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Hi everyone-

I'm sure other people have had this same issue so I'm hoping to get some advice. Since my boyfriend broke up with me in early Dec I've lost about 15 pounds (6 pounds that first week). Although I am back to about what I normally weigh (I had had surgery in the summer and just hadn't gotten back into shape), I'm a skinny person and I am continuing to lose about 1-2 pounds a week. On the one hand I'm trying to force myself to eat as much as possible (which, of course, is difficult) and then on the other, I'm trying to be nice to myself and recognize that this has been a traumatic time and my body just needs time to adjust.

Any advice? Any one get this same problem (or the opposite one)? Does it go away with time? I don't want to be a bobble head...and honestly, if I keep on losing weight and then run into my ex instead of looking fabulous I'll just look like I'm anorexic and as if I never got over the break up.

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The factor of weight is tied to how long the breakup was. I'm speaking personally of course. I weighed 210 lbs. before I broke up with my ex and by about three weeks after that I was down to 192 lbs. But by the seventh week I slowly started regaining my weight again. Currently I'm at an even 200 lbs. No gains for the past three weeks. You'll continue losing weight either through lack of sleep and a sped up metabolism. This is due to the emotional rollercoaster your on. Once that can be stopped, you'll slowly regain some of the weight you lost. But if it continues, then some professional medical advice is needed. Hope this helps.

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I went from 185 to 178 in a little over a week after my last break up.


But that was because food wasn't my priority. I couldn't eat anything, and when I did, I threw it up... I got close to 165ish, and I loved the way I looked. 20 lbs off my frame in 2 months, made me feel wonderful about myself.


Infact, it took close to 2 months before I could really feel like I could eat again, and which point, I was working out a little bit, and still didn't care to eat alot.


Try and get out and expose yourself somewhat to being "approachable" to the opposite sex. You'd be surprised when your single how well you take care of your image than when you were in a long term relationship.


For instance, just eat maybe 2 meals a day, instead of 3. Start little.. have breakfast, and then just dinner. Or lunch and then just dinner...


I did that, and now that I'm in another relationship(for over a year) I've gotten to 190, which now I wish I could get back to where I want to be

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I don't know how much weight I lost, but I can definitely tell I looked rather boney when I just broke up. About 2 months later, i looked healthy again... I didn't even consider it a hard breakup... just something my body did naturally.

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I went through this in December... over the course of 3 weeks I went from about 185 lbs. to 172 lbs. It was just impossible to eat much of anything the first few weeks after she broke up with me... no food was appetizing, and after I took a few bites I felt sick. Now I'm starting to put some back on, and feel better.

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I'm a non-eater when depressed, which blows because I'm already underweight. Last time I wanted to put on a few pounds, I drank a slimfast with 2 of my meals every day. They're full of good protein and such so it's healthy weight instead of fat. It only did 1-2 pounds a week for me, but after a couple months I was pleased.

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stress can cause a big weight loss, or weight gain, depending on how you eat when under stress... just try to keep eating healthy, and do other things to relieve stress, like working out, meeting with your friends, going out to dinner with friends and eating good things when you're out...


don't focus on how you will look to him if you see him... he's out of your life, and you need to focus on what is good for YOU!


best of luck, go about your healing, and your weight will stabilize again when you've gotten over the worst of it...

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i loose weight too when i am depressed.its very easy for me to loose weight because i have a high metabolism and on top of that, i dont like to eat a lot. When we first broke up, i lost A LOT of weight and my family and friends told me I looked pale and too skinny. So, when we broke up the second and final time, i told myself, i will NOT go through what i did the first time and I will take care of my health, body and mind.

The important thing is to realize that YOU are going to be OK and to try and live a normal life. even though it can be very hard, try not to dwell about your breakup and ex too much. Keep yourself busy with activities and work.

Exercise helps me a lot too. It increases my apetite and makes me fall asleep. I do something active every alternate day.

Also, the protein shakes helps too. Thats an easy definite way to gain weight if you still dont feel like eating.

I actually went to a dr. and asked him to give me a pill or something to help me gain weight!! LOL silly huh, but I was that desperate! he probably thought I was a nutcase. but in the end, what works best is YOU and your attitude about YOUR life. Be +ve, busy, active and try and keep yourself HAPPY.

(watch Food Network, if you have cable, that helps too

Good Luck

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I am like run_little_rabbit. I used the same strategy to avoid looking like a skeleton in 'down times' (I have depressions). If you feel you have difficulty eating, a blender can be your best friend. You can add fibres, fruit and raisins to yoghurt and make smoothies that are full of nutrients without having to swallow bread. It's a temporary solution, but a great one for persons with high metabolism.


And about the running into your ex... he is not the reason you need a healthy weight! YOU are, focus on you and you will look fabulous anyway



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When I broke up with my ex of 2.5 years last april I couldn't eat properly for ages. Luckily, my mum understood so it wasn't as difficult as it might have been. I just ate what I wanted when I did feel hungry, so that I built up a normal appetite again. It has taken me a little longer this time, and my parents were less understanding about it. So I have lost weight, though I'm not sure how much.


So that's my advice to you - only eat what you really feel like, and when you want it. Obviously, try and get into some kind of breakfast, lunch, dinner, routine, but if you don't feel like something, don't force it. It just made me feel worse and I'd throw it all up again on occasion.

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hi everyone! thanks so much for your thoughts on this! guess what? i'm eating right now


definitely right about the fact that i shouldn't even put a thought into how i'll look if my ex sees me. i am where i am in terms of recovering from a break up, and if that includes not eating right now that should be fine.


i'm not going to worry about it for now, whatever my body wants to do, it will do it...and when i'm feeling better about everything, my body will be back to normal thanks for the help!

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