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Question regarding lack of orgasms and meds


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I have not been able to have an orgasm in over a week. I am able to get aroused, but can never seem to finish. I started taking a higher dose of Lamictal last week and am already on Zoloft.

I was wondering if there is anyone else that may have the same problem? Has the problem gone away? Should I talk to my psychiatrist about switching meds? Should I just deal with it? Is this mainly a female problem or are there any men that have this problem?

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Its a problem with anti-d meds. I have trouble myself. I've also had problems with no sex drive if I don't take birth control.


I'd rather have the stability of the drugs, but it can be frustrating. I got a toy, that helps a lot. I just relax, get comfy in a warm place and enjoy myself. I catch myself trying to will it to happen and I stop and try to relax again.

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Both males and female's are affected, this because the medication not only works on your brain, but also on your sympathic nervous system. (Basically spinal cord nerves) although technically it also belongs to the brain/connected to. As long as you are on the medicines its something you need to deal with it. Although you could change your medication, stricly in terms of depression, if its working against your depression effectivly i wouldn't be all that eager to switch. Why not?


You know the problem with anti-depressants is that they are problem suppressors and not problem solvers, as long as the root of your problem remains, the thing your dealing with will not be solved. The idea that you can solve everything with a pill is ludicurous, they are just accessoires to keep us functioning. And you shouldn't concider it as any more then just that.


Rather solve the problem what is really bothering you for real.


Also, another BIG reason for me not to be happy with the use or abuse of mental medications is this. The brain is a very sensitive electro chemically balanced organ. Messing with it is like messing with your Windows xp operating system, if things go wrong it won't function properly anymore. So be very carefull with that precious organ.


I know people who've abused mental medications, and have constant panic attacks, although that's no reason for you to already panic, please be carefull not to abuse them , or mess around with your brain too much. You want stability in your life.

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You know the problem with anti-depressants is that they are problem suppressors and not problem solvers, as long as the root of your problem remains, the thing your dealing with will not be solved. The idea that you can solve everything with a pill is ludicurous, they are just accessoires to keep us functioning. And you shouldn't concider it as any more then just that.

And what if the root of the problem is a chemical imbalance and not a emotional issue at all. Medication is the only way change that, no amount of talk therapy will change a physical alliment.

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Thanks to you both.

I will look into getting a "toy", CB! That sounds like a good idea. It is very frustrating to keep trying and I think you are right about "trying to will it to happen". It just used to be so much easier, I guess I expect it to be the same now as it was prior to the dosage being increased.


RoboWarrior, I used to be all against meds, but I realized that now that I am on them I am able to deal just a bit better with everything. It just helps to stabilize my moods enough so that I am able to concentrate on things easier and helps with focus as I have a tendency to "zone out" a lot.

Part of that is due to Dissociation, I know.

I want to get off of them again, eventually. I hate being on them, but at the same time they have helped.

I would much rather be "happier" than have the orgasms, but I have to say that an orgasm would make me REALLY HAPPY right about now.

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Like any medication changing can be very difficult. As a long time user of anti-depressants I know that some do nothing for me at all. Yes sex can be a big issue, but day to day functioning is a much bigger thing for some depressed individuals.


Anti-d's take up to 6 weeks to take effect, the with drawl from stopping some are serious, and the so called lower risk of sexual side effects is not guaranteed. The best thing is to be informed as to your options, talking to a doctor would do this, but you have to decide what matters, being able to get out of bed and face the day or getting off.


You did say this has only been happening for a week. I think you should take a week off from trying, relax, and put the idea out of your mind. Keep on your meds and then try again. It could be your mind was saying I'm in the mood, but your body wasn't.

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As everyone else has said...it absolutely can be a problem.


I've found that Wellbutrin allows me to keep my sex drive and orgasms.

I was on Effexor for years and my drive was non-existant.

I went off of it and within weeks, I was sooo horny. Then I went on Zoloft and POOF! Couldn't orgasm, though I would still get turned on...


Meds really do play a big part in sex drive

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I agree with Carnelian, our feeling of well being, calmness, happiness ect... has largely if not mostly to do with chemical levels and reactions in our brain. If a persons levels are not what they should be then anti depressents help the levels balance out the way they should naturally but fail to for whatever reason.

Only me: Wellbutrin has been seen in some studies to increase sexual desire and ability to have an orgasm.. ask your doctor about it.

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