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Was your first sexual expereince w/same sex?


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I grew up having mostly guy friends. Me and one of my best guy friends now used to play together when our parents were visiting and we'd make out with eachother. I was 3 and he was 5, niether of us remember it. And then when I was around 10 or 11 I started experimenting with my guy friends. When I was 12 I slept over a girls house that asked me if I wanted to mess around and I told her no but I never thought anything of it.

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Am I the only one who experienced this? My friend started touching eachother and having "swordfights" when we were both ten. By 11, we

were watching his dad's old porno flix and trying what we saw on eachother...poorly. But between 12 and 14, we were 'overnighting' at eachother's house 2 to 3 times a week, and having oral and anal sex

regularaly(we discovered lube). It is really difficult to admit this, but to this day it was some of the best sex of my life. Inside, I feel really

positive about it, even though I have never had sex with a male after

that. We very frequently gave eachother oral, and it seems odd how many

times I've swallowed cum even though I consider myself hetero.

Has anyone else had their first sexual expereince/relationship with the same sex. It is something you remember as positive? Fun?


I hear its common in parts of indian.

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I was 18, had just graduated high school. My best friend at the time and I went to the beach. We "experimented" while we were there. It was all together a good experience. Not one that I would do again or have any desire to do again. Her and I are still pretty close. She's married now with a baby. We've never talked about it, no one knows.


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I had a friend in elementary school (4th and 5th grade) and we would mess around also. Then I moved to GA from OK and she came to visit like a year or two after I got here and we did it again, but I have never been with another girl either, but she wasnt my first experience. I had a neighbor (male) who was a couple years older than me and we experimented to (sad to say almost had sex but it hurt too much and I made him stop) Man I was a baby.

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I had a friend in elementary school (4th and 5th grade) and we would mess around also. Then I moved to GA from OK and she came to visit like a year or two after I got here and we did it again, but I have never been with another girl either, but she wasnt my first experience. I had a neighbor (male) who was a couple years older than me and we experimented to (sad to say almost had sex but it hurt too much and I made him stop) Man I was a baby.


I made out with you



And in school I did experiment with friends. That is how I learned how to kiss.


I have made out with a couple of my girfriends even in the last 2 years. WOO HOO! (Lipstick Lesbians I guess)

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I think the reason you got that kind of reaction from the lady you're with is because maybe it scared her a little- I doubt she just doesn't approve- she may just be scared that there's a chance that you could leave her for another man. I wouldn't take it personally. Maybe she thought that the reason you shared this with her was because you were trying to "tell her something," ya know? When actually you were just being open.


All in all, we talked about it more. She's pretty right on - she was just giving me some good natured grief about it. It hasn't changed anything between us, and I seriously doubt there is any subconscious issues here. I mean, here in the Yukon there's about a 10 men for every woman. If I was going to be with a man, I would have. She was just giving me a ribbing - but I had never really thought about it in the terms she brought up - which is pretty staggering now that i think about it. That WAS a lot of times. Funny....

what I read here is many women admitting similar experiences...but just one guy? Either I was that far out of the norm or there is some serious "don't

ask don't tell going on here"

thanks for all the input.

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I think the reason you got that kind of reaction from the lady you're with is because maybe it scared her a little- I doubt she just doesn't approve- she may just be scared that there's a chance that you could leave her for another man. I wouldn't take it personally. Maybe she thought that the reason you shared this with her was because you were trying to "tell her something," ya know? When actually you were just being open.


All in all, we talked about it more. She's pretty right on - she was just giving me some good natured grief about it. It hasn't changed anything between us, and I seriously doubt there is any subconscious issues here. I mean, here in the Yukon there's about a 10 men for every woman. If I was going to be with a man, I would have. She was just giving me a ribbing - but I had never really thought about it in the terms she brought up - which is pretty staggering now that i think about it. That WAS a lot of times. Funny.... what I read here is many women admitting similar experiences...but just one guy? Either I was that far out of the norm or there is some serious "don't ask don't tell"going on here

thanks for all the input.

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haha i actually asked my mom about this last night. she said the girl accross the street used to have all the girls from the neighborhood over to "experiment". I guess this is something that has been going on probably for years and years... and will never end. hey we're curious beings.


never experienced it myself though.

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One of my female friends came on to me once. I had known her for years. This happened a couple of years ago, I was very drunk and we started off kissing and I suddenly thought 'EW, what am I doing???' I ran a mile and haven't seen her since!!


Guys for me all the way!

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I was between 14 and 15. My best friend and I practiced kissing because we wanted to know how to do it right when we did it with boys. We also touched and squeezed each other's chests...it didn't go past kissing and feeling each other up.

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I had a Mate Shelly (boy) who was sent to an all boys school as a border,

he told me most of the lads there, had there 1st sex with another kid at the school, well put 2 and 2 and you get Boys with boys etc.


Well hes happly marred with 3 kids,

I also know a real guy dad, who after raseing 2 kids said im off to be with the boys.


things change


Look up "Bonobo apes" there our closeist living relative and there sexula habbits.


Some insight there

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