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What is your opinion of me?


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I have been on here for over a year now. I have made friends, posted advice, etc. This place has kind of taken over for real life friends. Besides school, I dont go out to make friends much anymore.


I know I can be a pest and a nuisance at times. I've been told that before. I also strive to be understanding, helpful, caring, etc.


I know I am asking for honest comments, but I want you guys to tell me what you think of me. Am I annoying? Do I come off as clingy, scared, what?


I feel inadequate about some things and want reassurance that people like me. I think people hate me. I dont know why but I feel that way a lot of times.

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I have been on here for over a year now. I have made friends, posted advice, etc. This place has kind of taken over for real life friends. Besides school, I dont go out to make friends much anymore.


I know I can be a pest and a nuisance at times. I've been told that before. I also strive to be understanding, helpful, caring, etc.


I know I am asking for honest comments, but I want you guys to tell me what you think of me. Am I annoying? Do I come off as clingy, scared, what?


I feel inadequate about some things and want reassurance that people like me. I think people hate me. I dont know why but I feel that way a lot of times.


I think you're a sweetheart.


You seem very meek, humble and respectable.


Someone who wants the best out of life, and always expects things to get better... even when they seem hopeless.


I certainly don't hate nor dislike you at all. Whenever you spoke to me, it was all with respect, kindness and politeness. You come accross as a very warm, sensitive and caring individual.


There's nothing wrong with that.

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Thanks. I am just feeling very disassociated right now and dispirited. I feel like I have no friends and feel that people dont like having me around (parents, etc).


Do you ever feel that you want to feel included or wanted and when it seems like you're not, you feel hurt and like maybe you're just a nuisance that people want to kick around.


My parents make me feel that way. Sometimes people at school make me feel that way.

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Hello renaiessancewoman101,



I know that I haven't been here at ENA very long... I'm just a beginner here really, but I get the impression that you are a very nice and sensitive person, who like me, take time, and care, and TLC... and things like that when we enter friendships in this screwy world.


And maybe you, like myself have been a little disappointed in your travails.


I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope and feel that you will find some nice friends here, a whole bunch.


I really liked the way you made that suggestion about having a nice casual dinner date at home, (post on another thread), as apposed to an expensive meal at a stuffy restaurant.


I like to cook, and sometimes feel I could have done a better job myself sometimes.


I think you're tops, and get an A+ and a smile from me.


Best wishes, and it is nice to meet a nice person like you.



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All in all, I find you quite likable, actually. You're bright, you have a persevering spirit, and you truly look for the best in people.


I think like all of us, you have your own issues and reasons for having them. If there is one thing I'd be thrilled to see change a bit in you is your tendency to get attached too much to people. What happens is that this attachment shows itself in the expectations you quickly put on these folks. Expectations that are disconcerting to them.


It's natural to want others to like us, to care about us, don't get me wrong. But I feel you place more importance on this than learning to love and take care of yourself, too. If you could find more of a balance there, I think you'd gain a lot more peace of mind.

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I think you're lovely, RW. I read your posts, and I think you're bright, funny, intereting, and very honest. Most of us aren't that honest about our lives, and as I've said before, I DO admire that a lot about you - I think it's very brave.


I don't know how to say this though - apologies if it comes out wrong - but validation from other people won't really help with these feelings. It's lovely and gives a boost, and can help raise the spirits. BUT, I don't know, feelings of security that you're okay being who you are, that somehow has to come from within you. I struggle with this all the time, about self-esteem issues, but I think that I have to learn to build and practice self-esteem, it never really comes from outside assurances. Because the danger is that if you rely on people's opinions of you to validate you, they can also take that away. There has to be a core part of you that says 'I am absolutely all right the way I am right now', that no one can damage or take away. This is my personal problem, so I can identify...


That said, I do adore your fabulous self! You're lovely.

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HP, I have very low self-esteem and a lot of how I view myself comes from how others think of me. I am the type that if others have negative opinions of me, it can tear me apart and I spend a lot of time ruminating about those opinions.


I've been like that since I was little and one thing I have always strived for, is to be accepted by others.

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well, I haven't met you in person but I think you'll be a wonderful friend. You've been helpful to many people here, I'm one of those people you have helped.


Just don't think too much on what people think about you. We are always surrounded by good and bad people, so there are also people who'll like us or think we are annoying.

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hey ren. i know i aint a close mate of yers. but ive seen some of the things you have posted here, and i think you are intelligent, no, i know that you are. and boy those pets of yers really look healthy, you must be a caring person. im dead cert all the people that surround you feel lucky to have you as a mate!

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My dear Ren-friend, There is nothing annoying about you, you are honest, helpful, intelligent, a tad insecure (and aren't we all!?), you have good insight. I think maybe you should take a look at your "friends". Sometimes they will project their negatives on us so they will feel better about themselves or of course vice versa...It is a tricky thing, this walk through life with strangers and friends. Take care of you and stay pure of heart.

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