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How to turn writing into big moolah

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Ever since I lost my job in September of '05, I've been at a career crossroad. I was doing just fine working for a great music company before they eliminated 50% of the staff. In fact, I've had 6 jobs in my life since I was 19, and all but 1 of them were all downsized or merged. So consider it bad luck. That other job was a summer job before getting into college.


And now after my father's passing last May, I have taken more responsibility quicker than imagined. My parents bought an apartment for 6 figures but not paying for it is going to be a you know what. I am helping, but I need to move into my own pad, so that if I ever do get a woman drunk, I can bring her to MY place, not my MOMMY'S place.


My passion is writing, specifically science fiction and/or for animation, but I have no idea how to do it as a career. Does anyone know what I can do to turn writing stories into a career? Thanks in advance. :sad:

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Do you have a story written Kyo? If you do is it possible to present your ideas/story to a publisher? I envision you as an author. Is that what you're interested in? I would love to write a book one day, too.

Thank you HW. I have 2 seasons of an adult themed animated sci fi cartoon, complete with a trilogy movie series & action figure designs, but I don't know where or how to pitch it. And the characters are copywritten, those with the uncommon names.

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Awesome Kyo ^ Not too long ago, I went to Barnes and Nobles--and they have a section on how to get published. There are books with publishers' addresses, instructions/guidance on how to pitch a book. I would love to see you succeed. I have a feeling that your book would be an interesting read. Go for it, I encourage you to. Barnes and Nobles has sessions where you can meet authors and talk with them. I am sure an author in that receptive type of setting would be willing to share their 'story' on how they got started.



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Thank you HW. I have 2 seasons of an adult themed animated sci fi cartoon, complete with a trilogy movie series & action figure designs, but I don't know where or how to pitch it. And the characters are copywritten, those with the uncommon names.


SUBMIT IT dude!!


What are you waiting for? There's no magical WAY to pitch it. You have to research and find out which companies take such stories and submit it.


Then, when you get that rejection letter - send another copy to another place that takes those kinds of submissions. And when you get THAT rejection letter, send it somewhere else.


You just have to keep at it. But dude, if you've got that much done and copy rights and all of that - get going!! Start submitting.


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SUPER good luck Kyoshiro!!

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Awesome Kyo ^ Not too long ago, I went to Barnes and Nobles--and they have a section on how to get published. There are books with publishers' addresses, instructions/guidance on how to pitch a book. I would love to see you succeed. I have a feeling that your book would be an interesting read. Go for it, I encourage you to. Barnes and Nobles has sessions where you can meet authors and talk with them. I am sure an author in that receptive type of setting would be willing to share their 'story' on how they got started.



Thank you again, great advice! I'll give it a shot.

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SUBMIT IT dude!!


What are you waiting for? There's no magical WAY to pitch it. You have to research and find out which companies take such stories and submit it.


Then, when you get that rejection letter - send another copy to another place that takes those kinds of submissions. And when you get THAT rejection letter, send it somewhere else.


You just have to keep at it. But dude, if you've got that much done and copy rights and all of that - get going!! Start submitting.


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SUPER good luck Kyoshiro!!

lol, I just saw this post. Thanks Awdwee! I'll get right on it.

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You have a gift, and it's far greater than many hacks making a living off an poofy degree and salesmanship alone.


You have a polished wit and a big heart in your posts here, and some of them had me laughing and crying.

Knock 'em dead.

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Maybe one day I'll see you at the Barnes and Nobles author's table and you'll sign a copy of your book for me

lol, I will do my best. You'll get the limited endition Platinum version.




You have a gift, and it's far greater than many hacks making a living off an poofy degree and salesmanship alone.


You have a polished wit and a big heart in your posts here, and some of them had me laughing and crying.

Knock 'em dead.

Thank you, Dako. Oh, and congradulations on having a purple username.

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I like technical writing related to real estate, finance, R.E. investment, and related software. I try to add a human element to it with real life examples based on real people to keep it human and interesting. The human element is often overlooked in technical writing, which makes it dry. With human element included, it can be interesting for writer and reader.


I wrote a real estate investment encyclopedia and related software a decade ago and they sell online via a company and website I started back in 1998.


However, I'd like to also get the encyclopedia published in print in bookstores. So your thread here is useful to me. I will enjoy following it and learning from others.


I like this thread. Thanks for it.

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