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Drunken night with my cousin.


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this just an insane situation now. i feel like i'm in the twilight zone here. you have a lot to learn. if this story is true of course. it's so far fetched, it's unbelievable now.


rab, need the backup on this.




Reinforcements have arrived. I just got back from home depot where I purchased a 4 foot long 2x4 from the lumber department. All we need to do now is track andy down and whap him upside the head until all the marbles fall out. We can then replace the marbles with fishbrains from the market... and maybe talk some sense into him.


Andy Im not sure I even believe this thread any longer. But if so here is what you do.


Go and get an annulment for your marriage. Its clear you are not ready for this level of commitment.


Get a restraining order on your cousin. Its clear that you cant keep it in your pants around her... maybe this will keep her away.


Get yourself a therapist (preferable not the one your cousin uses).


Stop sleeping with family.


Stop lying to your 'wife'. Its one thing to omit the detail about your cousin... that was gross mistake... but not really vital information to your then girlfriend. That you lost your virginity was all she really needed to know. Not to who. But the fact that this debacle is ongoing... thats just a mess and an outrage. Your 'wife' deserves better.

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do you want this to happen "uhm mom/dad, i got married to someone i don't know that well." wait for them to freak on that first. then "but that isn't the bad part. me and (cousin's name) are having a kid. aren't you happy for me?"



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wow. i really wish i knew your wife so i could give her just a little bit of insight into what you're doing behind her back.

how could you do something this up to someone you "love"


YOU FEEL A LITTLE GUILTY?! holy . you obviously aren't mature enough to have a wife.


I told her yesterday not to come over today but I'm not sure if she'll listen.


what are you like five years old?


She says as long as she's gone before my wife gets home it shouldn't be a problem but I feel a little guilty even if it is just a blowjob. I also think she may try to move it on to sex again which I'm not OK with, I'm not going to cheat on my wife.


you can't say that and honestly think that you're sane.

you are listening to someone who has clearly lost her mind .. and she's rubbing off on you.

JUST A BLOWJOB?! .. oh but you're not okay with having sex with your cousin...again.

it's "okay" to do it while you have a girlfriend but now that you have a wife it would be cheating.


i would think that pretty much everyone here would agree that doing anything sexual with someone other than your s/o is cheating.


if you feel so bad about not seeing your cousin since "she's family" ( you should feel worse for your wife).. maybe you should limit yourself to seeing her during family events and while your wife is by your side. .. but personally, i think you should avoid her like the plague.


either you dont love your wife or you have no idea what marriage is about.

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