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What men really think about sex???


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Here's just on point from this manifesto that I find misleading.


I never have used a prostitute, or considered it an option, although I've been propositioned a number of times.


On some other points, I'm uninterested in sex with near-comatose women, women with flags over their faces (?) or for that matter, a woman I don't care about. I can't imagine the morning after that sort of thing.


Call me weird.





Sorry but your post had me laughing.I guess having sex with a near-comatose woman or a flag over her face isn't romantic.

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I'd say all of it is true in my case...


I want to say that I don't use sex to manipulate... but maybe I've been a victim of it before.


Also I don't think I'd have the heart to bag her (butter face, but her face, hot body ugly face)... but I guess its an expression I'll use.


Its laden with truth and lies... choose as you wish.


guilty My bf has woken up to find me on top of him. He didn't exactly seem bothered though..


Thats hot. I want a girl to do that

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Hookers dont care whether you're a Harvard Law grad or a homeless guy living under the 405. They dont judge the value/health of their relationship based on your potential earnings. They don't compare and contrast you to their other hooker buddy's latest catch. They don't complain about never getting to go out to dinner, ask you to buy them drinks, nag about your clothes, hairstyle, fingernail length, driving skills, etc. They don't demand house payments to wear on their finger as a sign of committment.

So because I don't do those things either does that make me a hooker or not a GF?

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Men daydream about sex with various partners and in various situations.



Men masturbate while indulging these fantasies.



Men add spice to lovemaking by fantasizing about someone other than the current sexual partner.



The same men who use sex to express love can and will use sex manipulatively and for no other reason than for sex itself.

Hell yes to having sex just for sex itself, never for the manipulation.


Most men have times when they just want sex for the physical sake of sex itself without the entanglement of a relationship. Sometimes a man just wants a woman's body. She can be asleep or drunk or even watching television; he doesn't even care.

Yep. There's a big turn on to a woman giving you permission to do whatever you want to her even when she's asleep. Total surrender is hot.


There was an expression during World War II that explains this thought process: "Throw a flag over her face and do it for Old Glory!"



Women often wonder, "Why would a man pay for sex when it is easily obtained for free in our society?" The fact is that the man will pay because he is only interested in "getting in and getting out," quickly, and without any other involvement. This way of thinking is practically incomprehensible to a woman.

Easily obtained free sex? This writer is smoking crack.


But even more incomprehensible to a woman is that a man can have sex with a woman he does not love at noon and then expect sex from a woman he does love in the same afternoon. Women can not understand this total separation and then total merger of sex and love.

My ex thought this way. That's why she's my ex.


There is another reason men can divorce sex and love. Males reach the peak of their sexual energy in their teens.

My need now for sex is far more intense than the random horny thoughts when I was a teenager, so nope.


This article sucked.

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Men daydream about sex with various partners and in various situations.


Men add spice to lovemaking by fantasizing about someone other than the current sexual partner.


Guys, is this true? Do you really do this??? (I know that I cannot generalize, some men might do the above, and some might not.)


I really don't want to think that my man is fantasizing about other partners, ESPECIALLY not when we're having sex. How INSULTING.

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It's true that some guys fantasize about various women during the day. It's also true that some guys fantasize about other women during sex. They key word here is SOME.


And I tend to think this isn't just a male thing. As far as insulting goes, the article kinda is insulting; I hate stereotypes.

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Any article that makes such sweeping generalizations about an entire sex should trigger some red flags.


Red flags labeled "BS".


Everyone's different. While it might be easier for us to separate sex and love, many don't, and certainly wouldn't do the things listed lower on in the article. Human beings can't be explained so easily.


you are exactly right...to make these statements about half of the population? sure, im guessing there are guys like this, no i know there are, but not as many as some may think

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Guys, is this true? Do you really do this??? (I know that I cannot generalize, some men might do the above, and some might not.)


I really don't want to think that my man is fantasizing about other partners, ESPECIALLY not when we're having sex. How INSULTING.


Completely true, but at the end of it we forget about those women because it is our partner that we love.

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I really don't want to think that my man is fantasizing about other partners, ESPECIALLY not when we're having sex. How INSULTING.


It's probably safe to assume that he does fantasize about other partners at some point (hopefully not while you're having sex).

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This article was so obviously written by a man or men to excuse this disrespectful behavior.


ANYONE (and I use that absolute to make a point!) who is lacking integrity and respect for other human beings will exhibit these behaviors, male or female.


As for thinkng about others, that's a personal choice and women do it just as much as men do, have you seen how many romance books sell in a year!?

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I don't think you're the type of girl that would have that problem.


Mac, what do you mean by this?


Are there certain 'types' of girls that would have this problem and certain 'types' that don't?


Wouldn't it depend on the man and his thoughts/feelings rather then who he was with?

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What is wrong with fantasizing? I don't see any problem with it. I wouldn't go out and share that info with your partner (no need to hurt them) but hey, your mind thinks what your mind thinks.


Also no matter WHO your partner is. Having sex with the same person for many many years causes the "peak interest" to die down. Now I don't believe in cheating but when I masterbate, my mind isn't gonna be on her then too lol. Talk about overkill haha.

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Mac, what do you mean by this?


Are there certain 'types' of girls that would have this problem and certain 'types' that don't?


Wouldn't it depend on the man and his thoughts/feelings rather then who he was with?


Well if the female is the type that just lays there and expects the guy to do all the work in sex, then I would guess a guy would be thinking about someone else.


If HE is the one who always tries and gets turned down unless SHE is in the mood, then he might think about someone else.

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Well if the female is the type that just lays there and expects the guy to do all the work in sex, then I would guess a guy would be thinking about someone else.


If HE is the one who always tries and gets turned down unless SHE is in the mood, then he might think about someone else.


A very interesting point

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Well if the female is the type that just lays there and expects the guy to do all the work in sex, then I would guess a guy would be thinking about someone else.


If HE is the one who always tries and gets turned down unless SHE is in the mood, then he might think about someone else.


Then how, by not knowing 'oh yeah', would mac be able to make that statement?

It seems he is basing it off of looks alone. If your with someone then you should like their looks already...so that shouldn't be the issue.

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Then how, by not knowing 'oh yeah', would mac be able to make that statement?

It seems he is basing it off of looks alone. If your with someone then you should like their looks already...so that shouldn't be the issue.


Well you can be with the best looking person on the planet but after a while several things happen:


a) You get used to them

b) after disagreements and fights which everyone has in a long relationship, it changes how you see them

c) How you view sex to begin with.


for c), let me clarify what I mean. I have two types of sex. Sex when I am in love and just sex. And the two types cannot be with the same person. The person i love I cannot see in the same way I see someone in the 2nd situation.


As DeNiro said in Analyze this when Billy Crystal asked him why he needs a g/f when he has a wife already. "She kisses me kids with that mouth"! LOL

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It's interesting to read everyone's thoughts and opinions on this article


Even though I think, like many of you have said, the article is a stereotype that hardly applies to every breathing male on this planet, there is one part of it I agree with. Most of us women don't understand the male attitude to sex at times...I know I don't.


My boyfriend and I had a conversation about this some time back, and it was instantly clear to me how differently the two of us view the concept of sex. In some ways I think I was a little hurt by some of his opinions...like how easy it seemed he would accept sex, even if it was from a woman he barely. I know he's done that in the past before I came into the picture, and to be honest, at first I didn't understand where he was coming from. But hey, you live and you learn. I'm working on engraving the male/female differences into my mind


I have a question for the men. When you are in a commited relationship with a girl you love, and you see another attractive female somewhere, do you ever fantasize? Or do you just glance her way, admit she's attractive, and that's the end of it? Female curiosity.

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c) How you view sex to begin with.


for c), let me clarify what I mean. I have two types of sex. Sex when I am in love and just sex. And the two types cannot be with the same person. The person i love I cannot see in the same way I see someone in the 2nd situation.


TM, if you started off head over heels for someone and then tried to cool it off to casual for whatever reason because it seemed like it wasn't going to work out long term... you wouldn't be able to have NSA sex with her?

Or, is it easy to change her from one category to the other?

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Men daydream about sex with various partners and in various situations.
I do that 24/7. One of my favorite activities.


Men masturbate while indulging these fantasies.
Another of my favorite activities.


Men add spice to lovemaking by fantasizing about someone other than the current sexual partner.
Yep, been there done that.


The same men who use sex to express love can and will use sex manipulatively and for no other reason than for sex itself.
I think I did that on my teens...


Most men have times when they just want sex for the physical sake of sex itself without the entanglement of a relationship.
So do I. I do have that kind of times...



The fact is that the man will pay because he is only interested in "getting in and getting out," quickly, and without any other involvement. This way of thinking is practically incomprehensible to a woman.
Incomprehensible to a woman? I think prostitutes get it like really well. What about heterosexual one night stands? Go to crazy parties at the beach. Several girls there are also into the in-out without any other involvement whatsoever...


But even more incomprehensible to a woman is that a man can have sex with a woman he does not love at noon and then expect sex from a woman he does love in the same afternoon.
Again, FEMALE prostitutes get that really well. But bottomline, is not that difficult to understand, is not rocket science. Is not like having ovaries makes me unable to understand.


There is another reason men can divorce sex and love. Males reach the peak of their sexual energy in their teens.
So do girls.


And JFTR, I'm a gal.

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