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Debating texting..

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I miss her, always have. I would like her back, but there would be a ton of changes that would have had to be made. Also, her Mom does not like me, read some previous posts if you want some hindsight into that epic movie.


We have been texting back and forth, she is hurt over how we ended i guess, but i dont really know what she's talking about. I would have regretted not sending the text message. I needed her to know how I've been feeling. If she didn't care anymore, it would have been closure for me.

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As we have been exchangin a couple texts, she still is holding this grudge. About stuff that happened at the end, that wasn't even anything.


I wished her well, and perhaps someday I'll understand, and let her know I still think about her.


She responded with this: "Thanks, the memory will never completely go away. I'm going to say this even though you told me we never could but ill leave it out there that we can be friends ya kno"?


Yea right, who is she kidding. Hurts a bit. But I'm not blown away by it. I wont respond to that. I said what I needed to, and got it off my chest. She has a lot of growing up emotionally to do. And it appears she hasn't changed in the 3 months of NC I've held. Maybe she is seeing someone.. who knows. But she is acting more and more bipolar every time I talk to her.


Maybe this is what I needed..

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Anyone have any insight.. I woke up this morning depressed.. sort of like when we initially broke up. I'm starting to feel like the text was a bad idea now.


I keep wondering if shes seeing someone, whats he like, now that he has the one I love. I lost her, and I cant get her back. I guess I need to move forward, but its so hard. Why would she say she misses me, and has good days and bad days.. she still thinks of me.. but I guess not in "That way"?


Frisco, Superdave, Scout?? Was this my "kick in the you know what?"

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Anyone have any insight.. I woke up this morning depressed.. sort of like when we initially broke up. I'm starting to feel like the text was a bad idea now.

Was this my "kick in the you know what?"


Of course you did.

You just went back to day one after the brake up.


Don't do it again.

Yes, it's a kick in the b.....a warning what happens if you contact her!!!!

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I'm starting to feel like the text was a bad idea now.


I keep wondering if shes seeing someone, whats he like, now that he has the one I love. I lost her, and I cant get her back. I guess I need to move forward, but its so hard. Why would she say she misses me, and has good days and bad days.. she still thinks of me.. but I guess not in "That way"?


Frisco, Superdave, Scout?? Was this my "kick in the you know what?"


That's right buddy, this is the Fourth of July for you. You came, you saw, and you took it like a man. Now you know to stay away for your own good. Congratulations my friend...you just met the reality of this situation in a head-on collision...


Your feelings you express here are normal and will persist. Grief will play tricks with your mind, generate illusions and mirages of oases in this emotional desert that are leading you to imaginary water through contact with her. But as you have seen and felt, these are nothing but dead end streets laden with drug dealers ready to sell you another hit of crack, i.e., contact with her, and will beat you, take your money, and leave you for dead...


You don't want to go there again and now you know that...mission accomplished...

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this thread was so helpful. i was on the verge of wanting to call or text that weasel.


i thought that after 9 weeks of NC (yea such a small number) that i should contact him.. maybe he's changed his mind. i was sorta thinking of it as a *reward* for NC. but really, now i know it's a SICK reward to give myself.

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That's right buddy, this is the Fourth of July for you. You came, you saw, and you took it like a man. Now you know to stay away for your own good. Congratulations my friend...you just met the reality of this situation in a head-on collision...


Your feelings you express here are normal and will persist. Grief will play tricks with your mind, generate illusions and mirages of oases in this emotional desert that are leading you to imaginary water through contact with her. But as you have seen and felt, these are nothing but dead end streets laden with drug dealers ready to sell you another hit of crack, i.e., contact with her, and will beat you, take your money, and leave you for dead...


You don't want to go there again and now you know that...mission accomplished...


I will be staying away Frisco, and you still make me LOL at the whole situation. Great quote. Yea, it burns a little. And I know I gotta move forward now. I hope her day comes when she gets stung as bad as she has stinged me.


At least it's not day one, It feels better than that. I just know I HAVE TO move forward for myself now. It's no longer my loss. I have grown quite a bit, and she still has so much maturing to do. Thanks again friend.




I wouldn't reccomend it. If you can accept that he could be seeing someone else now, then go for it, but i would advise against it.. I midly regret what I did, but it brought that closure that I needed I think. Time to pick myself up again, brush off, and push forward.

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