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New guy on the block


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I read a fair few posts as a guest and this seems a good place to get some advice. Currently I'm in a relationship with a girl, have been for 4 years. We don't live together or anything like that but I always thought we were pretty solid. Until last night. The basic gist of it is that I saw her with an another bloke, kissing, hands everywhere. I didn't go over, instead I stared in shock for a couple of minutes and then walked out leaving my mate in the pub on his own. He says he didn't say anything either. The question is what the hell do I do? Obviously I can't be with someone that cheats. I'm absolutely furious with her and this guy (who I know). What I really want to do is smash his face in and shout in her face, which really isn't like me. I don't want to lose my control over this but obviously I have to tell her I know. Has anyone else been in this situation before or got some advice for me?

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Wow thats awful, I really feel for you dude. I would feel exactly the same as you if after witnessing something like that. If I was you I would confront her with what you know and get it all out your system and hear what she has to say (not that she can justify what happened). You need to find out everything that went on so that you can move on with your own life. After this talk I would go cut her out my life completely for your own good. As for the other guy I would resist attacking him, you will look like the bigger man to just walk away from this. Maybe this is for the best, at least you know now that she is cheating on you, its better to know now than in later on. Sorry you are having to go through this

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I'm sorry to hear about your pain. But you should confront her about the whole situation and don't even bother with the guy. Its just not worth it. Talk to the girl and from their you have to make some serious decisions. Keep us posted or if not its always good to vent here on the forums. Were here for you.

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Thanks. I know I need to confront her. I'm just stalling because, well, I don't know why. I haven't answered her calls today. It's almost like if I ignore it, it never happened but it did. I know it did because I saw it with my own eyes. I guess I'll confront her later when she comes over.

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First, I commend you on your decision to not smash his face in right then and there. I know all too well the shock you are feeling from finding out that your girl is cheating. I think that you need to confront her ASAP for your own sanity. You must be going bloody crazy. I really feel for you. It is probably best that you leave the other guy out of this, although who would blame you if you smashed his face in. For me cheating is a deal breaker and I would break up with her after I heard her lame explanation.


Good luck mate

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WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS? Before you confront her you need to decide are you willing to forgive her. If not, WHAT IS THE POINT of hearing her excuses or reasons or whatever?! If you talk things out with her you are only giving her a chance to talk her way out of it or even turn it around on you ("Oh I wasn't getting enough attention from you" or "You are always working and we never spend time together anymore. I was lonely") And in regards to the other guy...unless he knew that she had a boyfriend, you really can't be mad at him! If he didn't know about you then he didn't do anything wrong! Now I just found out that the girl my ex was messin' around with knew he had a girlfriend (ME)...she even covered for him and lied to me saying that there was nothing going on between them anymore. So if anyone deserves to get their face smashed in its HER!!!

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