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The 26 Year Old Virgin


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I think we disagree about what lying is.


I can say booo(thumbs down) to you for lying about what brand of tissue paper you use on your dates since you are not bringing it up.



My choice of tissue paper is minor but lying about your virginity is not.

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I didn't read the replies (no time, I'm at work!), so if I repeat something someone said, sorry!


If you're worried about it, tell her. I was in the situation your girl is in almost a year ago, where he knew I wasn't a virgin (I had been married), and I didn't ask him about his "status". The first time we had sex, right beforehand he looked at me and said "I need to tell you something. You'll be my first." I was surprised, and made doubly sure he was still interested in doing this, and he said yes. Then I made sure to guide him through it and be extra gentle with him.


When I think about it, I'm glad he told me. I wouldn't have wanted him to be nervous about trying to look like he knew what he was doing. I didn't mind in the least that he was, and I felt really special to be his first.

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I dont go around broadcasting to every woman I meet or see on a daily basis that I'm a virgin, and even on a first date I wont broadcast that and I'm sure you dont do the same.



i never been on a date ever in my life so no man offline knows i'm a virgin but online a differant story.I think half of the men online knows i'm a virgin.

Luke you know i've never dated a man ever in my life.

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i never been on a date ever in my life so no man offline knows i'm a virgin but online a differant story.I think half of the men online knows i'm a virgin.

Luke you know i've never dated a man ever in my life.


Oh. I was talking about offline myself not online either. I would feel uncomfortable about discussing anything too sexual on a first offline meeting anyway.

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You are losing your good character of being a chaste virgin who is waiting until marriage. You are gaining illegal experience when it is with someone you are not married to.

Once you lose your state of innosense, then it can not come back, and you are in a further fallen state then you are.


Can't really tell if you're being sarcastic here or not... As your thing about STDs seemed serious enough


Am I the only one on here who thinks the smiley icons are a bit weird... with the teeth and eyebrows showing...

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Oh. I was talking about offline myself not online either. I would feel uncomfortable about discussing anything too sexual on a first offline meeting anyway.




I would never reveal my virginity to men offline unless our relationship was seriuos.





I love the smiley icon

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I think you should tell her. You will have to tell her eventually. I don't think it will be that big of a problem.


There is another issue that I didn't see expressed here (well, maybe it was in that giant post by valiantv, I didn't read the whole post). Are you going to be comfortable with the fact that she has been with other guys?

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The original poster already solved his problem, and well done in my opinion.

Still I cannot resist adding my two cents.


If you are asking the question "should I tell I am a virgin" then it seems that you are the type of person who is discriminating about whom you will have sex with. If that is true then surely you will have a pretty serious relationship before you have sex. Then if the relationship is already strong and the SO cannot handle that you are a virgin then this is probably not the right type of person for you.


From my experience I was glad that I could tell my first partner that I was a virgin. She was not, but understood and was supportive of my feelings. If she had been bothered by my virginity not only would she not have been my first, but I doubt I would've regretted that choice.


Everyone was a virgin at some point so get over it.

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I also will add in my 2 cents..


I was a virgin up until weeks ago.


I agree with the not volunteer'ing information thing. It is very realistic to think that a girl will be put off by your inexperience. If she asks, be honest and tell her, but dont dwell on it at all, move on quickly and smoothly.


In my experience i actually find that most girls wont even ask. And i can understand. With me, if i meet a girl its "dont ask, dont tell" because me being a virgin or not, it doesnt turn me on knowing shes had previous sexual experience.

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It is very realistic to think that a girl will be put off by your inexperience.

I don't understand how that is a valid assumption.


If women were put off by men being virgins, then there would be a whole lot of virgins running around. If someone (male or female) is put off by the virginity of the person in question, then the virgin should really consider the quality of the person they are thinking of having sex with.

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I don't understand how that is a valid assumption.


If women were put off by men being virgins, then there would be a whole lot of virgins running around.


Clearly women aren't put off by YOUNG men who are virgins, since that is right about when most men cease to be virgins. Once a man has reached the age where most men of that age are not virgins, however, then the situation changes. By the time a virgin reaches my age (40's), the typical woman would probably prefer to date a violent criminal over an aged virgin. (I do not really understand why this is the case.)



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The quality of the person the virgin is comes to questions before the virginity itself. I wouldn't sleep with any bloke, newbie or not. I would find it increadiably unusual, but also very alluring and interesting. Here is a chance to be someones first time, I'd make it fun for them, answer questions and make sure they felt comfortable.

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I figure if you are in a relationship with someone, or want to be in a relationship with them, they should accept you for who you are. If they do not, and react to your virginity or lack thereof negatively, then they are not the right person for you. So in a way, it is a good sort of "litmus test." You find out if that person is right for you or not. If you have held onto your virginity for a set of reasons and they do not agree with your reasons, then you know that the relationship is ultimately doomed anyways.

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I agree with Dako; if she's cool, she'll be cool about it (if she really is long-term material, she should understand when you come to her honestly and tell her something). If not... then do you really want to go all the way with her?

I would suggest telling her you're "rather inexperienced", but that would be lying to some extent. So overall, I think you should just be honest with her, but pick the right time/mood to tell her.

Best of luck!

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