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sooo lame


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This is the number of ppl i'll meet in the next 8 months (spring + summer semesters):




yay! I'm gonna be single forever.

Care to make a small wager on that, Puff? Everyone on ENA seems to like you; why should it be any different offline?


I can tell you all day long that I'd be happy to have a guy like you for my (slightly chubby, white, 21-year-old) daughter's boyfriend, but at some point you have to start psyching yourself up. Start running a more positive script, like: "I'm easy on the eyes, I have a good personality, and I WILL attract people to me." When you believe it, others will, too. Go get 'em, tiger!

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I take from your post that you wanted to go to school? Why didnt you sign up then?



Oh and you can meet people outside of school. WAit till your a little older like me... Theres a big world out there of people that are not in school.


Theres work, and work, and work... oh and work. What do you want to see yourself doing for work in five more years?

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I was high from march to november of 2006 failed a semester and got the boot for inactivity and low gpa

You need to focus on that and not on dating. A girlfriend right now will not make it easier for you to get a diploma. You need to buckle down and graduate, anything is good, its just a proof that you are capable of learning and been taught a certain skill set.

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i kind of understand where you are coming from! i'm a part time student at a new school full of people who seem to refuse to talk to me! frustrating! but you gotta believe that you will meet the right people no matter what path you choose in life. they'll find you. and as for a suggestion, i've officially gotten three jobs. i meet lots of people, even by only working one job once a week. so if you find yourself alone on weekend nights, then just stop dwelling and find something you can do instead. you'll meet some people. and good luck with school! i'm sure you'll get to where you want to be soon.

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Care to make a small wager on that, Puff? Everyone on ENA seems to like you; why should it be any different offline?


I can tell you all day long that I'd be happy to have a guy like you for my (slightly chubby, white, 21-year-old) daughter's boyfriend, but at some point you have to start psyching yourself up. Start running a more positive script, like: "I'm easy on the eyes, I have a good personality, and I WILL attract people to me." When you believe it, others will, too. Go get 'em, tiger!


Well said.

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P.Dragon, you are so up sometimes and so confident. Othertimes you are so down and psyched out with zero confidence. It's like you are to different people. Have you ever had a psych doctor check you for manic depression? Bi-polar? I'm concerned about you.


I'm your friend P.Dragon. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, I'm really seriously asking.


Just a thought because you have two very distinct and opposite personalities. You have your can do attitude I've seen in other threads that I love so much, and your can't do attitude you are showing in this thread, which as SlightlyBent pointed out, the can't do attitude is not attractive to anyone. A can do attitude is girl attractant. A can't do attitude is girl repellent.


Well, time for me to stop here. My blood pressure med is making me see multi-colored psychadelic, pulsating looking rainbow colors on the white screen that I know aren't really there. Some people enjoy this type thing from drugs? I hate it. However, this med works well for me otherwise and I only see colors when tired late at night. I think fine though. Time to quit now. Night.

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