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need female perspective, should i call?

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So I was at a friends going away party a few weeks ago. I briefly met a girl (introduced myself - thats about it) a friend of my friends. We went to the same high school but I never knew her (this was five years ago). Anyways, I got her number through another friend but debating if I should call her out of the blue to ask her out.


Would it be awkward if you were on the other end of the line and I called to say 'hey, I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?'


Need advice, new to the dating scene as I was in a 6 yr relationship, lol. Thanks in advance

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instead of asking her if you can ask her, why don't you ask her? ;-) if you're nervous about a serious date b/c you don't really know her, just get a couple of tickets to a show, call her and say you find yourself with two tickets and no date, and ask if she'd like to go. it's borderline between date and non-date, so if you have a bad time you can both not worry about expectations for future dates, but if you have fun you can ask her out again.

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No, I think it would be nice - ask her out for a drink, a coffee. Anything at all from the conversation you could hook it to? (eg mention of a movie, a favourite drink, somewhere to go, some activity?)


I am flattered when I get a call like that. It's nice - and because there is a link (when to school together, friends of friends etc), it feels safer as well than a random stranger.


Go for it - let us know how you get on!

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  • 2 weeks later...



So I called the girl last Thursday (man I was nervous). I asked her if she wanted to grab a drink or a cup of coffee and she replied, "yeah that'd be really fun" but she was busy this weekend traveling job related so we agreed to reschedule for this week.


I called her Sunday night and left her a message, she travels quite a bit for her job. I haven't got a call back from her as of yet. She's going away again this weekend so want to get something set, if I don't hear from her today should I call her tonight or call her sometime tomorrow?


Thanks in advance

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okay... well I still haven't heard from her and now really getting anxious. could she have not gotten my message? i don't know. the thing is this girl is moving to another state very soon, sometime this month that's all I know. If I don't hear from her today (Tuesday) should I call her Wed/Thur/Fri or should I just drop it?

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