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men vs. women


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very very simple question...why is it that a man could go find a girl that he just wants to have sex with and its alright but if a girl decides to go after a guy just for sex its totally wrong. It bothers me all the time because a girl is always looked upon a when maybe she jut needs to get her "fix".


Explain to me this double standard if at all possible.

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This double standard only exists because people make it a big deal....


in MY experience (people might have diffrent ones )

Guys generally don't bash another guy for fooling around with a girl... however, girls are extremely catty about it, and will rip another girl into pieces because of it... regardless of how little guys care about it..


So basically.. its girls that perpetuat the stereotype..... and ironically enough, they are also the ones that complain about it....

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So basically.. its girls that perpetuat the stereotype..... and ironically enough, they are also the ones that complain about it....

As seen from the guy's perspective.


I've seen many a guy call a girl dirty names because she'd been with a few men. Men carry it along just as much. I'm usually the only girl in a group of guys, they are just as "catty".

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As seen from the guy's perspective.


I've seen many a guy call a girl dirty names because she'd been with a few men. Men carry it along just as much. I'm usually the only girl in a group of guys, they are just as "catty".



Yes that is so true! Being the same way, usually the only girl in a group of guys I agree guys are just as quick to call a girl some names just because she had sex with so many guys or had a one night stand but were also the same ones to congratulate a male friend who slept with the first girl he picked up. Double standards exist in this world and it isn't just the females who make it that way.

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meh, it does exist, but you can also say that girl's call guys sluts just as much.... whats the diffrence?


I care more about what my friends think of me than some random girl..... If a friend said I was a I would take that to heart much more than just some random girl.

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i know im gona get slaughtered for this but i make no apologies. i am not saying that i totally agree with it but the reason "the double standard" will always exist is because success as a man is defined as having the confidence to get whatever you want (and woman cant deny they prefer confident men in general), and femininity is defined by more moral values and a certain level of innocence. this is not outdated or traditional. whether u like it or not, it is not feminine to try and become like blokes and sleep around. you have more of an emotional attachment to sex, it is biological.


come on people, gimme the best ya got , i can take it


So you're saying because im a female, im not supposed to enjoy the casual sex? Sweety, thats the reason we have problems with such harsh double standards in this world today. It is outdated, I should be able to go out and enjoy my sexual freedom with having to worry about being labeled something bad just as a guy is free to go out and sleep around with this chic and that chic without having a problem. Its the 21st Century for christs sake! Sex is no longer viewed as a bad thing as it was when women were considered "innocent" and were expected to live in the kitchen and cater to the man.

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Yeah there's a double standard. I think it comes from the whole men being the pursuer mindset.


Because of that, women have so much power when it comes to sex. If a woman wants sex (just sex not a relationship), it's assumed that she'll get it. It's not really a matter of if she's hot or if she's charming. It's all about her picking who it's with. Men don't really have that kind of choice. They can only pursue and hope they're impressive enough. Since a woman has that power of choice, more is expected from her.


And if a woman breaks from that kind of behavior she's seen negatively. It comes accross that she doesn't have power and doesn't have a choice, even though that may not be why she is so active.


Is it fair? Not really. But then I think that if people don't know what you're doing...they can't put you down for it. And more people should be discrete about their sexual adventures. Male or female. Seriously. It's not hot to hear about ANYONE sleeping with a bunch of people, i.e. Wilt Chamberlain.

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Since the invention of birth control and women leaving the home, there really is no need for dehumanization of women who enjoy sex. We can be take care of ourselves with out the need of men. I think that's why its become so much of an issue, before it was make sure the women were bred to one man, now women make the choice and men don't like it.


Innocence based on the virginity or lack of sexual experience is a foolish ideal. A woman that could have slept with a husband a thousand times with no enjoyment or fulfillment is no less enlightened or sexually aware of herself than a virgin.

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Since the invention of birth control and women leaving the home, there really is no need for dehumanization of women who enjoy sex. We can be take care of ourselves with out the need of men. I think that's why its become so much of an issue, before it was make sure the women were bred to one man, now women make the choice and men don't like it.


Innocence based on the virginity or lack of sexual experience is a foolish ideal. A woman that could have slept with a husband a thousand times with no enjoyment or fulfillment is no less enlightened or sexually aware of herself than a virgin.


very well said!

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IM not "feminine" because I enjoy casual sex, where as your best mate is the best man and "player" for scoring with all the girls he can. I dont understand people who see it that way. I think it should be viewed as equally disgraceful for a man as it is a woman. I, personally am not one to sleep around but I know alot of females (and males) who enjoy the act of casually being able to have sex wihtout the relationship commitments but the way they are treated are worlds different. People can be so openminded this day in age to so many things but when it comes to double standards for males and females noone can get past that. Its ridiculous.

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I have no clue where you get your values and views from but it makes no sense that you're going to sit there and tell me im any less feminine just because I enjoy sex? Yeah, Okay. Well I guess the average population of women, according to you arent feminine. Sleeping around takes more "essense of what makes a woman special than what it does for men" WTH? Thats all Ic an say to that.

Side note, about who or what women are attracted to, you can't get past old time standards on what makes a female feminine how are you going to say what type of men women like? BTW, since you believe in all this bull what do you constitute as "sleeping around" anyway?

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you may not be attracted to that type of man but u cant deny that most women are attracted to that type, even though they might not admit it, or else these men wouldnt get so many people to sleep with them in the first place

Or maybe the women want to have sex and those men just happen to get picked.


So you know the majority of womens' minds? You've spoken with the roughly 3 billion female residence of this planet and the majority have said "Oh I love a man whose slept with multiple women, he's got the best chance of giving me an STD and being gone when I wake up".

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Just to add a little. I have no problem with girls sleeping around. All I care about is that the girl that I am messing around with is clean.


But it is very natural for a male to go out an have sex with every female. It is programmed in our brains. Men also have the option to resist temptation, but very few men don't execute that resistance.


Now girls are a different story, because I really don't like they are programmed to sleep around. It is becoming a new thing, because society is moving away from gender specific associations and moving to equality for everyone.


Also, back in the day, our populations were smaller, and honor was a must. So humans were put into a position of one life mate, whether the person wanted it or not.

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very very simple question...why is it that a man could go find a girl that he just wants to have sex with and its alright but if a girl decides to go after a guy just for sex its totally wrong. It bothers me all the time because a girl is always looked upon a when maybe she jut needs to get her "fix".


Explain to me this double standard if at all possible.


I don't think it's all right when a man's typical behavior is to have one night stands or casual sex.

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no, i havent spoken to 3billion women, i dont need to. im not an idiot, i dont think women are attracted to the idea of getting STDs. its a simple concept: confident guys get lots of women because of their confidence, which is clearly what women like. they continue to get lots of women and women continue to like them. this is the way it is

Confidence is shown in many ways. Sexual promiscuity is only one indication of a singular type of confidence, if it could even be considered that. Having sex with another person is not a big deal, millions of people do it every day. The man who thinks he is accomplished for doing such is deluded. Those who support such ideals are as equally deluded.

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Confidence is shown in many ways. Sexual promiscuity is only one indication of a singular type of confidence, if it could even be considered that. Having sex with another person is not a big deal, millions of people do it every day. The man who thinks he is accomplished for doing such is deluded. Those who support such ideals are as equally deluded.


Very well stated.

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