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men vs. women


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I know someone already said this, but I can't be bothered looking for it.


If men are allowed or supposed to have multiple partners, then who are the women that they are sleeping with? If women were supposed to only have one partner and aren't allowed to sleep around whatsoever, then where are these women that they sleep with going to come from? Surely not all of them are going to get attached to him and if they do, then why is it ok for him to sleep around? Isn't that completely unethical?

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Saying "men get a pat on the back for sleeping around" is quite comical. Its a "standard" we fall into that its "cool". But when I go home that night, and I remember that he slept with X many girls... i view him as someone who is trying to fill a void. I like sleeping with 1 girl for an extended period of time, rather than X girls over 3 days.


So in essense, I think that men sleeping around is far worse than women sleeping around. Although I am a guy, and jealousy could also be a part of my decision... but I get my fair share of "play"... I hope I'm not viewed as a "player"... quite degrading because its not my mode of thinking. If I'm at a party, and I'm attracted to a girl and her to me... who cares? its fun!

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I know someone already said this, but I can't be bothered looking for it.


If men are allowed or supposed to have multiple partners, then who are the women that they are sleeping with? If women were supposed to only have one partner and aren't allowed to sleep around whatsoever, then where are these women that they sleep with going to come from? Surely not all of them are going to get attached to him and if they do, then why is it ok for him to sleep around? Isn't that completely unethical?


I don't think it's a matter of ethics - it's a matter of a double standard. It is alive and weill, I think and it is one of several reasons - a minor reason - why I never slept around and never intend to.

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There's no skill required to have sex with any one. If sex were such a lofty feat that required noteworthy ability would there really be so many people on this planet?



I think what the other OP is talking about is the true conquest. Taking a hot babe girl that a guy wants to have sex with, but is high quality and doesn't sleep around with everyone and either chooses very carefully or is a virgin, and he pulls all the right strings and pushes the right button by his game and ends up having sex with her, usually in the pretext of relationship, and then goes for the next conquest. Going for a girl that is either low quality or is already sleeping with everyone else is not a real conquest, and is along the same lines as going with a 'free' hooker where the only difference is you are not paying in money - but it's still a conquest nontheless compared to paying for it - well, in that case it is not a conquest it's a transaction.

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Well, obviously there are many women who don't report rape either so it depends on the percentages of reporting too.


Ok, we are talking about North America here, America and Canada, not a third world country or Guyana or someplace like that. I think it's all too easy for any woman to report or cry rape even if it didn't happen.


In this place, there are plenty of false accusations of rape for various reasons, to bring a guy down, because once a rape charge is brought, even if it's false, a guy's reputation is automatically ruined before it even goes to trial. I think there are plenty of women, based on stats making false accusations of rape, where they may have resented the sexual experience afterwards, although it was totally consensual, and then cried rape afterwards.


So, the integrity of the justice system and true rape/sexual assault cases that are undermined with the prevelence of false rape allegations and a court system that is more likely to believe the woman than the man, without even looking at DNA evidence or lack of it, bringing these allegations through.


Even if no rape is involved, a guy could be messed for life for child support on a child that's not even his. A guy cant sue a girl for giving him STD's though.


Thus I maintain that there is a legal double-standard, and/or social code of conduct that's different for guys than girls that reflect that guys have more risks in sociosexual interactions than girls do.

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All justice systems have checks and balances to decrease the risk of false accusations but of course false accusations will always be there in connection with all sorts of crimes. Thankfully, at least where I am from, there are numerous safeguards to prevent a person from being charged with rape where no rape occurred. In addition, there are safeguards so that rape victims are more likely to report the rape rather than fear the further violation of their sexual past being exposed whether they were with one person before that, many, or none.


I feel sorry that you have such a high level of hostility and cynicysm towards women - in my view it says a lot more about your internal issues than any external reality. My guess is also that you (or a close friend or family member) have never been a victim of a crime where you were seriously physically injured, whether sexually or otherwise. If you had been, and had to report it, my guess is your views would be quite different.

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I feel sorry that you have such a high level of hostility and cynicysm towards women - in my view it says a lot more about your internal issues than any external reality. My guess is also that you (or a close friend or family member) have never been a victim of a crime where you were seriously physically injured, whether sexually or otherwise. If you had been, and had to report it, my guess is your views would be quite different.


I wouldn't be dating women if I did. I can not be sexually assaulted by another woman - that's an impossible scenerio. I am always in pins and needles around women through, because I'm worried that if I grope someone or do something weird, I could end up in trouble. If a woman did that to me however, I would ask her to do it again.


Furthermore, I've done searches before, based on my own fears of a false sex assault charge, which is why I have a total hands off approach with women in general, and in some jurisdictions, there was a staggering 50% of false allegations.


It's not based on hostility and cynicism, it's based on fear of my own butt, I dont want to lose my Real-Estate license by having a pending sex assault charge because I 'touched' someone the wrong way - are those fears real, or do you think I'm paranoid?

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You've indirectly answered, you think those fears aren't real.


No, I didn't say that in the least - I said that it was impossible to answer your question because your question presumes a world view that I cannot relate to and thereforeeee I cannot answer the question. It's not that I don't think your fears are real - apparently they are real to you - but whether they are valid or reasonable would require me to decide whether your larger world view is valid or based in reality - to me your world view is not based in reality - indeed, I cannot relate to it in the least, and thereforeeee I cannot answer questions based on your world view.

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Furthermore, I've done searches before, based on my own fears of a false sex assault charge, which is why I have a total hands off approach with women in general, and in some jurisdictions, there was a staggering 50% of false allegations.

And how many of those false cases became "false" because of pressure on the reporting party? How many were the male police officers ignoring evidence or testimonies because it was rumored or alleged the women "wanted it"? (I'd also like to point out that women are purported to not be inclined to sex so its only convenient for them to be sexual creatures when it gets a guy off the hook as a rapist)

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And how many of those false cases became "false" because of pressure on the reporting party? How many were the male police officers ignoring evidence or testimonies because it was rumored or alleged the women "wanted it"? (I'd also like to point out that women are purported to not be inclined to sex so its only convenient for them to be sexual creatures when it gets a guy off the hook as a rapist)


I've read differently from my searches on the internet. If someone wants to 'get someone' in the legal system, they just have to raise false allegations, and mess people up into hiring expensive defense attorneys and ruining their good name through these charges, whether they are true or not. It's a likely scenerio that a woman would want to get a guy to extract a settlement if he is rich, or have some other ulterior motivations involved, or just hate guys and want to get someone.


But again I guess that doesn't have to be confined to rape. I could make a false allegation that someone made a death threat, or anyone could make a false allegation about anything, sexual or nonsexual. But there is a severe connotation involved when any guy gets a charge, whether it is true or not, their reputation is immediately ruined. So the idea of what checks and balances are in the judicial system to protect innoscent people from being wrongly convicted, or having to go through an ordeal of trial if the charges are bogus in the first place, is something that's beyond the scope of this discussion.

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Well there is a double standard because society keeps on perpetuating it. The women that do engage in sex because they want it know what they will be labeled and accept that. You arent going to change the double standard, so you need to learn to be able to not care about what people think. If something chooses to bring up the issue then I find it necessary to point out their own hypocracy.

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Well there is a double standard because society keeps on perpetuating it. The women that do engage in sex because they want it know what they will be labeled and accept that. You arent going to change the double standard, so you need to learn to be able to not care about what people think. If something chooses to bring up the issue then I find it necessary to point out their own hypocracy.


I whole heartedly agree. Well said Day Walker.

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There's no skill required to have sex with any one. If sex were such a lofty feat that required noteworthy ability would there really be so many people on this planet?


You're right. It's called rape. I was not reffering to skill required to actually HAVE sex. I mean game, it takes skill to pick up women and persuade them to have consentual sex with you.

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And because it was written on the internet makes it true?


There was this case here in Canada, and it was on the news, about a guy who was sent to prison for a rape he didn't commit.


He asked the court to show the DNA evidence or semen or any proof of rape against him, for there was none. He asked the court to put him through a lie detector test. They didn't listen to him. Instead, the woman was right, she put a complaint, and he went behind bars.


After two years later, this same guy's lawyer found out that the woman who put him behind bars was in fact convicted on purjery for similar cases of putting guys behind bars for false sexual assault allegations.


Again, does the court look at DNA/semen evidence or any evidence further than the mouth of the alledged victim? No. They are just trigger happy to put innoscent guys in jail.


I've done further research on the internet for this particular case as it really shattered any faith I have in the criminal justice system, heck, even I, being a virgin could be convicted of rape from a random stranger I dont know with a system like that, or any guy, it's a scary thought.


Looking further in the movites of the woman, it turns out that he rejected a sexual advance from her, and she took it personal and made up a false allegation of rape. She was a prison guard, or was incharge of him in some capacity, he was in custody or something, I dont know this part of the story too well and may have to do further research on it.

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You're right. It's called rape. I was not reffering to skill required to actually HAVE sex. I mean game, it takes skill to pick up women and persuade them to have consentual sex with you.


Not necessarily. It doesn't take skill to be honest and to be yourself.

You mean to say, you have to be someone you are not and lie in order to have sex with someone?

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Hey Luke, yes there may be miscarriages of justice re men being wrongly convicted of rape.


But I reckon that for every wrongly accused man story you bring up I bet I could dig up a story or study that showed a woman in a similar or worse situation.


We had a girl (yes, a teenager) who was gang-raped here, and her rapists were utterly lacking in remorse. They tried various means of getting her to drop the charges, including behaviours in court that force mistrials so she had to go through the whole thing all over again, multiple times, in court. They also organised to run their own defence at one point, so the ringleader got to cross-examine her in court about the rape he committed. Yuck.

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And that single case is going to constitute the entire female mentality of the world? All women think like that?


The mouth of the alleged victim could have DNA in it as forcing oral sex is rape as well.


I agree, that I shouldn't be making sweeping generalisations of extreme isolated cases, but it's still a disturbing case nonetheless that has stook in the back of my mind. It's not a case I like to think about.


This woman has a wicked soul, and of course, most women out there aren't diabolical to put innoscent guys who reject their sexual advances to jail in false charges of sexual assault. But even in the Bible, that has happened with Joseph and Potiphar's wife in the book of Genesis. Joseph was a slave, and the wife of the master wanted to have sex with Joseph. Joseph resisted, the wife cried rape, and Joseph ended up in jail for a while (although he was promoted to government minister afterwards as God had a purpose in all of this).


Anyway, I'm surprized that some women could get so bitter or wicked on a guy who rejects their sexual advances.


There was no material evidence, DNA, or otherwise to have caused a conviction. The guy pleaded with the court that there was no material evidence furtther than the woman's testimony and was suggested that they should both go on a lie detector test.


Result: Conviction and jail sentence, and put into a sex registry.


Woman just cried rape and the court believed her.


You may as well say 'she could have been telling the truth', but in criminal law, a conviction has to be beyond a reasonable doubt that the allegations are true, not a whimsical notion that someone could be telling the truth about something, as anyone can act and make up stories and be good at that. But, I guess some judges just like good performances or something and take that as evidence.

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