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How accurate is the cycle?


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I don't know if I posted this in the right spot, but it's kinda all intertwined. Okay, I started birth contol a couple weeks ago. it's getting near the end of my pack, and I was woundering, how accurate are they for when your cycle will start? Like on the day my pills are done and I don't take any for a week, will my cycle start? I was just woudering, so then I can be prepared and stuff. Thanks

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it varies person to person and given you're still young it could also affect it. What birth control are you on?

I know I take Yaz and I usually start on day 2 of my placebo pills and it lasts up until day 2 of taking my pill again and there's 4 white placebo pills with my Birth control. Has been that way since I First started the pill two months ago but it coul dbe different with you.

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My girlfriend is on the same thing but she gets the 28 day packs with the sugar pills just so she doesn't get out of the habit. Day 3 or 4 after she's done the real pills and she gets her period like clockwork, but it took about 3 months of being on the pill before she got consistent.

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Every woman has a different reaction to going on the pill. I have had a dead on accurate cycle since I was 11 year old. (Lucky me!) When I went on the pill it stayed that way. It takes 4 days from the day I start my placebo pills for me to get my period. Most women take a few months of being on the pill before the cycle regulates, for others it happens right away. Who knows, you could get lucky like me and know that Wednesday at 3 pm you'll get your period!

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