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Altough I know I should not do it, today I want to cry. I think it will be good for me. I've been really needing it.

I have been able, somedays more than others, to put away all those feelings and memories that puts me down but, once in a while I brake. My feelings have been so messed up and I've been so obsessively trying to improve myself that I forgot to cry. Today I need it...

3 weeks have passed since I cut all the contact with her and, finally, I'm accepting that everything's over...and that hurts really bad.

I know she have done a few things that were not very respectful toward me and that is making me angry with her but, sincerely, I don't want to fell that way. Feeling angry with a girl after a relationship it was what I've been doing for many years by putting all the blame on their back. To me it's a sign of the past and I want to change into someone new and better.

I really don't know if she was aware about what she was doing...I don't want to forget that these things happened but I don't want to feel bitter about them.

I don't want to make any questions, just want to tell you how I'm feeling right now....



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Altough I know I should not do it, today I want to cry. I think it will be good for me. I've been really needing it.


i am so sorry you're hurting but don't hold it in. LET IT OUT!! cry like a baby if you have to. you will feel better afterwards. holding it inside will only make it worse.


as a matter of fact, let all the emotions that come from this flow right through you. it will help.


hang in there and let us know how you feel after you have a good cry.

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good for you - sometimes I feel like I want to cry but it won't come out. Part of that is I know the next day my eyes will be all swollen and baggy (they always are when I have a good cry) and people will ask me what is up (they usually do when my face is all bloated like that) and I don't want to talk about these matters with most people so just thinking about my bloated face the next day keeps me from roaring it out in the here and now.


That feels worse, I think.


I am envious of you.

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It's going to hurt for a while...you just have to work through the hurt. So cry. I cried for days and although it still hurt, I decided that the next day would be the last day I allowed myself to cry over him. And that was that...it worked...until he called. I'm still in that very weak stage where I am constantly going back and forth with a person who I know is no good for me. But cry...let it out so that you can release it...

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cry cry cry! it's feels good when you're done. if you feel the need, there is nothing like a good crying release from things than a good cry. I took two days off from work a while back, and that's what I did. sat at home cried, stopped, cried, stopped. I felt so much better. what you hold in is like a boil that needs draining. If you feel you need the permission (because some people are told never to cry. my dad was one of them,) here it is: cry.

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P.S. I am curious - why do you think you shouldn't cry?


I've been reading a lot about this issue and all of the articles say that you should be not thinking about the problem, to keep distracted, get a new hobby, etc.

I know this is true but at the same time I also know I should not keep my feelings inside so I cry. All the friends I have, with whom I can talk about this, live 120 miles away from me and I can only meet them at weekends so I don't have many choices to let these feelings flow out of me....so I cry, post here, cry again, write letters to her that I will never send on which I write about my feelings, just like a diary.

This has been harder than usual because the only possibilities I have to let the feelings flow out are "virtual solutions". The internet, these forums and my note pad have been a geat help in dealing with this issue. It's nice to talk personally to a friend but it's only once per week and it's not enough.


Thanks for your support

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....so I cry, post here, cry again, write letters to her that I will never send on which I write about my feelings, just like a diary.


Thanks for your support


I am like you - my outbox is loaded with e-mails I never sent but benefited by writing.


In counseling many years ago I was taught to sit my "object" of grief or anger in a chair (imaginitively - not for real) and tell them how I felt and what I was going to do, etc.


Definitely one component in the process we cannot control : time.


And I wonder if the grieving over a real loss ever goes.


Soon the number of good days outnumbers the bad. That is nature of the time part of the process for me.


I still find myself grieving, every now and then, about a dog I lost after 16 and half years of having him as a friend.

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