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Too nervous to karaoke


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Every Sunday Night my coworkers go out to karaoke but every time I go with them I wuss out. I am nervous for two reasons:


1. I don't know that many songs


2. I am anxious about singing in front of other people


Does anyone know any good resources for learning karaoke music, or can you suggest any songs? Also what do you do about being nervous in front of other people? I think that by wussing out I am simply pertetuating and exacerbating the situation...they want me to sing even more every week we go out.

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I want to learn to sing too. My brother is awesome when he sings karoake. I am getting a little better. Try going to smaller places first, which means there are not so many people.


As for songs, just pick the ones you like and then experiment. I have a lower tone to my voince, so I pick out songs by Elvis or country songs. I like other types of music, but just try what I think I can sing.


Also, there are plenty of place on the web, to order karoake CDROMs and you can get a cheap player from Best Buy or a place like that.

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You don't have to sing. Personally, I've been to a couple karoke bars and I have to have two drinks to stand to be in them with all the screaching (singing) people.


I'm a lightweight drinker. I seem to lose some hearing at about 1.5 drinks. Like someone just turned the volume way down (thankfully). At 2 drinks, the karoke can be ignored.


I miss the old days when people had enough shame, humility, and better sense than to sing in public, unless they actually could sing. Call me old fashioned.


Maybe you just have good sense and the courage to say no. I think you're fine to say no.


Now if you can actually sing, then that's different. If you can sing, then your fears are unfounded. However, if you cannot sing, then your fears are just good common sense (something lacking in many people).

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I would never sing at karaoke - I always remind myself that I have a dreadful voice, and that I would be humiliated the next day!!


If you really want to get up there and give it some welly, then join in a big group karaoke, when you can get lost amidst about 10 other people caterwauling away!!!


But I don't think it's a bad thing to go along and not sing, to be honest - the world is full of people desperate to sing in public; by not singing, you can give them the audience that they deserve!

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I would never sing at karaoke - I always remind myself that I have a dreadful voice, and that I would be humiliated the next day!!


If you really want to get up there and give it some welly, then join in a big group karaoke, when you can get lost amidst about 10 other people caterwauling away!!!


But I don't think it's a bad thing to go along and not sing, to be honest - the world is full of people desperate to sing in public; by not singing, you can give them the audience that they deserve!


I agree 100%. I don't want to damage people's eardrums by attempting to sing. Good advice, do it in a group, or just let others do it.


unless you have a really good voice. do you?

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Also, listen to the people who DO sing when you go out to Karaoke - are they any good? In most cases, everyone is terrible and nobody cares because they're drunk. So, if you really want to sing, start off by singing in a group after you've had a couple and go from there!

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