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Ideas for bonding??


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I need to spend more quality time with my SO but I don't know what to do! Anyone have any ideas for bonding with someone when you are already in a seriously committed relationship? I want some alone time where we can talk but also have some fun. When we sit at home, we usually end up doing our own thing- one of us watching tv, the other on the computer or whatever. We live in a town where there isn't much to do (no mall, no activity centers like laser tag or bowling...)PLEASE HELP!!!!!

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Not to change the subject, but whatever happened with the kiss? did you tell your SO? And as for bonding ideas, my girlfriend and I got to the park alot or we'll go explore in the woods. I live in a less rural area so we've got lots of other stuff to do too, but the park is great.

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How about a new hobby you can both share in?


For example, my partner scrap books. I found out I like that too, but my strengths are slightly different so she does certain things and I do others, but we work together and there is good synergy.


We're both somewhat craft and hands on so we create things together, make some of our gifts (Christmas and birthday) and that helps up bond too.

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My hubby and I like playing board games, we write songs together, cooking together can be alot of fun with the right couple, taking a walk (especially in the woods where there is stuff to explore) is a lot of fun. What about some type of home or furniture improvement project, say recover the couch or paint a room nicely, I know you're not in a very urban environment, but we like to go to flea markets, garage sales etc.


Good luck!

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Molly -- yay for walking in the woods!


If you're not concerned about money...


Go for a drive somewhere. My parents like to try to get lost, just find some place they've never gone before.


Nintendo DS! You can get them in white, black, and pink. They're great because you can play the games together, but on your individual systems. Friendly competition! Mariokart is the best. We usually bring ours whenever we know we'll be waiting for something (restaurants sometimes). If one of us forgets we always make the joke "I guess we'll just have to talk to each other..." lol. Even though we talk while playing anyway.


Also, you guys could teach each other something. For example, I have a new digital camera with more settings than I know what to do with. But my boyfriend is a photo-pro, so I love it when he teaches me stuff like that.

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I love looking at old pictures with my boyfriend, especially ones of each of when we were little. It is really fun to see what your SO was like as a kid, and then we end up talking about our childhood, and about those little things that most of our friends don't know. If you want to get out of the house, you can drive through your childhood neighborhood (if its not too far away), and go by your old schools, or to the playground that you used to go to.


Hope this helps you out!

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