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This is the worst pain ever.


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My name is Craig, I'm almost 17. its my first post on theese forums.


Last week myself and my girlfriend decided to take a break, on the day of our 16 months. It was truly the hardest thing I've ever done. 2 days later, we ended our relationship for good.


This hurts so much. Throwing up, crying, not being able to sleep. I have exams this week, I can't study. When we began to date, I made the mistake of stop talking to my friends and now I've got no one. No one to talk to... I can't stop thinking about her.


The pain I'm feeling isnt going away. I dont know what to do... shes my everything, and now I've got nothing but time.


Someone help me.

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Hey Craig… break ups are nasty… It’s hard to deal with, especially if you still love the individual… like in my scenario, I still love the guy I had to say goodbye to…


Just take a break, figure out what makes you happy… for me, going through my break up is confusing…and I’ve gotten sick since we stopped talking. I’m sure there will be other girls… you’re a bit older then I am… but still young. So you have a lifetime to find the girl that’s right for you…


Letting go is the hardest part… you don’t necessarily have to let go of her completely… just learn from your relationship… and hope that she’ll be happier without you, and you will sooner or later, find someone that makes your happier then she ever did…


Good luck…

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They are the worst feelings in the world. It hurts a lot, like why did i deserve this. I was the good person, yet im the one hurting. He gets to be happy and move on to someone new, and I get to sit here and count the days that we haven't talked. Its just rough, and im really sad, but im pulling through, and just trying to make it to each day without calling him.

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Its so hard not to think about her... hard not to call her.


We talked to each other every single night for 1.5 years. NC is so hard now. I can barley get in a few hours of sleep each night.


Thanks for the replys... I've been reading around here, seems like alot of people go through the same stuff I am. I think I found a new home for a while.



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Oh, I've talked to people. Many, many people. I get the same responses:


Forget about her, she was your first love, your a good guy and its her loss, etc, etc...

Its really not that easy.

But... theyre right. Ill always love her. She was my first love.


Anyways, good luck Python and thanks.

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Craig I too have been where you are. I did the same thing, I neglected my friends cause I spent all my time with my girlfriend. She did the same thing, we were infatuated with each other and it was the best time of my life. But there were things missing. Friends, other dimensions. But I loved her, we were each others best friends and lovers. It was so hard when after a year and a half she left me.


I couldn't sleep. I had to take Tylenol PM every night for a month. I had no desire to do anything. I cried all day and all night. I kept trying, I kept hoping, I kept seeing her. I finally had the guts to tell her we couldnt keep this up, I loved her too much and just hanging out as friends and talking and fighting were killing me. I loved her and didnt want to have to do that.


You will be alright. I know you dont have anyone now, reconnect with your friends even though it may be hard. Just do your best. Post here, keep in NC and you'll heal slowly but surely.


I am 8 months past my breakup and about 4-5 since we stopped hanging out and talking. It still hurts, I still miss her. But its not as intense. I can lead my life again. I can be alright. I have reconnected with many friends, I have learned so much about myself. You will too.


I was thinking about breakups. And how after so many I thought I wouldnt find anyone else. But I realized that after every breakup I had (whether I initiated it or not) I always found someone else, even if it didnt come for awhile. And if I hadnt had those breakups I wouldnt have met my future exes.


You will be alright. Keep posting here we're all here to help you.

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Craig what's up? Yeah man it's hard and it stinks being broken up with. My girlfriend of 6 years dumped me about a year and a half ago. I was 24 at the time. I was pretty distraught. My Grandma told me something that stuck in my mind though. "One chapter of your book of life closes, and another one opens."


Well I'm hear to tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hear I am a year and a half later and I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary with my new girlfriend. At the time I didn't think I would ever find anyone again.


Just keep in mind, no relationship is ever worth comprimising friends for. Friends are one of the most important things you can have in your life. Take this lesson and apply it to your next relationship.


It's hard to see outside of your situation when it happens, but you will get through this and be able to look back on it as a growing experience. No one has ever died of a heart break.


Chin up.

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Today after exams were over (thank god), we ran into each other in the halls. I convinced her to go to Starbucks with me for some coffee. So we did, and we talked it over and stuff. We are begininng NC today. I deleted her from my MSN list, as well as her friends. I feel good right now... hopefully things will start to look better. I'm taking a girl out on Friday night to dinner and the movies. she was recently broke up with too, after 2 years. So we have alot in common and plan to talk alot. We were friends as kids and were just going to catch up.

Thanks for being there guys, I'll keep you posted.

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Today after exams were over (thank god), we ran into each other in the halls. I convinced her to go to Starbucks with me for some coffee. So we did, and we talked it over and stuff. We are begininng NC today. I deleted her from my MSN list, as well as her friends. I feel good right now... hopefully things will start to look better. I'm taking a girl out on Friday night to dinner and the movies. she was recently broke up with too, after 2 years. So we have alot in common and plan to talk alot. We were friends as kids and were just going to catch up.

Thanks for being there guys, I'll keep you posted.


Just be careful and don't jump into things with another girl quite yet. Give yourself some time to heal and be happy beign single first.


Imagine how much worse it will feel if things turn out to not work out with this girl in a month or so. It will be like twice the pain.

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