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Strep Throat... Ugh!

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My children just got through having strep and I have spent the day feeling more and more achy and with an increasing sore throat.


What is different, and my concern centers around that I have developed these white blisters in my throat and on my tonsils that are giving birth to little round kernals every so often of hard smelly material.


I know that was soooo gross to read, but serisouly, I have had this happen once of twice before. Is this common only to freako me or does this happen to you too? And what do you do about it?


*shivers with the grossness of it*


Thanks guys.

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I have seen tonsils littered with those white pockmarks, inside my youngest daughter's neck. Rather than the usual litany of remedies, all of which I'm sure you're aware, I'll shoot for the quick chuckle and say that quaffing a quart of boiling orange juice will at least effect some uniformity of color in your throat.


Kidding! What about bioflavinoids? How much ascorbic are you taking daily?


(Haha - "flavin!")

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Enough... considering.


The little things according to wikipedia (ahh, the antichrist!) are tonsilloliths, I just learned. Nasty pictures of them and all.


Hmm. I don't want to go whining to my doctor to this. There are to omany other things I can whine about instead.


I am going to go gargle with peroxide and go to bed, I guess...



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I think you should definitely tell your doctor about it. They will do a throat culture and then prescribe medication. It's not like an average cold- it's highly contagious. The sooner you get treatment the better off you, and those you come in contact with will be. After a day or 2 of taking the antibiotics you are no longer as contagious.


As a child I had the same problem chronically. I eventually had to have my tonsils removed.


I remember as a kid the pediatrican really made a point of it to tell my mom she should not send me to school if I was contagious like that. I missed a lot of Kindergarten as a result.


If you're letting it go on it's own and not seeking medical help, which is esssentially remaining contagious, your kids may catch it again.



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And strep is caused by a bacteria that your body typically cannot fight off on it's own, so you need antibiotics to get it in check.


Not to mention that streptococcal bacteria that causes strep throat, if left unchecked, can actually cause other, more serious problems, such as kidney infections (glomerulonehpritis), and serious heart problems (bacterial endocarditis).


I hope that you will go for a quick throat culture and regime of antibiotics.

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Point well taken.



As I already have an appointment tomorrow to see one of my doctors, I will mention this as well.


The kids had strep or so their doc said... do you think its possible they had Tonscillitis and were misdiagnosed. No culture was done, just an examination. But they are better now.... Just wondering.

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The kids had strep or so their doc said... do you think its possible they had Tonscillitis and were misdiagnosed. No culture was done, just an examination. But they are better now.... Just wondering.


The same antibiotics will kill both since Strep needs a stronger antibiotic.

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I am seriously feeling it right at the mo. My tonsils are touching and I just know I am emitting this fug of biohazardous halytosis. Every time I can work up the courage to try and swallow really well to get rid of the feeling of choking on my own tonsils I get another mouthfull of those little rocks.


The peroxide last night?

Ended up being NOT a good idea. lol

I gargled and instantly a KA-BOOM of fizz erupted and went up and out my nose and mouth. I was choking and sneezing and I inhaled some of it. It burned in my tear ducts and nostrils all night long.


I looked like Old Yeller right before they shot him.

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I don't really think that tonscillitis is considered an emergency, and besides, taking my children to sit in the emergency room for hours on end would probably be more torture than the original illness.


I rubbed some zylocain gel on my tonsils earlier, and they are tolerable now. I can speak, which is a bonus. lol



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I don't really think that tonscillitis is considered an emergency, and besides, taking my children to sit in the emergency room for hours on end would probably be more torture than the original illness.


I rubbed some zylocain gel on my tonsils earlier, and they are tolerable now. I can speak, which is a bonus. lol


Actually, it is considered an emergency since it can spread to other people.



link removed


"Untreated tonsil or throat infections can lead to problems with the heart and kidneys, such as rheumatic fever. If tonsillitis is untreated, a condition called peritonsillar abscess can develop, in which swelling from the abscess can become large enough to obstruct the airway. The infection can also spread into the neck and chest and become fatal."




I don't think zylocain is for internal use.

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Actually, it is considered an emergency since it can spread to other people.


Agreed. Unless and until it can be determined that all three family members harbor identical infections, extreme caution should be observed and prudent measures taken.


I don't think zylocain is for internal use.
It is true that Xylocaine (generic name: lidocaine) and other chemically similar alkaloids such as cocaine, procaine and benzocaine can disrupt the electrical activity of the heart, and none of these should be ingested in quantity. However, Xylocaine is a longtime mainstay of the dental profession, and is considered benign in the amount suggested by LetThemEatCake's description of her application.


To quote the reputable website link removed


Lidocaine topical is used to relieve pain associated with sunburn; insect bites; poison ivy; poison oak; poison sumac; minor cuts; scratches; and burns;
sores in the mouth
dental procedures
; hemorrhoids; and shingles (herpes infection).


Lidocaine topical may also be used for purposes other than those listed here.

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