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Letting him know you're not interested...


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Wow my god I didn't think it was true, but men are pigs! lol jk but really I had no idea so many guys couldn't just CHILL about it. Its like even hearing "no, i'm not interested!" isn't enough because they manage to logically convince themselves that "oooo she's just playing hard to get! that cheeky girl"


Honestly I will notice that a lot of women aren't upfront enough, but I'm also sure its because they hate hurting their feelings. Then again men REALLY do it to themselves. Heck its rather sad and pathetic when you have guys trying to one-up you for your gf or make you out like a chump. I seriously lose my faith in them when I bring my gf around as they ogle her like she's a goddess and I have to step in and tell them their drooling embarrasses me even.


The simple answer sometimes is for women TO get overly angry because sometimes that's what it takes. I feel sorry sometimes because I get it easy. All I do is approach and hear whether she's interested or not and walk away. I don't deal too much with girls following me around or harassing me(trying to ask me out all the time and say weird creepy things). SO I guess what I'm getting at is that you may hate having to say "no, get lost!" but guys need to hear it. And not be a bunch of sore losers about it too and start hating women because they're too weird about dealing with it.


thanks for the insight. really it helps when painting a picture on understanding what its like for women.

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