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Question for women: Which type of male physique do you prefer?


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Question for women: Which type of male physique do you prefer?

If everything else was equal, would you prefer to date a guy with


a. huge chiselled body builder physique, like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, or an NFL football player.


b. not huge, but a chiselled physique like a calvin klein underwear model. Note that these guys are still larger than average with clothes on. An example is Tom Cruise.


c. slim physique, but not much muscle tone. Someone who watches his diet and works out a couple of times a week. An example is Bob Saget from Full House.


d. the average American male physique - which is beer gut, some love handles, but not too bad. Example is Jimmy Kimmell.


e. fat to obese physique. Example is Dom Deluise.


Thanks. I'd like to settle this once and for all.

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B...(but tom cruise is only like this sometime!!!)


I like a guy who makes an effort with his body. I work out a lot too.. If someone can't take care of their body, then how are they going to take care of me... or a relationship.. or future children.


Also, if a guy does no workout at all.. we won't be very compatible, because its what I spend a lot of my free time doing. the fact that he does workout a lot ( like 5-6 times a week) is more important than the results..because we all know that no everyone who works out the same amount will look the same.. different genetics, body types. etc

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First of all, I love your avatar!


Secondly, I prefer c. A little belly & love handles can be cute, too.


Too much muscle is unattractive. And if he can't move without the assistance of a forklift? No thanks...


just out of curiosity.. I've heard other women say they dont' like too much muscle... and never really understood it.. what don't you like about it?

or are you talking about over steroided up tanned bodybuilders in yellow speedos?

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just out of curiosity.. I've heard other women say they dont' like too much muscle... and never really understood it.. what don't you like about it?

or are you talking about over steroided up tanned bodybuilders in yellow speedos?


"steroided up" lol yeah those guys creep me out

but even those that are very muscular without the steroids... they don't look bad to me, but I don't get turned on by it.

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No, silly. I mean his size.


So, tell us philosophia.. are you a...





d, or



I'm between a c and a b. The reason I made this thread is I have some muscle head friends who think that all women want them because they have huge 30 inch python arms. I keep telling them that most women don't want a guy that big, but they don't want a beer gut either. I tell them it would be better if they didn't work out so much at the gym and used the extra time to work on other aspects of their lives, like their career and hobbies.

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I prefer the guy that has a mind and knows how to use it, the body is only a means of moving it from place to place.




I can't really say what "type" I'm attracted to, as all of the men I've been attracted to thus far have each been of a different body habitus.

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I keep telling them that most women don't want a guy that big, but they don't want a beer gut either. I tell them it would be better if they didn't work out so much at the gym and used the extra time to work on other aspects of their lives, like their career and hobbies.


I would agree with you. Although it depends what kind of girls they're looking for. Maybe I'm stereotyping here, but I find those gym junkies tend to only date women who have practically zero body fat, fake tans and/or big boobs.

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I prefer a bigger guy. I'm tiny and I love the fact that my man is built like a NFL player. It makes me feel more.....I don't know, feminine. I guess you could say I prefer a man built like Tyrese. He's perfect, IMO, his muscles aren't too big, he's in shape but not over the top.

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Honestly, I have dated and been serious with men of various physiques; there is no standard I go with. I have dated shorter, plumper men, taller thinner men, larger stockier men...


However, I am athletic and take care of my health with proper nutrition, exercise so I tend to be attracted to someone whom also values their health/fitness BUT in a balanced way. In other words, someone whom takes care of their body, but also their mind, their family, and has various interests so not someone whom spends all their time at the gym. My athletic pursuits are very important to me; but so is my family, my education, my art, my friends and so on. I prefer someone with balance in that respect.


I also prefer people whom are what I term "functionally athletic" - meaning they are in shape due to sports/activities they pursue, rather than just having muscle because of working out at the gym and going for aesthetics over functionality. When one is functionally athletic it is not always as obvious, because how they are developed depends on their pursuits. One whom is heavy into road cycling tends to be smaller on top (to minimize extra weight) but have ripped quads and calves, one into climbing will have very strong shoulders etc. My boyfriend like me is into a lot of things, so is fairly balanced - lean but strong.


I am pretty flexible in what type I am attracted too, but I am not attracted to those whom are out of shape and do not take care of their health inside and out. For me it is not just about looks, but stamina, life expectancy, health, and so forth.


This does not automatically translate to body shape - someone pumping their body full of 'roids and is obsessed about getting in 6 hours at the gym/day to me is FAR unhealthier than someone whom is "average" in shape but eats healthy, runs a few times a week and so on.

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I think that at guys that spend too much time at the gym look false. I've grown up knowing men that had muscles because they used them to work, they got it through honest hard work and not being in a hygienic, air condition environment. Men that pump iron are wasting their time and energy, why not doing something worth while to get that look.

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I think that at guys that spend too much time at the gym look false. I've grown up knowing men that had muscles because they used them to work, they got it through honest hard work and not being in a hygienic, air condition environment. Men that pump iron are wasting their time and energy, why not doing something worth while to get that look.



Would you say that women who pump iron are wasting their time and energy? I love going to the gym and lifting weights and forever increasing my goals.. and I'm not big and bulky contrary to popular beleif that people who lift weights will get massive.


its my favourite thing to do after work


What if they love it? or its their favourite sport? I know plenty of guys at the gym I go to really ejoy it?

just like some people love soccer, or skating, or running or whatever.


Strengh training is a very good way to keep fit

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I'll go with B. I like a man who is conscious of his appearance and attempts to take care of himself, but not a body builder physique, like the Governator. An example would be the beautiful Jake Gyllenhaal

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