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What is the first thing that girls look for in a guy?


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Well, the first thing I "notice" is his smile or the way he looks at me. The first thing that "gets me" is chemistry, but thats beyond your controll, you either have it or you dont. The first thing I "look" for is how his mind works- whats he sayen? What is he interested in? If he does it for me in these areas, Im pretty open as far as looks go. But there are some turn offs too.

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It depends on the woman. They're all individuals you know. They each have their likes and dislikes for male personality and looks. Some women think I'm adorable. Others think I'm OK. Some don't notice me. Some loath me. I need an icon of sticking my tongue out here. Is there one?


Clearly it depends on the woman. You can't please 'em all, but you don't need to. All you need is to please one you have something mutual with.

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Love your username by the way. It indicates a shy guy with an awesome attitude of self improvement.


I wish I'd thought of your username first. Wanna trade? I'll be Shy2Cool and you can be Charley.


Your username is your motto. Cool.


Here is your logo

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What I notice right away?


First, I notice how he carries himself. Eye contact, smile, posture, body language. Then, I notice how he interacts with me. Does he ask questions, does he interrupt me, etc. And eventually I pay attention to how he interacts with other people (the waiter, for instance, if we're out on a date).

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Soul = personality.


It is a window because you can tell a lot about a personality (sometimes more than you wish) by looking at their eyes. Women are especially astute at this.


But HOW do you tell. From my understanding the look in someones eyes has more to do with diet than it does anything regarding the soul.

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