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I agree with HellFrost, I wouldnt say anything at this point, ESPECIALLY since you are now dating Molly. Anything you say, and her ex might think that YOU were the one who orchestrated this to get HER to dump him and HE might come get revenge on YOU.


Your actions do appear suspect because YOU are the one who ratted on him and was NOT sure about what he said, and now you end up with his EX. Something sounds fishy.

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Did your friend drop you as a friend? If not, he should because you aren't a friend. Your g/f and this Molly girl should also just keep away from you because you don't practice what you preach.


You think it's wrong for your friend to cheat but not you?

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What exactly is it that you want to hear? It's not exactly model behaviour so really the best thing you can do is start to put a few things right and that means being honest with people.


My guess is that he wants someone to tell him he is doing the right thing, which of course, even a blind person could see he is not.


Or he is just pulling our chains.


Part of me hopes his friend overhears him and then rats him out to his g/f lol.

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thanks. what about the 26 year old virgin? people are telling him to continue lying to his girlfriend. ill do as i please.


Is he actually cheating on her? NO!!


So you do think it is ok for you to cheat while it was not for your friend to cheat?

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thanks. what about the 26 year old virgin? people are telling him to continue lying to his girlfriend. ill do as i please.


Maybe people were more inclined to help the guy that wasn't mean when they told him things he didn't like.


By the way, you were one of the people that told him to lie, most people encouraged him to not tell her or to tell her, not out and out lie.

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