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I have a question...I probably know the answer. But, heck...I would be interested in others opinians. Mr Creep and I broke up a year and a half ago...I left for a long list of reasons...including he was tearing down my self-worth and psychologically abusing me...( a master at messing with peoples heads) I would classify him as a sociopath with a narcissistic type mental thing going on. I will not detail all of it...too long to explain and I don't think we have any psychiatrists here.


After I left him, I was homeless...destitute and had to move in with a girlfriend with my kids and pets...I found an apartment etc...and he kept trying off and on to involve me in his life...I have told him to leave me alone, I have told him I pretty much detested him in every way...I never minced words and at times I have used some pretty strong ones. He seems to like it. We can go for months with no contact and then he calls out of the blue...and says, "I know you are mad at me, but I have been thinking about you." I guess it used to affect me, but no longer does. Our last conversation before today, I had told him to LEAVE ME ALONE. I guess he thinks he is a pretty irresistible dude, because he KEEPS CALLING ME !


He makes me sick, I have moved on and found someone I completely love...and even when I have told Creep boy this...he acts like I did not say anything. My question is...should I totally not even tell him how much I detest him and to leave me alone...(because it seems to turn him on) Or should I pretend he is dead and when he calls just hang up (he has my internal number at work still from when we were together...so I never know when he will call.) I am very sure he has some very real mental problems.

Any suggestions? Rejection and no contact seem to be a challenge for him and make me more appealing....(cause he is nuts) Any other strategies?

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Yes totally ignoring him is best. I had en ex who would keep calling me (not as bad as yours sounds though!). I ignored all his calls and when he called with a private number I said I cant talk now and hung up. He kept sending me text messages and emails but I knew if I replyed it would just get him excited and he would just write more and more. It took a while for him to lose interest but he doesnt contact me at all anymore.

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