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lack of money, lack of things to do


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I know someone just posted something similar, but I'm looking for ideas for things to do that don't cost any money!


We watch DVDs a lot, play video games, and hang out in Barnes & Noble (but even then we usually end up buying drinks). Driving around isn't fun at $70 a gallon. We like going for walks but it's winter, and 30 degrees is tolerable, but 8 degrees is not. Yes, it was 8 degrees last week. Basically, we need something else to do in between sex. We're poor college students!


So what do you guys do thats free?


Thanks in advance!

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Hmmm, board games, myspace, cards, plan out your dream home, make up a business plan for a company you might want to run. Bake cookies, do each others nails..backrubs. Color each others hair. Make breakfast burritos and sell them at school...dream, think...plan ! ( Ahh you are so young and full of potential !)

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Cooking and make a meal together was the first thing that came into my mind too, renaissance! Great minds think alike? haha


There is just too many things to do in the world rabbit. Just too little time.


You can do something u guys havent do together and most happy things come free too. Get the idea of how dating should be like and start being a kid once again with ur partner. It can be as lame as playing hide and seek it can be going to a place taking photos together or playing treasure hunt (searching for secret messages u both write to each other and hide them in places) etc etc.


Be creative! And they dont even cost a cent.


But when you do have the money, save it again and spend it when the time is right. Go for quality, not quantity.


Good luck!

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college campuses have tons of things going on. just look in the school newspaper. there are usually free movie screenings, free bands playing in the student union. other free or low-cost events, such as music, dance, etc.....


you can also get some friends together and play board games.

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These are all great ideas so far, guys. Thanks!


I live at home, and he lives on a campus. So when I drive up there, we do cook a lot together, and do a ton of stuff around campus. Although, campus stuff is always free for him but I usually have to buy a ticket, like $5-$20.


Goblin, I don't know why we never think of pictures!! He's a photojournalist and I need to be taught how to use all the fancy stuff on my new camera. There's so many cool areas around here... hehe now I'm excited!

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