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Paying for sex.


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No I think it is horible and very dangerous these days.I mean I wouldn't want to be with someone intimatly if I knew they went to a prostitute for sex,that would make me feel weird about the person and feel very unsafe to be with them sexually.


As for myself no matter how desperate I got I would rather pleasure myself and be safe and clean than do any risky behavior that could ruin the rest of my life.

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I can assume that you are directing this at both males and females?


I would have to say no... I would not be comfortable having sex with a stranger, or paying for an act that I consider to be intimate.


Not to mention the hundreds of STI's out there, many of which have no symptoms but can destroy your fertility, have other devestating physical consequences, and even kill you-- that condoms are not 100% protective of!


If I were single I'd much rather please myself with a video or a toy.. it's cleaner, safer, and cheaper!

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I have thought of the idea but I have never considered paying for sex. I do not condone anyone paying for sex. In my mind if you are going to pay for sex then the idea would be to have sex with girls that you would probably never have a chance with. The girls should just be unbelievably hot.

I think that guys who have extreme fetishes turn to "working girls" because these girls will not judge them and are some of the only ones willing to do as he requests.

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I'm friends with a couple who hire an escort to have a 3some with them. They do it all the time. Its impersonal so the they don't have any emotional attatchment problems and can still enjoy a promiscuous sex life.


I don't know, there was a post a while ago here where a woman was struggling because her bf had slept with a prostitute like 5 yrs ago. Alot of ppl have a problem with it, so consider the long term effects on your life. Not to mention obviously the STI's and all that, wear a condom...

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In my mind if you are going to pay for sex then the idea would be to have sex with girls that you would probably never have a chance with. The girls should just be unbelievably hot.


Right on. I have always thought that.


No, I would never pay for sex. I would rather spend my money and time investing in a long term relationship where she WANTS to have sex with me, and not with anyone who shows her dollar bills.


For some reason, that seems to be much more satisfying.

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Right on. I have always thought that.


No, I would never pay for sex. I would rather spend my money and time investing in a long term relationship where she WANTS to have sex with me, and not with anyone who shows her dollar bills.


For some reason, that seems to be much more satisfying.

Indeed. I want a woman to have sex with me because she desires me, and not Ben Franklin.

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I think there's a market for such a service. As long as it's illegal, then the risk of disease will be much greater than if it was legalized/regulated. The risk would still be there (as it is in any sexual encounter -- paid or unpaid), but I think the risk would be lower if you licensed sexual workers and made regular disease testing part of their licensing requirement.


Is it a profession I'd choose for myself? No. Is it a service I'd avail myself of? No. But I could see where it could fill a need for some people with no messy/difficult emotional attachments.


Then there's always a view a former co-worker of mine expressed on this topic once. He said, "Face it, there are just some people who aren't gonna get laid unless they pay for it."


Dunno if I agree with him or not, but it's something to consider.

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I would hope the person I am into would want to have sex with me because they like me..I wouldn't want to have to pay them (I would not do that in the first place) ...for them to be into me/to like me.


In a perfect world.. Unfortunately some of us are unlucky enough to fall in love with people who don't love us back

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In a perfect world.. Unfortunately some of us are unlucky enough to fall in love with people who don't love us back


My fear would be paying for sex with coveted person/celebrity, then having it be less (possibly A LOT less) than I'd imagined.


Then I'd be disappointed AND broke.


If I hang onto my money, at least I can drown my rejection in a hot fudge sundae.

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I think there's a market for such a service. As long as it's illegal, then the risk of disease will be much greater than if it was legalized/regulated. The risk would still be there (as it is in any sexual encounter -- paid or unpaid), but I think the risk would be lower if you licensed sexual workers and made regular disease testing part of their licensing requirement.







I agree with you completely. I do not feel prostitution is morally right, however, people are going to do it regardless of laws. thereforeeee, I feel they should be able to do it SAFELY with STRICT regulations. Testing every week, condoms required, etc.

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Okay, new question:


Is there anyone in the world you'd pay to have sex with?


Maybe a celebrity or an ex that you're still pining over?


For an ex no way. It would be hard for me to turn down having sex with 9.9 (because i dont believe that 10s exist), for a nominal fee. I would not be having sex with them for any kind of emotional need, it would be just for the sex and I would want it on video.

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