REALLY* the rounder types. Not fat, but they are by no means skinny. Bigger build. My second boyfriend was this type and I really fancied the absolute pants off of him. Sometimes literally. Proof that looks mean nothing of the person beneath them.


I hate with a passion body builder types, such as Arnie. They freak me out massively. I don't even like muscley arms that much.

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I'm not talking about just fitness, I'm talking about gross over use of gyms. The people that pay to have their house work done and then pay to go to a gym. The get fit paying to run in place when they could use the same amount of energy cleaning their house.


Being fit is good. It does keep you healthy and better equipped for the world, but how do over sized muscles benefit any one?


I don't think I'm oversized but I do like having an athletic look!


I don't know who these people are that pay to have their housework done but if they can afford it, and they want to use that time to go to the gym instead why not? Sure housework is 'exercise', but depends on what sort of goal they have.. maybe they need to do a certain type of workout or do some circuit training for the upcoming summer triathlons.. or their butterfly is getting weak so their coach has given them some specific lat and back exercises to help them train for their next swim meet.


Its not about the energy... its about specific types of training that can either help them with their athletic endeavours . Cleaning the kitchen isn't going to help you with your military press or your benchpress or help you throw that shot put further or get that javelin record you've been looking for.. nor it it going to help you get under 40 min for that 10km you have planned in July.


and if people do weights purely for looking good.. then at least they are in a place, where they can make new friends, feel good about themselves adn become healthy and fitter for doing so

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I don't pay someone to do my housework; but I still belong to a gym, run and/or ride most days of the week and do yoga. Those are totally different forms of training than I get from cleaning my bathroom and folding laundry!

It sure won't help me in a race anyway....


It is not just about burning calories and looking good; those are side benefits to it, but there is also a huge, proven mental and physical boost to working out. Studies have shown for example that breast cancer patients increase their rate of survival by 50% by just exercising 4-5 hours a week. That is a dramatic difference; and not something they get from washing the dishes.


I still don't see how you cannot make the world a better place though just because you go to the gym/work out? Mountain bikers for example and trail runners are very dedicated to wilderness preservation, the fact that those trails exist is often the reason the environments still exist. My boyfriend is an adventure racer and is very much dedicated to the environment; he goes to gym most days a week; but also works as an engineer in new geo-thermal technology to place less demand on our world's resources.


The benefits I get for my heart, my mental attitude and my confidence are LOADS different than I do from making sure my bathtub is sparkling.

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Either B or C sound good. I find the body builder types tend to care more about looking at themselves in the mirror and kissing their muscles than they care about me. I like tall, skinny guys, but I also like shorter, slightly more built guys.


I don't like the overweight or obese body type. I maintain a healthy weight and I would expect the same from a partner.

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I agree with above poster, Vince Vaughn seems like a 'spoonable" kinda guy and he is not that beefcake type which I hate, along with the muscle beach flex squad...just doesnt do it for me, I want to feel nice warm bod, not a ton of muscle!




Although I have to say, lately I've found myself extremely attracted to James Gandolfini. I was watching "The Sopranos" and even though he's a big guy, when he took his shirt off I really liked it

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I agree with above poster, Vince Vaughn seems like a 'spoonable" kinda guy and he is not that beefcake type which I hate, along with the muscle beach flex squad...just doesnt do it for me, I want to feel nice warm bod, not a ton of muscle!


I couldn't go for Vince Vaughn. I don't find him attractive at all and that voice cuts my brain up like razor blades.

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I couldn't go for Vince Vaughn. I don't find him attractive at all and that voice cuts my brain up like razor blades.


Ha, me too!


He does not seem like a great relationship kinda guy either for some reason....just a gut-feeling thing. I could be totally off, but definitely not my type!

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