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Caffeine Overdose. Help!


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I got a bit of a problem. I get regular migraines, and before, taking Exedrin worked to stop the migraine before it starts. My doctor said it was okay to do this and it worked well. However, at the time, I was drinking a lot of Pepsi, so the caffeine didn't really have any impact on me.


I quit the stuff two months ago, and had a migraine last night. Without thinking, I took Exedrin as usual. I seem to be reacting badly to it since I don't have a tolerance for caffiene anymore. I've been awake ever since. ZERO sleep last night, another migraine today, and even though I have not taken any more exedrin, I feel like I am on a caffeine high or something. Its badtime and I really need some sleep!


Any suggestions??? I'm tired, need sleep and I'm feeling very buzzed.

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If you take too much excederin, or any pain medicine, you can have what is called a rebound headache. Try cutting all caffeine, all acetameinophen and asprin out (the ingredients in excederin). this is what the neurologist told me and it seemed to help

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for tonight, take a warm bath, drink some chamomile tea, and then maybe do some meditation or yoga. if you still can't sleep, get some good bed time reading, like some tax code. i find that will make me sleepy soon!


or, you can try to use this energy for all it's worth and start doing massive cleaning in your home and keep going until you are totally exhausted and fall asleep.


i like advil. good luck!

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Yeah, I'll try advil from now on... I'm still pretty buzzed though - I'm literally twitching and I haven't felt like this since drinking waaaaaaaay too much tea and pepsi and dark chocolate in one sitting. I took 4 pills yesterday, and my body hasn't had any caffeine in two months before that.


Jen, that is a good point about rebound headaches. I find that happens to me with regular headaches. With migraines, pain killers will stop it in its tracks if I take it before it gets too strong.


Last night was horrible. I read AND finished two boring books, the house is spotless and stared at the ceiling all night. Shower, milk, etc didn't work. I really need sleep tonight

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Ok, don't take any more pills. Drink plenty of water, eat a load of carbs and soak in a warm bubble bath and crawl into a pair of comfy pj's.


The more you think about not being able to sleep, the worse it will get. Don't take a sleeping pill, it'll be too hard on your body.


By the way, pepsi and dark chocolate are not the best mix. Dark chocolate should only be eaten in very small amounts.


I've done quite a few other things that have kept me up a lot longer than this, you'll get through it. Just relax and eat a sandwhich.

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You might be in luck. My dad and sister used to get terrible migranes, until my dad learned of a supposed treatment that is inexpensive, and for many people is a total cure. It has worked very well for my dad for 2 years and is a cure for him. It also helps him sleep at night. So that would also solve your other problems to huh.


I posted the treatment in another thread here.


It won't solve your current problem with caffeine overdose. That's one I don't know about. However, in the future, my dad's migrane treatment might make the caffeine no longer necessary. Go check it out. It might be your future solution.



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Excedrin contains 65mg of caffeine, and it also contains aspirin, which together work to relieve pain.


Caffeine has a half life of between 3-4 hours in an average human, 5-10 hours if you're taking oral contraception. And aspirin has a half life of 15 minutes so the drug will be around 97% gone in 20 hours (or up to 50 hours if taking oral contraception). The therapeutic effect will wear off after two half life's so it's not likely to be the caffeine causing your symtoms. An acute overdose of caffeine is considered when more than 400mg is consumed in a short space of time.


It's not a good idea to try and counter the actions of one drug with another as it can cause drug-drug interactions.

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Well, it worked, the wine seemed to stop the hummingbird-buzzy feeling long enough for me to fall asleep. I'm just tired today. I know the exedrin lasted a bit long, but I can't think what else would get me buzzed that way since I didn't have any other caffeiene or any weird foods.


Since my old trick for migraines seem to be giving me trouble now, I'll check out your tip Charley!

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uhm, i don't think taking pills, then taking sleeping pills, then trying wine is a good idea. you might want to sit it out for a day, then try just wine. you know, some of the natural herbs stuff puts a lot of people right to sleep. you could get in trouble though. lol


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