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Concerned 'bout what she'll think of my "size"


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The key thing that you said was if you satisfy her. I doubt she won't give you more than one chance to do that. I don't think this should be a big worry for you.


However, if I was just starting with a woman and wanted to get her off, I know my best bet is not to pound it but to lick it.

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Sexual chemistry between two people has a lot more to it than just anatomy... i think i read somewhere that almost ALL guys don't like something about their penis and wish it were longer/wider/straigther this or that...


Sex is about having fun so don't focus on that, focus on giving her pleasure, talk to her ask her what she likes etc. you can also buy a full range of sex toys that add girth etc. to play with if you really feel its a problem, but of course don't start with one of those... she'll probably be fine with whatever you've got as long as you use it well and take care of her!

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nm-I feel like I am writing to my bf! He too was worried because I had such an "amazing body" (as I have said before, beauty is in the eyes...) anyway, my bf is not hung like a horse as they say, and to tell you the truth I have been in that situation and was baffled as to what to do with it all...it was with a celeb..I digress. Since you don't even know how much she would like to receive, and I am sure you are quite good in the sack, all you have to do is feel yourself as confident and loving and pleasing (yourself as well) and go for it. It really is true, it aint the meat its the motion.....I would like to go into more detail here but in case the bf does ever come on I don't want him to feel that he ever displeased me in the sack...even though he is the best lover I have ever had. There are also certain positions that are better for men with, um, short comings...and if your girl is flexible then you will have a ball! Pun intended! Let us know!

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I wanted to add something here. It is not the size of the tool but, how you use it. If you a minute man then you definitely want to use your oral skills. Getting her off is a good thing but, do your best and remember this is supposed to be "FUN".


So don't over stress this and relax.

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I think sex with another person is always different regardless of the differences in size. It is not about size but about the way you make her feel when you make love to her. In addition, girls can also be 'wider' and more 'narrow' in the vaginal area; but generally speaking it will fit and be pleasurable and if not, there are always ways around it to make it better for both of you.



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If you try keeping her legs together in some positions you will find that you will both feel more.


Bottom line though - foreplay. Just because you don't get her off from sex doesn't mean you won't get her off. Don't be afraid to go down on her and take your time. If you come and she hasn't, don't be against spending some more time on her. Sometimes you will find that because she gets you off, she'll be more turned on and apt to coming herself from a little more foreplay (or is it post-play) action.

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"its not the size that matters" my b/f was once worried about the size of his and ive always said it wasnt the size that matters but he thought the same way that you are right now. Then the day came down to do what we've talked about and what he thought was little i think is pretty big for his size. He was afraid that because i have such a banging body that he wont satisfy me because he feels that hes too little but hey hey.. he does a damn good job at it and doesnt do foreplay. sometimes its the emotional connection between each other that makes sex all the more better. Connect with her emotionally, tell her things that you love about her while youre at it.

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If it is a girl I like, I never worry about my own pleasure the first time (or few times). Often, I just zone in on the C & G spots with tongue an hands...no penis required. Plenty of other spots as well...nipples, neck, etc.


If you start worrying about 'you', then you aren't going to be focused on 'her'.


Unfortunately, there is a lot of pressure placed on men regarding their size....by both men and women. However, your size is something you can not control or change, so don't worry about it. Yes, there are "size queens" out there but they're mostly all {Mod Edit}, so don't worry about it. Unless you like that kind of girl?? I have average length/girth (not large), yet my current GF has a big vagina (shes had a few kids and such). Yeah, I wish it was tighter a fit but we have no problems giving each other pleasure, thru penetration or otherwise.


One of my guy friends constantly brags about his "largeness" (supposedly a thick 10). Pretty good looking guy, however in the 4 years I've know him, he's been with 2 girls. He was with the 1st girl once and the 2nd girl three times. So, although he's got a big one, he apparently isn't getting it done in other departments. A big one alone doesn't make you a good lover.


Good lovers focus on the one they're with, not themselves. Make her feel like the sole object of your desire, and you should make her happy. Hesitation and insecurity suggest you aren't overcome w/ desire....and it spells doom.

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I used to be like that, but consistent reassurance from women can help. Of course, women have to SEE it, but I've never had a problem with being naked.


It's just a male thing... Just get it out of your head as best you can, and think that your the biggest thing to head in that direction.. Confidence is really worth it's weight in gold.

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a previous boyfriend of mine, was very girthy, and that was nice. and my current fiance, hes very long and not so much girth, but i like that too.

Different things feel different ways and i'm sure that your girfriend will appreciate your size for what it is.

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Unfortunately, there is a lot of pressure placed on men regarding their size....by both men and women. However, your size is something you can not control or change, so don't worry about it. Yes, there are "size queens" out there but they're mostly all {Mod Edit}, so don't worry about it.

That's not a valid statement by any means, that's like saying all women who like chocolate ice cream are fat, its a matter of personal preference. How is there any less pressure on women to be tight, you even mention the largeness of your GF's vagina, how's that any different?

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