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drunk and regret it


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i was at my mates, having a few drinks and i decided to ring up this girl i liked. shes my best friend and ive told her before that she means alot to me. however when i was drunk, i said that i loved her, i would take a bullet for her. and then i started abusing her. i dont remember doing it but she rang me up, told me everything and now she doesnt want to be my friend, probably cause she thinks im crazy


i know im not crazy, but is there a way of me getting in her good books again? or should i just let it go. it doesnt bother me what i do, but i just dont want to be seen as this obsessive guy.

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i was at my mates, having a few drinks and i decided to ring up this girl i liked. shes my best friend and ive told her before that she means alot to me. however when i was drunk, i said that i loved her, i would take a bullet for her. and then i started abusing her. i dont remember doing it but she rang me up, told me everything and now she doesnt want to be my friend, probably cause she thinks im crazy


i know im not crazy, but is there a way of me getting in her good books again? or should i just let it go. it doesnt bother me what i do, but i just dont want to be seen as this obsessive guy.


Isn't the drinking age 18 in Australia? Why are you getting drunk then? Let this be a HARD LESSON LEARNED for you. There's nothing wrong with having some drinks, but you need to be responsible about it. Think about not only how it will affect you but others around you as well. Also, now you have some idea of how you act when drunk. I hope you will think about this next time, since you know now what you might get yourself into.


What do you mean when you say you started abusing her? Some people are more forgiving than others. Depending on what you did and her personality, she may or may not wish to continue the friendship. If she does not, you just need to accept it and move on. I know that you liked this girl. You should realize that getting drunk and acting like a moron is not at all attractive to anyone. Women are more forward-looking than men, and they will gravitate to people around whom there's an air of safety and security for them. You are showing quite the opposite - instability and immaturity.


I don't mean to be tough on you. I've learned some difficult lessons myself as well. I just hope that if I can tell someone else, they won't make my mistakes.

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however when i was drunk, i said that i loved her, i would take a bullet for her. and then i started abusing her. i dont remember doing it but she rang me up, told me everything and now she doesnt want to be my friend, probably cause she thinks im crazy


Ouch! Well, lotta lessons there - learn what sort of man you're like when you're drunk (you're aggressive and then amnesiac!), and don't drink too much, and don't call girls when you're drunk!!


Can you do anything? You could do a hand on heart apology - and then just back off and show her that you're not that much of a jerk in real life. I must say, if someone phoned me to declare their love for me whilst drunk and THEN started abusing me, I would not be too impressed. But you're young, you're new to all this, just be honest and be careful in future!


Good luck.

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Isn't the drinking age 18 in Australia? Why are you getting drunk then?


hahaha. most Australian kids start drinking in their mid teens. They can't buy alcohol or go to pubs, but it's generally accepted (even by parents) that they do it anyway. I've been drinking wine with my mum since I was 15.

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