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men vs. women


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women who sleep around these days think they are achieving equality with men, when really it is just degrading. women are equal in nature, but not if they go against this nature by sleeping around. it is biological, you are different, so let it be that way

Its biological that women can have sex many many more times than a man can. Teen age males might ejaculate a dozen times a day, an older man less. A man needs an erection to have sex and physiologically it is impossible for him to be constantly erect or responsive. A woman can have sex as much as she wants with out need of erection, she can use man after man and still have sex. Biology ensures the female can engage in sex more often so that she can become pregnant. One sex act may not be enough to produce a viable fetus, so several males are needed to be sure. Biology is statistics and statistically the more sperm the better chance of continuation of the species.

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I have a question: so if women are biologically programmed not to sleep around without losing their femininity, and are more sensitive and become emotionally attached and only have sex in meaningful relationships, and men are free to sleep around.............who are they sleeping WITH? All these delicate, emotionally attached women? And if the women they are having casual sex with have lost their appealing femininity and thus are less attractive.....why are the guys sleeping with them?

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Having sex with another person is not a big deal, millions of people do it every day. The man who thinks he is accomplished for doing such is deluded. Those who support such ideals are as equally deluded.


No, it's called 'conquest'. There is no delusion of the idea of conquest. If a guy does a girl he wants then that's a conquest. That means he's won.

That's an accomplishment. He's a real man now, not a little virgin boy living with his mother like I am.

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Honestly, this is the best post I've read on this thing. It makes allot of sense. The stereotypes basically compensate for a power imbalance between the sexes - and I think other points raised here, such as promescuity as a concept is inconsistent with traditional gender roles is also an interesting point.

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Because they don't complain makes it any less true?

It's not impossible.


There are a zillion threads on here about women complaining about being used by guys for sex under the pretext of relationship or being looked down upon if they want casual sex.


There are a zillion threads, including my own threads, about guys complaining about girls wasting their time and money and getting friendzoned or how difficult it is to get sex. Guys complain on here that they cant get sex, not about women using them for sex. I agree with the poster whibee, who says that women have the choice when it comes to sex and thus more is expected from them, and men dont have that type of choice - that's why complaints dont reflect getting used - they reflect getting nowhere with their time.



Talking about double-standards on here, again, if a woman touches a guy up and feels him off, that's fine and encouraged, but if a guy does that to a woman, chances are, police whistle, charges, harassment charges, etc....

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I've never heard of any guy complaining about a girl using him for sex. Is there a thread on here about that, I've never read it? That's impossible because that would be a favourable scenerio if a guy wants sex.



Your male scenerio is rare but i did find an online story about a man being "rape" by a woman.True or false.The police said it was rape but the guy???

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I don't know....I seem to see holes in your theory of biology. My sister's in Master's school in biology, and she says that biology encourages women to have multiple partners, because (as one poster already said) it can take more than one bout of sexual activity to produce a viable pregnancy, and multiple partners ensures that the most virile and biologically-sound sperm are the "victors", so to speak. Since there is so much sacrifice for a woman in a pregnancy, it is important to ensure the best partner possible.


Also, I don't think this thread was originally about the biological differences between men and women. It was about the double-standard of values and labelling in society. Whatever one's personal views on the fragility and innocence of women, if chastity is to be seen as a virtue in society, it should be applied equally. A woman should not be castigated for exploring many sexual partners any more than a man. What they do is equal in nature and gravity - it is personal choice on both parts. If a man and a woman choose to have casual sex, to at the end label the woman a prostitute and the man a hero for the same act.....that, in my mind, is more abhorrent than the choice itself.

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A guy can file charges just as much as a woman. He has every right to say he was violated or assaulted.


Sure, he has legal rights, but those types of charges are a big laugh and would never end up in court because everyone in court would have a hay day laughing at such a thing.


It's considered to be 'favourable' if a guy is violated or sexually assaulted, or the guy WANTS that to happen to him by any woman, and something that's considered 'favourable' is not something that can proceed with a charge. I dont see any guy on here pressing charges or filing lawsuits with any girl that felt them off or did anything 'sexual' or 'sexual harassment', and even if they did, being taken seriously anywhere.


What I raised is a valid double-standard in the legal system, and I'm showing that the risk is WAY higher for guys, in terms of getting into trouble of things going badly than it is for girls who can always hide behind victim status to gain more attention while a guy is more often the real victim in an false charge or exagerrated false charge. On the other hand, a woman can think of false allegations of rape and possibly even succeed in court (and I have seen that happen).


What goes around comes around, and if women can enjoy these types of advantages in the system, then the social stereotypes of being risked being labled perjorative terms for being loose or sleeping around with guys goes with the territory.

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i dunno; i've gotten pretty lambasted on my own thread for using a guy for sex...


Perhaps - but I think the problem there was that you were trying to finesse/cover up/rationalize your motives in being with him for at least part of the thread - at least that is what I reacted to more than the fact that you were having casual sex with a consenting adult.

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As a male, bedding a female is more challenging than a female getting a guy in bed.


Thus, there is a certain amount of skill/game/thrill of the chase required by the male to land attractive females.


There isn't much skill required, nor praise earned when you bang the chick who has already slept with the entire football team.

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er no its biological that men can have sex more often than women, because the idea of sex for men is to spread their genes. for women the purpose is to have a child. a man can continue to have sex as much as possible and the original function of their role in sex is complete. women can only bear one child at a time so biologically there is less need for them to have sex all the time. this is clearly a simplified version, but this is teh diifference in geneeral.

If you look at any period of time, who can have more sex: A man is able to have several ejaculations, physically he will reach a point when he can not maintain an erection. A woman, even pregnant, can have sex as many times as she has energy to go on. Women may not feel the need to have sex as often as men, but that does not mean they are incapable of having sex. Many women have higher sex drives than men, but since the accepted practice is for them not to act, they go unnoticed.



it is a FACT that women are much more emotionally attached to sex. thereforeeee it is a worse idea to sleep with lots of guys

Facts require support, saying it just is, does not support it. Most people base their so called "facts" on concepts they find in popular media, which really is a propaganda machine out for its own self sustaining purposes, they create drama, they do so to make money not advance the world.

And if it were true, how does emotional attachment via sex make sleeping with more men worse? The woman would feel more intimate and aware of her partner. It wouldn't be a random act of pleasure, but a full enjoyable experience. Emotional attachment does not dictate exclusivity, a woman can have feeling for many men (and women) and enjoy sex equally with all of them.

The idea that men have no attachment to anything beyond the sex act is much worse than the woman having emotional involvement. He's using all those women for sexual gratification, she is sharing a intimate act with each person she encounters. So is it truly worse that a woman makes more of sex if she feels something other than physical pleasure?

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a man could go find a girl that he just wants to have sex with and its alright but if a girl decides to go after a guy just for sex its totally wrong.
According to whom? This is not how my world operates. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


As the old song says, "If you can do it, she can, too."

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It is all an individual thing. I mean society in general does have this double standard. But to me I would not look up to a guy who sleeps around and treat sex like its nothing important but a way to get him self off, man Wh0res.


There's no skill required to have sex with any one. If sex were such a lofty feat that required noteworthy ability would there really be so many people on this planet?


Maybe, but half the people in the world could be a result of terrible sex which thank god only lasted 1 minute.

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