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Do you automatically develop a soft corner?


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for someone that likes you?

Guys, this question is especially directed to you. Say, you find out this adorable girl likes you, is sort of flirting with you, is really shy around you etc.


And maybe you dont like her back for some reason/your taken .

Would you treat her any differently?

Would you like her a little more than any other girl?

Would you have a soft corner for her?


Just curious on this one....

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...And maybe you dont like her back for some reason/your taken .


Would you treat her any differently? Possibly


Would you like her a little more than any other girl? Possibly more if I'm comfortable with her, Possibly less if she's making me uncomfortable


Would you have a soft corner for her? Maybe


To complicated an isse for me to know. I don't know because it depends on her, the situation, and me. A lot of unknown variables.

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