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Do many girls go out with guys 28 or older that still lives at home?


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Do alot of girls go out with guys that are 28 or older that still lives at home? Would many girls want to date and have a relationship with a guy still living at home?


It seems like if a guy whos 28 yrs old and still lives at home, it would be hard to get a gf and less likely to have a relationship.

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My friend, I have seen firsthand many situations between boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, fiance/fiance, boyfriend/boyfriend, girlfriend/girlfriend that were way more bizarre and seemingly unattractive than living with your parents.


You're a great guy and you'll be a great guy no matter where you live.

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Do alot of girls go out with guys that are 28 or older that still lives at home? Would many girls want to date and have a relationship with a guy still living at home?


It seems like if a guy whos 28 yrs old and still lives at home, it would be hard to get a gf and less likely to have a relationship.


If the guy is employed and pays rent to his parents, and pays his share, then I see no shame.


It's only embarrassing if his parents are supporting him, IMO. Otherwise, why should it matter?


That's my opinion. I don't know what women think about it. Maybe they'd be OK with it if they knew you were working and paying your share (rent, food, utilities, etc). They should be OK with that since it's respectable, if you're self supporting.


That's my opinion.

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Also, even if you're temperarily unemployed, or under employed, that happens to everyone at times. So I wouldn't worry about that. Though some women would see that negatively.


Bottom line: Every woman is different. Some might not like it. Others wouldn't care.

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I am not thinking neg, its true..Many or majority of girls wouldn't date a guy or have a relationship with him knowing that he still lives at home.


If those women knew he was working and paying his share (rent, food, utilities), then they should respect him. thereforeeee, why would they care?


Ladies, what do you think about that?

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I wouldnt mind... but as long as his parents didnt make me feel like a slightly shamed houseguest or anything....


My bf lives at home, his parents are fantastic and are letting him stay rent-free while he studies.


I have no problem with it, rather a nice house than a skody student flat

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I dated two, and married one of them. I found both of them to be very immature. Neither had a clue as to what the real world was. Seriously.


This is just my experience. I wouldn't date another one who still lived at home. Unless of course..he had already been out and was only back due to certain circumstances which made it impossible for him to financially make it...but only short term till he was able to get on his feet again.

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Do alot of girls go out with guys that are 28 or older that still lives at home? Would many girls want to date and have a relationship with a guy still living at home?


It seems like if a guy whos 28 yrs old and still lives at home, it would be hard to get a gf and less likely to have a relationship.


Psst... don't tell them where you're living.


Seriously, why bring it up, if you think it'll be a problem. Sure, it may come up eventually, in a serious relationship, but why sweat it until then?

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In a perfect world women would date a man because of his inner self, not their lving conditions, BUT in the real world women look for a partner that might be the father of their children.


That being the truth in life a man must be able to build the nest that a woman expects and deserves to raise a family. So, in my opinion a man that lives with his parents needs to deal with the issue at hand (economic need, parential convalescence, united family bond, cultural customs, etc) and create an environment to emotionally heal and economically construct support for a healthy family foundation.


This may not support a perfect world view, but it's reality when it comes to attracting a mate. If I were you I would concentrate on building a mental, physical and economic healthy environment so that an awesome healthy woman can admire, respect and trust that you can overcome all obsticles life throws at you in a positive manner.


My mother lost her house in 1992 and went on disability due to an illness. When I bought my home in 1997 I allowed her to move in with me and supported her. The women that I wanted to date did not want to compete for my attention with my mama. Only unhealthy women wanted to date me since they saw me as an easy target due to their opinion that I was a mama's boy, thereforeeee easily manipulated. I sad no to that and I decide to build my mental, physical and economic life and now my mother lives there in my house with a good man that romantically and economically supports her.


I made enough to where I can live/buy elsewhere by myself and now I've been attracting the women I always wanted to meet based on what I define a real woman to be in my eyes. Now they respect, admire and trust to get all my attention and love the nest I have to offer for their future offspring. Now my issue is to find the best in the jewelry box as Proverbs 31:10 says "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."


This, my friend, is true confidence in being a man which is what all healthy women want. Remember, this does not happen over night. It takes years of self discovery and analysis to do it. Please continue to heal and build the world you dream about in your life. You have the power to take the next positive step, so "just do it".

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Personally I wouldnt mind if I was 25+. My 19 year old friend is going out with a guy thats 29/30, I dont like him much, though I can see he loves her. The issue is emplyment, a girl wants to date a guy that has ambition and is going somewhere.

Then again, the romantic in me says none of this really matters, does it?

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The only thing I am suspicios about in this situation (and in my country this is not a strange thing - living at home at 29) is a possible wrong approach that mom has toward her son.

Read: she cleans for him, she washes and iron his clothes, he doesn't have any idea how to make a simple meal... some woman just don't know when it's time to stop. So he goes around in a perfectly ironed and clean clothes that mommy made for him.

Some of these guys have no idea how to clean, how to wash....and they think it's super easy job to do that, because house is always clean and they don't see how it's a full time job.

They think mom has a magic wand.

So you need to see an arrangment a person has with his parents if they live together.

And I wouldn't mention that on first date (in croatia I would assume you live with your parents if you're under 29) but in US I would keep quiet until several dates.


Oh, and my frustration comes from my experience ;-)

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I think to find men over 25 still living at home is not as uncommon as you may think. I have seen many immature men living on their own, so where you live or who a man ives with is meaningless.


Lets face it, it isn't cheap to live on ones own today. The question is do you choose to live at home for finacial reasons, or for other reasons??


If it is a problem for your social life, then perhaps you can start thinking of finding your own place. I wouldn't worry about it. A woman who judges you because you are living at home may not be a woman you want to be with anywho.


Think about that.

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Do alot of girls go out with guys that are 28 or older that still lives at home? Would many girls want to date and have a relationship with a guy still living at home?


It seems like if a guy whos 28 yrs old and still lives at home, it would be hard to get a gf and less likely to have a relationship.


I haven't read the other responses in this thread, but I would just like to say that in some cultures it's actually normal to live with your parents until you get married. As an Asian myself, I don't really have any problems with a guy who lives with his parents. I have a cousin who is 34 and unmarried, has a good job, and still lives with his parents. Friends and family don't think there's anything wrong with him. He pays for his own expenses as well as a part of the overall living expenses, gives his parents money, sends them travelling, etc. He's responsible and mature, and he can get along with his parents (unlike a lot of people who moved out early). Right now he's being pursued by a very attractive woman who's a doctor. (He's a pharmacist.) Admittedly, this woman is also Asian, so she doesn't see anything wrong with him living at home.

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I agree and what you describe usually is the case most times.


These guys use their parent's homes like a hotel and pay nothing and do nothing although they claim different


Then there are the guys who live apart but just can't seem to break away from their parents. The guy who buys a house on the same street as his parents and is over there 3-4 times a week for dinner. He gets into financial binds of his own making and allows his parents to bail him out.

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Well I've dated one that was a little older than you and my experience was not a good one.


I dunno if you are considered a mama's boy but this guy definitely was. His mom made his lunch for work, ironed his clothes and so forth. I was appalled that a guy of his age that made good money and could afford to live on his own (trust me I've seen his paychecks) would consider using his mom like he does.


Honestly the independance of a man is much more attractive (to me).

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Do alot of girls go out with guys that are 28 or older that still lives at home? Would many girls want to date and have a relationship with a guy still living at home?


It seems like if a guy whos 28 yrs old and still lives at home, it would be hard to get a gf and less likely to have a relationship.


I had a serious boyfriend who was 28 and in the process of moving out. When I was in that age range I would date someone who was over 28 and still living at home if he was still in school and/or it was a temporary emergency situation. Since I only dated men who had potential for marriage, if the issue was financial instability I probably would not date the person if he couldn't afford to live on his own (unless as I mentioned it was temporary or an emergency situation). I also would have doubted that a man who preferred to live with his parents was mature/independent enough for me.


I would find it very strange if a man paid full rent to his parents and preferred to live at home. I should add that the culture/ethnic background I come from does not include living at home till you're married if you are done with school, over your mid-20s, etc.


I lived at home until I finished school, at age 28. Moving out made a big difference in my level of independence and maturity - I wouldn't have guessed it, but it did. I got along well with my parents before I moved out and now it's even better because we relate far more as adults than parent-child.

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Do alot of girls go out with guys that are 28 or older that still lives at home? Would many girls want to date and have a relationship with a guy still living at home?


It seems like if a guy whos 28 yrs old and still lives at home, it would be hard to get a gf and less likely to have a relationship.


My b/f is 28 and lives at home. He has lived on his own, just moved back home this summer from graduate school. I don't go to his parents house much: its kinda far out and they're older. But I do have my own house, and so he's always at my place.


As long as a man is ambitious, clean, and has a good job I don't see anything wrong with him living at home.

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Neither do I in the sense of thinking something is wrong with the person - I just wouldn't be interested in being in a serious relationship potentially leading to marriage with someone who chooses not to live away from his parents -- unless it is very temporary or an emergency situation. We wouldn't have compatible values about independence and what it means to be an adult.


I am glad things are working out for you and that you are comfortable with his living arrangement.

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Psst... don't tell them where you're living.


Seriously, why bring it up, if you think it'll be a problem. Sure, it may come up eventually, in a serious relationship, but why sweat it until then?



You can't keep it for a secret for a day or so, eventually she will find out and she will ask you so "where do you live" I will say I live the suburbs of chicago, then she will say "oh, "where in the suburbs" Then I will say the suburb name and say "I still live at home with my parents" Then she will say "ohhhh"


I know because I have seen girls faces when then ask me before where do I live and of coarse I say that I still live at home..After I say that I can tell from their impression on their face that shes turned down about it or doesn't like it..After that no contact at all..Not even giving me a chance or even wanting to go out and have a good time..


Also if I was on a date and she says hey lets go back to your place..I wouldn't feel so comfortable with that because I wouldn't have any peace, quiet or privacy because my parents will be around..


I sometimes feel down about it..It not easy saying that you still live at home to a girl that you want to get to know.

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Also if I was on a date and she says hey lets go back to your place..I wouldn't feel so comfortable with that because I wouldn't have any peace, quiet or privacy because my parents will be around..


Yes that is really a problem. Having sex in a car after certain age becomes less appealing.


Ever considered moving out?

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