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Does anyone here currently work for...


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Or have they ever worked for Victoria's Secret? I went for a job interview today and was told that in order to be "part of the team" I need to successfully complete a 10-15 minute telephone assessment. I'm extremely nervous about this assessment because its all automated and I only have one chance to do it. For example, if I mess up one number while typing in my social security number I don't get the job. My question here is, for those of you who work for them or have worked for them in the past, what kind of questions should I be expecting on the assessment so I don't screw up? The only thing they tell you is to have the social security number ready. I tried googling this inquiry to no avail. Although I know coming here is a stretch, it was the only other thing I could think of. Hope you guys can help!

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Any job application will need that, its so they can get the tax stuff set up and make sure you're legal.


No offense, but after my last trip to VS, you'll be fine, you can construct full thoughts and sentences, not so true with the girl who was "helping" me.




don't worry, don't freak out. you'll punch the right numbers into your phone. don't stress! good luck

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Any job application will need that, its so they can get the tax stuff set up and make sure you're legal.


I've never had a job before. This was only my second interview EVER. lol.


No offense, but after my last trip to VS, you'll be fine, you can construct full thoughts and sentences, not so true with the girl who was "helping" me.


Ha! None taken. Its a compliment. =P

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I had a dream that I worked for Victoria's Secret (no lie!) and it's was THE best job ever! Too bad I heard you have to be gay to work there if you're a guy... anyways, just give it your best on the interview; that's kinda all you can do... I've turned in dozens of Job Apps... and none of them will accept me because of my lack of job experience. See how much better life is in dreams?

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