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First Kiss


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When do you think it is the right time to kiss a girl when you start dating?.. If on the first date you can tell she likes you, should you do it then? Or should you wait out of respect for her and wait until the next date? What do you women think is a respectful time to wait to lay on the first kiss?

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YES. This is the most important thing you can do on the first date, and in fact, if she doesn't kiss you, she isn't interested in you romantically and you should just move on right away.


Don't listen to the idea that some girls dont like to kiss on the first date - if a girl is really into you, she'll break all the rules to make you happy. If you dont get that on the first date, it's a 90% chance you'll never get it.


When talking to your date, make sure to look into her right eye, then her left eye, then her mouth, and back to her eyes while talking to her and/or having fun, when you are face to face if you want to subconsciously prep her for a kiss afterwards, and after your date, when saying good-byes, if she lets you kiss her, then it's good.


My own personal experience and rules -




You can kiss her on the cheek, if she lets you, and she's open for it, go for the lips, or just say, it looks like we had fun, let's kiss, and see what she says.


I've read a post by Day_Walker, and he confirms what I say. Time is valuable. To avoid wasting time, pretend your first date is your first AND last date and dont think you'll get a second chance or future chance to kiss her - DONT SUBSTITUTE tomorrow FOR NOW -- OPPORTUNITY IS THERE IN FRONT OF YOU NOW - IT'S NOT THERE tomorrow -- YOU ARE IN NOW TIME NOT TOMMMOROW TIME.


I know how it is to procrastinate and feel you got plenty of time, but it's not true, you dont.


Let us know how it goes.

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how about a kiss on new yrs? does that count. just a simple peck on the lips is wat i gave her and it was our first date together. unfortuantly we have both been extremely busy and not able to see eachother since then yet we talk online or phone like every other day for a bit. we have both expressed to eachother that we truly like eachother. how does a kiss determine a relationship, i just dont get that.


btw- i only gave her a hug when i left her house on new yrs.

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When do you think it is the right time to kiss a girl when you start dating?.. If on the first date you can tell she likes you, should you do it then? Or should you wait out of respect for her and wait until the next date? What do you women think is a respectful time to wait to lay on the first kiss?


It depends on the people involved and how shy the shyest one might be.


A family joke about my aunt and uncle is that they were so shy when they started dating that they barely talked to each other and never touched. Eventually they worked up to holding hands, but it was many, many dates before they ever got past that. This is my dad's younger brother and he and his other brothers and sisters still laugh about it.


Never the less, my uncle and his GF got past their shyness, eventually got married, and went on to have 17 kids. From to shy to touch or talk to married and 17 kids. That's the best part of the humorous story.


With my second GF, I went on many dates with her before we kissed. The night we kissed, she'd try and I'd get shy and turn my head away. This happened several times, but she persisted. Once I got comfortable with kissing we went on to make out like crazy, and more (another night later).


I don't think you can put rules or time limits on people or dating. There are to many variables. You might be able to say what is common, but that's all you can say. There are no rules, IMO. If there are rules, then there are exceptions to every rule.

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I try never to kiss on the first date. I like to get to know the person without the worry of physical intimacy. I usually shoot for the 3rd date if I am interested and I know that if I am on a third date with a woman that she is interested and I never really worry about whether or not I get a kiss.


I just did this day before yesterday and got the kiss on the third date.




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Wow, I'm surprised to see Luke say that the man should be bold and go for the gusto on the first date! It really caught me off guard.


I can't say I'd try anything so gutsy on the first day - the whole gentlemanly approach thing, but there could be some truth to going for it right away. I know women like it when the guy shows initiative, but is it too soon?


Ahh, who can say? Probably depends on the individual.

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Yeah I always go for the kiss on the first date. I also go as far as taking off her bra (100% success so far).


You said bra removal? Don't expect that to happen on a first date. It might, but don't expect it. I don't think that's likely to happen with most women. You could really offend a woman that way, especially on a first date. Why even risk it? The boobs will still be there later. Why rush?

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My girlfriend and I kissed before we became official because we had really really strong feelings for eachother and a moment just crept up that was just perfect.

We became official 27 days after our first kiss together.

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Wow, I'm surprised to see Luke say that the man should be bold and go for the gusto on the first date! It really caught me off guard.


It's not bold or gutsy if it's done right. First of all, when you are talking to your date, you can gear the conversation to the romantic by talking about romantic things.


(i.e., if she claims she's a great kisser, get her to talk and expand on that.

Tell her about watching a teen romance and ask her about her first kiss, etc....) You are not basing the WHOLE interaction on kissing, but you are thowing in a statement here, or a question there about it to at least bring it in the mind of the date so she can expect something.


When you go to kiss her, you can say "Let's kiss..." or hug and then kiss her on the cheek/lips and see how far you can go.


It's really no big deal, but I think it's necessary to guage her interest level, and to practise with anyway if you are not used to doing it. I see a date as a waste of time if a guy doesn't say 'let's kiss', or make any attempt at all to make a kiss close at the end of the date.


I can't say I'd try anything so gutsy on the first day - the whole gentlemanly approach thing, but there could be some truth to going for it right away. I know women like it when the guy shows initiative, but is it too soon?


I dont think it's too soon, it's only a kiss anyway, lip gaining contact with lips, gentle pick like a bird peak, no big deal. Chances are, if you cant even have that type of interaction, then she probably doesn't see you any more than a lowly friend.


Why wait with the hopes you can kiss someone later - it's now or never.


There is something I learned from Real-Estate from a fellow agent, and applies to women -- there are only three possible anwers:


YES - is what you want to hear - go for the gusto.

NO - saves your time because you know where she stands.

MAYBE - is the worst type of girl to go out with because you have a hope that all the time you are wasting may actually go somewhere, but at the end of the day it's just time that being wasted.


Ahh, who can say? Probably depends on the individual.


Unless the girl has never kissed before (impossible scenerio), or is a virtual Mennonite or something, I think that an interested woman will likely reciprocate a kiss on the first date because that's what's culturally accepted, it's in the movies, a good date is topped off with a kiss. You know someone on the first date, it doesn't take two or three dates to see if there is enough chemistry or spark - it's either there or it isn't.

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I had a Kiss Revolution on December, after the November wars were concluded, and that is when I had my first two kisses with two different women I meet from the internet. It marked history in the GREEN book. It showed, my dear comrade, that it's possible to get kissed by a woman.


Since then, it has been etched in the annals of history that it's possible to get kissed by someone whose interested in me, and recorded as a memorial for all to see that if I can kiss someone, then ANYONE can.

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I disagree. Saying "let's kiss", or "I'm going to kiss you" is different then asking "would you please let me kiss you?" the latter is asking for permission, while the first is making an announcement that you are going to do it.


The concept of this is two-fold. If someone never had a first-kis before, which is the issue of the OP, and something I can identify with, then we have to start with baby steps. And the first easiest baby step is the statement "let's kiss". Obviously, if you can kiss, then kiss, but if you cant, then at least try something, (i.e. let's kiss), that would get either an acceptance or rejection. It is better to get rejection of a first kiss on a date then failing to try and doing nothing, even if you risk killing the mood.


Secondly, in this day and age, where a woman can cry 'sexual harassment' or 'sexual assault' for any stupid excuse or reason, you are giving her an opportunity to resist you if you are going to proceed for a kiss rather than forcing it on her.

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