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Appearance-related question

Kevin T

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Let's say you were given two choices:


A) You are ugly, but you get to be with the person of your dreams (whomever/whatever that means to you; you must have SOME idea of what this person would be like).




B) You are attractive, but you are single (for whatever reason).


So, the question is: Would you rather be ugly, but with an awesome person, or attractive, but single?


Choose wisely now.

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I can imagine that the person of most people's dreams would think they are attractive no matter what they looked like. So in a way, the question is a paradox. I honestly have no idea which I would choose.


Basically, yeah.


It's a hypothetical situation, that I asked myself earlier today.


Like to know what the consensus says, though.

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I'm B) and alright I guess... sorta apathetic right now. But I don't think A) is much better. I'd rather have B) because I know I'll meet the right person eventually and being attractive has its benefits -- easier to get a job, negotiate your way out of things, etc... But either way, as long as you're happy and satisfied that's the most important. I am a perfectionist, so as my appearance is important to me...i'd go with B. I think less perfectionistic people would prob. choose A)

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I'd rather have B) because I know I'll meet the right person eventually and being attractive has its benefits -- easier to get a job, negotiate your way out of things, etc... trust me it has advantages.


So I've heard.



Anyway, interesting responses so far.

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It's like asking "would you rather be rich or smart"? Wealth can disapear but if you are smart then you can always get more wealth!



Lady Astor: Sir, you're drunk

Winston Churchill: Yes, madam, I am drunk. But in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.


I choose "B" incidentally. The person of your dreams at 25 might not be the person of your dreams at 45 - then what do you do? You're ugly, it's as good as it gets.

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Kevin, just as a personal note btw -- you're not ugly, i've seen your pic. so this isn't a question that you *yourself* need to contemplate.


lol I don't know about that...


*points Lily in the direction of my thread in the Shyness forum*


I have been thinking a lot about this question today, and I have an answer.


And Dako... I saw that! You changed your answer... sort of!!! lol

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I know a lady that nature was unkind to. She really lacks in looks, and is a brilliant, funny wonderful person. She often said she'd trade IQ points to be prettier.

She married a doctor and is so happy she doesn't seem to worry anymore.

She just wanted to be loved.

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Exactly. I'd trade every wit about me for better looks. (Heck, I thought of asking the intelligence VS. looks question, but didn't.) So I understand where she was coming from.


But once you meet someone who loves you for YOU, then looks no longer matter. If you already have someone great, and they are happy with you, why desire to be more attractive?


Thus, despite my perfectionism or what-have-you, I would choose A myself.

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But we'll assume that the dream girl (or guy) will not leave you because of your poor looks.


Ya, but there's any number of other reasons a woman might leave a guy. I mean I'd try to be a good BF, but there's no guarantees. Are you going to guarantee that she won't leave me period? Because that's the only way I'm going for it. Otherwise, I'll keep my looks.

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I'm B) and alright I guess... sorta apathetic right now. But I don't think A) is much better. I'd rather have B) because I know I'll meet the right person eventually and being attractive has its benefits -- easier to get a job, negotiate your way out of things, etc... But either way, as long as you're happy and satisfied that's the most important. I am a perfectionist, so as my appearance is important to me...i'd go with B. I think less perfectionistic people would prob. choose A)


So you trade on your looks? Not cool. I'm always impressed with beautiful women who don't use it to gain unfair advantage (outside romance). They use their brains and hard work to get whatever they get in regard to job, negotiating, etc.

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